Warrior weapon swap macro shadowlands. I wanted to write a macro to swap weapons for my warrior.
Warrior weapon swap macro shadowlands Omtatsat의 댓글 From my experimentation with weapon swap macros: Swapping weapons does not trigger GCD only outside combat. 3 / 10. Become an Author; Start a Project; Project Submission Guide; There are two ways to do a weapon swap macro. Guide Contents. Anyone have a collection of any good weapon swap macros? For sure, I’ll try again when I get on A curated collection of the best Macros and Addons for your Arms Warrior. Before we take a look at the example macro below, it's worth noting that certain gear-swapping addons will allow you to keybind item sets and that's an alternate way to swap your weapons if you prefer that; but, either way you'll want to make sure you have a bind for swapping weapons as it's a pretty crucial part of playing a Warrior in Classic, especially for PVP. I have one macro that equips King's defender and my shield, one macro that equips one spiteblade to my main hand and a KD to my offhand (i use this in dungeons and when im not actively tanking so i can keep threat higher on bosses like gruul and loot reaver), and a 3rd macro that Anyone have a collection of any good weapon swap macros? Easy way to do this when making a macro is just shift click the item you want to equip and it’ll copy the name correctly into the macro so you don’t have to worry about spelling or capitalization errors breaking your macro. lloskka September 1, 2020, 12:27pm 1. the possibility of Updates the names of weapons and shields in your weapon swap macros automatically. 2 Likes. This macro below is for shield wall, goes into D stance, equips shield, then casts shield wall. Example: /equipslot 17 item:183658:5965 (Weapon needs to have different enchants) #showtooltip Bloodthirst Before we take a look at the example macro below, it's worth noting that certain gear-swapping addons will allow you to keybind item sets and that's an alternate way to swap your weapons if you prefer that; but, either way you'll want to make sure you have a bind for swapping weapons as it's a pretty crucial part of playing a Warrior in Classic, especially for PVP. Not everyone is getting raid 1H weapon drops. It will be nice to be able to live when needed. Used to play a bit of warrior back in the day and remember having a catalogue of macros for weapon swapping and using different abilities. Contribute to enzia/wow_classic_warrior_macros development by creating an account on GitHub. Looks like: #showtooltip Shield Bash /equipslot 16 1h weapon /equipslot 17 shield /use Shield Bash Swapping weapons does cause a GCD, so make sure to swap to it early if you know certain mobs heal at a certain percentage. The part I can't quite figure out, or even know if it is possible is if the same macro, with a modifier would get me back into berserker and switch back to my DPS MH/OH Post by Glanir Hey all. I'm curious why I haven't seen any warrior guide which suggest to also swap the range weapon when using one hand Warrior; WotLK Range weapon swap macro; View Forum Posts Private Message Member Range weapon swap macro I'm curious why I haven't seen any warrior guide which suggest to also swap the range weapon when using Here's a bunch of macros for warriors that are interested in swapping between specs. Currently you cannot swap weapons in combat on the PTR, but i do expect this to work when SL drops. World of Warcraft's User Interface. 0 . You can customize the abilities, but here you go. Sounds good thanks for the big help! Dang I wasn’t aware they have a new system for macros but then not anything else QoL like shared collection progress for quests. Karanze-ravencrest (Karanze) August 30, 2020, 8:42pm #8. My preference is for the second, but it's up to you. Here you can see an example of that. I’ll check it out as soon as I’m back online. You can swap weapons . Then I use macros for difficult swaps like shield bash to equip a shield, swap stance, then usually I swap back to main stance manually. With the Prepatch for shadowlands (9. Then hit this macro to swap between. I creted few macros to clean my action bars and keybind most of the functionalities The main focus was to use key modifiers for spells so one button can act as 2 or 3 spells using CTRL, ALT and SHIFT modifier. Since we all get to enjoy Shield Block and Shield Slam in Shadowlands, weapon swapping is back. Useful information. The part I can't quite figure out, or even know if it is possible is if the same macro, with a modifier would get me back into berserker and switch back to my DPS MH/OH Yo guys! I am currently looking for a weapon swap macro that i can combine with my stances! i get the part of defensive stance and equipping a shield in just fi. Here’s a macro that is a bit easier to use, instead of having to change out the name of the weapon/shield every time, you simply drag and drop them on your bars. MOD AUTHORS. I The best way to quickly change weapons is to create different gear sets that are basically all the same except -well- your weapons. Browse. Question Hello, i can't seem to find a proper macro to switch my offhand weapon (I am prot-fury) to a shield and of course back again. I used to use /equipslot 16 Hey all. If a shield is detected, it wont put your weapon swap on GCD attempting to requip the shield. I configured it this way so that any loot you may pick up won't get stuck where your shield would go and cause the macro do mess up (unless you fill all of available inventory space, in which case you can't unequip your shield until you lose some junk). I notice that Fury and Arms both got Shield Block (and Shield Slam) back in Shadowlands, but is it ever worth swapping to a shield to use Shield Block over simply using Ignore Pain? Any macro that I need to swap me to battle or berserkers has a button macro on an ability that would force me to swap back to Defensive. There is a cut where he goes from 1h+shield and comes back with a 2h equipped and halfway through a global. If you are in Fury and in Defensive Stance, then it will swap your offhand to your saved weapon if Help with warrior swap macro . In this example, my Shield is MultiBarLeftButton11, 1 hander is 10, and 2 hander is 9. Make macro, name macro, begin macro; / equipslot 16 [weapon name] / equipslot 17 [shield name] There are other variations of this macro, mostly due to preferences, conditions, and just what people are used to doing. I've seen them for 2-hander to sword and board, or sword and board to dual-wield. Because Arms abilities deal damage based on your weapon's damage, you'll want to find a weapon with a high top end that is on the slower side of the swing speed. 2 - Venthyr Covenant. Browse all (107 - Allow Fury warriors to use onehanded weapons - It’s simple to macro weapon swaps from a 2h weapon > 1h weapon / shield. Adding Intervene to this is also awesome. Archive. I use mouse-wheel down since that's the default for weapon swaps in a ton of other games. But if you try to swap the weapons by itself, then it incurs a global cooldown and you have to wait 1. I think I use a couple of macros on my warrior and that's a startattack on my main ability and weapon swap macro. What happens to both is, on warrior it won't let me shield bash right away, instead making me have to really spam the button to use shield bash. you cant swap gear there ^^ 1 Like. The macro will get confused and try to use the latest piece of vendor trash in your offhand when you try to go back from 2h to sword and board. 2K Downloads | Addons. Some useful macros in Shadowlands. I try out all of the standard fixes that have been suggested to me on three different posts here, on Reddit, and on WoW private forums and nothing works. To be super specific, I need a macro that will instantly equip both my betrayers of humanity with berserking on it. 4/5 (7 Votes This will swap between Bladestorm Weapon Swaps: Sword-and-Board Swap (Arms Warrior, Prot Warrior, Paladin) /equip [noequipped:shields] 1h /equip [noequipped:shields] Shield /equip [equipped:shields] 2h. A possible macro is #showtooltip /cast Shield Slam /equipset Shield Set I need your help guys I’ve been trying to make that macro for a while but I just can’t. Hello. Classes. Equip Shield + ability cast (Shield Block) #showtooltip Shield Block /equipslot 17 ShieldName /cast Shield Block Equip 2H off weapon + ability cast (Bloodthirst) ID version of macro is better because of the possibility two identical weapons. . At I use a weapon swap macro for my warrior to shield bash, and also on my feral druid to switch to a caster weapon just for applying self heals. 1. Updates the names of weapons and shields in your weapon swap macros automatically. image 2097 62K subscribers in the WowUI community. I know, there are add-ons and the equipment manager. (Have it ignore every slot except weapons) Weapon switch macro: #showtooltip /cast Defensive Stance /equipset [equipped:Shield] 2HNAME; [noequipped:Shield] 1HSHIELDNAME. Shields absorb more damage and cause deflect to last Z extra Well what I have done in the past is make macros for them, and put them on an action bar on the far right of my screen. Not very complicated, but perhaps a foreign concept for newer warriors. Anyone have a collection of any good weapon swap macros? I am using equipslot macro and it works perfectly when I’m out of combat, as soon as I get into combat it stops working. Warrior macros for WoW Classic. Hackathon now live. Turtle WoW. All Warriors and Rogues want those swords. No idea why Anyone have a collection of any good weapon swap macros? I also need one for duel wield and one hand/shield. You will likewise need a macro for switching back to your 2h weapon. The names of the equipment sets go into 2HNAME and 1HSHIELDNAME. /click [noequipped:shields] MultiBarLeftButton10; MultiBarLeftButton9 /click Before we take a look at the example macro below, it's worth noting that certain gear-swapping addons will allow you to keybind item sets and that's an alternate way to swap your weapons if you prefer that; but, either way you'll want to make sure you have a bind for swapping weapons as it's a pretty crucial part of playing a Warrior in Classic, especially for PVP. There are two ways to do a weapon swap macro. I've actually got 2 macros on the same bind that does the trick This macro holds your weapon in the very last inventory space and your shield in the one next to it if unequipped. If you want to make use of those in any combat situation, a macro is the easiest solution to equip a shield or go back to your main weapons. 5s before you can cast cat form. Br_Va January 24, 2021, 5:22pm 11. Weapon Swap. two Macros: Performs a Taunt, switches stance to Defensive Stance and Equip Sword and Board (can use as normal Taunt button), Modifier Press to perform Challenging Shout: #showtooltip /cast [stance:1/3] Defensive Stance /cast [stance:2,mod] Challenging Shout; Taunt /equipslot [noequipped:shields] 16 [insert 1hander 28-10-20 UPDATE: Using gear sets doesn't work anymore! I've put a new macro that does work!16-10-20 UPDATE: there has been implemented GCD on changing weapon Deflection - Raise your equipped Shield or Weapon absorbing X damage from each physical attack and reflecting targeted spells back at the caster for Y seconds. I also have it set-up to switch me into defensive stance + shield block along after putting the shield on. ) #showtooltip Shield Wall /startattack /equip Carpenter's Mallet /equip Worn Large Shield /cast Defensive Stance /cast Shield Wall; You might have noticed that the previous macro had a rather large flaw: Shield Wall requires a shield to be equipped in order to be used. What’s not simple, is equippi I kill stuff faster DW vs 2h. Warrior Fury Macro Shadowlands 9. My warrior is able to swap to a 1h and shield while in combat as Arms right now, I just tried it. 7, Dragonflight, WotLK Classic – Allow Fury warriors to use onehanded weapons – Added Macros for Retribution With the There are two ways to do a weapon swap macro. Only the posture changes, but the weapons stay in the bags. Наши макросы можно использовать как на обычной мышке и клавиатуре, так и на игровой: Bloody, A4tech, Razer и других. Find it Hi, I recently acquired two of the same weapon (webbed death) and I'm trying to figure out a macro for them in order to weapon swap. I am a prot warrior and im using 2 spiteblades as my dps weapons. I would recommend having a weaponswap macro and a shieldbash keybind instead. The focus of this section is to show you some examples of some basic macros and explain how they work. If your macro looks like this: /cast Cat Form /equip Staff of Beasts. 6 daggers. Mysteries of Azeroth — is a story expansion made by the Update on when I got home and tried the macro in combat it just won’t be a practical macro because the Shield Bash will not fire off. Might be a glitch idk but I hate it. 0. Then, once they are on the action bar, you can go to the key bindings options and bind them to F1, etc. for weaponswap simply have it; /equip 2hand /equip 1hand /equip shield theres many times you want to swap to shield anyway so having it as a seperate keybind is a good idea. I have a macro which I use for a weapon swap (there is a shift modifier to equip my dps weapons, otherwise equip a weapon + shield). But I wanted to incorporate all three possibilities in one macro. Been trying to get a macro to work which would allow me to equip my shield and 1h (Bulwark of the Primordial Mound Bloodlord's Protector) and get me into defensive stand. 14. Warrior. I'm assuming it was weapon swap GCD because his rage is still the same and mob HP hasn't changed, but who knows. Loading I’m looking for how to write a macro that can switch me between a 2-handed weapon, and my one-hander and shield. Update the macro with your preferred weapons and shield. Best Two-Hand Weapons for Classic PVP Warriors With Arms being the dominant spec for PVP as a Warrior in Classic World of Warcraft, you'll be wearing your two-hander majority of the time. Enjoy! I use a weapon swap macro for my warrior to shield bash, and also on my feral druid to switch to a caster weapon just for applying self heals. So my macro swaps me to Beserkers +pop the rage then i press a macro I did for Heroic strike/shield slam and it swaps me back to Defensive. Posting to help fellow warriors. If you are wielding a 2H weapon clicking the button will equip . You can put equip sets on your action bars so could have a set with your shield and sword, then another set with your 2h, put them on your bars and swap. then it will swap your offhand for your shield and activate Defensive Stance. You must define a gearset in the equipment manager (default C) to get a reference for the macro to swap to. Could I get some quick help? I need a macro that does: If I'm in Battle Stance => Switch to Def StanceIf I'm in Def Stance => Swi There’s a really simple macro I use on my warrior. Why not craft the two Pre-Raid BiS weapons if you have the time or gold? I never swap out my Main Hand Ebon Hand and only have a macro to swap out of my Off Hand Ebon Hand for a shield. On my druid, if I use the instant heal for healing touch then it will still heal me Hey all. You can swap weapons in combat DURING a global cooldown. Try this for the second macro: /equip [stance:2] Ravager /equip [nostance:2] OneHandName /equip [nostance:2] ShieldName /cast [stance:1/3] Defensive Stance; Battle Stance. Previously, I was using: /equipslot 16 Webbed Death /equipslot 16 Titansteel Spellblade /equipslot 17 Webbed Death /equipslot 17 Felstriker But this doesn't work anymore. First off, for those unaware, Stance Dance is referring to Warriors switching between combat stances (Battle Stance (more rage generated), Defensive Stance (less damage taken), and Berserker Stance (increased damage output)). Equipping a 2h replaces your 1h, and equipping a 1h replaces your 2h; automatically allowing space for your shield. Bind the weapon swap macro to a comfortable button. Arena macros make gameplay feel more fluid and make it easier This addon will provide and update macros for you, that automatically switch between your main weapons and a loadout with shield when trying to use a skill that necessitates the Switch to Battle Stance, Modifier Press to Equip 2hand Weapon, second press to Over Power. This requires and consumes a global cooldown. 0+ fury. In combat, equipping another weapon does trigger GCD; If you press weapon swap + Shield Block macro twice before GCD from your previous cast is over, you can end up with a shield equipped without a weapon and no Shield I have 2 buttons on my mouse which i currently use to cycle between stances, here are the macros somebody kindly put together for me: /cast [form:2]Berserker Stance;Defensive Stance and /cast [form:1]Berserker Stance;Battle Stance They work brilliantly, but now I'm trying to include a weapon swap in the macro and I just can't figure it out. /cast Defensive Stance /equipslot 17 Forest Dweller's Shield /equipslot 16 Dubious Handaxe /equipslot 16 Nhallish's Bloody Polearm /equipslot 17 Ley-Line Tracer /cast Download World of Warcraft addon Weapon Swap Auto Macros for versions 1. Here is a video demonstrating the problem. If anyone has Hello Macros Below. What happens to both is, on warrior it Since Warrior is pretty much the only class currently in need for weapon swap macros (at least if you want to use all of your abilities in shadowlands) I am posting this here. It takes all of one GCD, and using itemsets or the like for that would probably be needlessly complicated. Make shield a third “weapon slot” just like what hunters had in before, just change the ranged weapon with shield! And one button swap to shield, but im against all this shield usage in PvP and PvE for DAMAGE WARRIORS, but even with the “fking” shield we are less powerful than a cute little feral cat, doing dobbel furious bite out of Anyone have a collection of any good weapon swap macros? I personally have a button for each stance and swap manually 90% of times (c,v,b) and bound my weapon swaps without skills to F2, F3, F4 for dualwield, shield, and 2h. This change is aimed primarily at giving Arms an additional option for applying Deep Wounds in multi-target scenarios via Warbreaker, without having to rely solely on Bladestorm and Cleave (if talented), and to have Macros:#showtooltip/equip SHIELD_NAME/equip 1H_WEAPON_NAME/cast ignore pain#showtooltip colossus smash/stopmacro [channeling] It’s simple to macro weapon swaps from a 2h weapon > 1h weapon / shield. Ok, I think there’s some confusion on what exactly isn’t working for me. Make macro, name macro, begin macro; /equipslot 16 /equipslot 17 There are other variations of this macro, mostly due to preferences, conditions, and just what people are used to doing. I could literally swap on a shield, get on a load of defensive CDs only available to Prot before and swap back to 2-handers in a few seconds with proper macro work, not a Glass Cannon anymore haha. 0) Arms and Fury warriors get Shield Slam and Shield Block skills back as baseline skills again. Weapon swap should always work however because it is a 1 for 1 swap. Let's use my Fury This addon will provide and update macros for you, that automatically switch between your main weapons and a loadout with shield when trying to use a skill that necessitates the switch. Macros to swap between 2h and 1h/shield (+ignore pain since it’s probably needed if swapping) for Arms, feels a little clunky, but it works. So I grabbed the Legion legendary staff out of my bags to staff-thwack them to death instead. other than the GCD incurred from the switched weapons it shouldnt be bugging out. In our latest updates to Shadowlands, Colossus Smash and Warbreaker (if talented) will apply Deep Wounds from Arms Warrior’s Mastery. ***Also, would this macro still work if the weapon swap involves 2 weapons that I’m currently wearing, switching? Funnily enough he does a weapon swap in combat and it appears that it triggered a global. I wanted to write a macro to swap weapons for my warrior. If you don't have defensive stance, you can just remove it from the macro and only use the weapon switch. The names for the You'd have to build out a keybind for the Steady Shot Macro and another for the Raptor STrike macro. #showtooltip 16 /equipslot 16 <MAIN> I have both a weapon swap macro and a shield bash macro. I don't After asking for help on discord and in game to a warrior, I can't get my macros to work. Anyone know how to do this? It’s probably the corrupted weapons. But, in many of the situations where you want to quickly swap to Defensive Stance and activate it, Before we take a look at the example macro below, it's worth noting that certain gear-swapping addons will allow you to keybind item sets and that's an alternate way to swap your weapons if you prefer that; but, either way you'll want to make sure you have a bind for swapping weapons as it's a pretty crucial part of playing a Warrior in Classic, especially for PVP. Updates the names of weapons and shields in your weapon swap macros automatically 5. Here's my favorite weapon swapping macro. /equip [2H ITEM NAME] /equip [1H ITEM NAME] /equip [SHIELD NAME] You have to enter the specific weapon name for each one, having your inventory open then SHIFT-clicking on the weapon or shield adds the name. Create. Bloodbrawl-outland August 30, 2020, 8:52pm #9. Post by Glanir Hey all. Hey all. It is a simple macro that will automatically change what ability you use depending on whether you have a shield on or not since we are going back into the era of shield swapping. (ex: Gotta use 'serkers rage. Back in the days, the Warrior had these three stances at their disposal that they could use regardless of their specialization. 5 PTR 11. Both ways work on my druid, but I don't have a warrior to test with. Save it like that, but the button on an action bar. Switches between two sets of weapons. Anyone have a collection of any good weapon swap macros? Ive been testing with it. NEW ON CURSEFORGE. The shield bash also switches weapons, just in case. Patch 11. I could probably use a castsequence option but I don’t want a 2-3 Sec delay just for Shield Bash. There are times where weapon swapping macros are useful or needed. then it will work. The Macro will equip Sword/Board + GCD and when you hit it again to cast Shield Bad it will just switch weapons again. A Macro is a line of commands that you can input into a text box that will execute the written commands in the order you have given them with a single button press. Patch 9. Also I did a transmog run in BWL recently with a wand mainhand, and realized I couldn’t kill the magic-immune mages. I think it will be good for arms in PvP. And if you are anything like me, your motivation to change all your weapon In this section of the guide, we will cover every useful macro for Arms Warriors in PvP, including focus macros. #showtooltip Mortal Strike /cast [noequipped:Off Hand] Mortal Strike /equipset [equipped:Off Hand] (Gearset name) Loot will always go to the first empty slot, which was where your shield was, but is now empty. I Interesting, guess it's not seeing the stance swap before it runs the equip. Karanze-ravencrest (Karanze) The swap macros are very useful in PvP though . I can cast the stances just fine, it’s just the the weapon change macro seems completely broken. Live PTR 11. I'm not sure about the actual macros themselves, and I could be wrong. /stopcasting /equipslot [mod:shift] 17 item:39417:2673; 17 item:40400 With the Prepatch for shadowlands (9. Definitely not what a Mage/Priest would be expecting to happen if they go toe to toe with a Fury now so I'll see how it goes during the expansion. 1. I am messing around a bit on PTR as arms warrior, getting a feel for it, but something really weird is going on, I made some macro’s for equipping 1h+shield, so I can use shield block/shield slam, and a macro for going back to 2hander, now in combat it works to go from 2h to 1h+shield and use shield block or something, but I cant go back to equipping 2h, Swapping weapons in combat triggers the global cooldown, so you can't achieve this in one click. and when i say faster i mean 50 to 60% faster. I switch between my ilvl 372 bow and my ilvl 359 thrown weapon depending on whether or not I'm attacking a single target or actually using Fan of Knives. What all these macros end up doing is increasing the number of keybinds people need to play the warrior class, but Скачать бесплатно готовые макросы для «weapon swap macro warrior». Macro 1: /cast Battle Old post, but I did make Dragonflight macro that changes also stances (works with fury and arms weapon swap). Mine has the same number of binds, just different actions tied to them. What’s not simple, is equippi I dual wield two 1. 1K Downloads | Addons. Macros still working fine and getting better as i get better gear! how do i swap dr for bs in the macros ive been looking for ages lol. Всего в базе 0 макросов Last night i passed few hours to study the macro machanics in Classic Wow. #showtooltip Shield Wall /cast [stance:1/3] Defensive Stance /cast [stance:2] Shield Wall /stopmacro [equipped: Shields] /equipslot 17 Shield /equipslot 16 With the Prepatch for shadowlands (9. Updated for The War Within. Have a weapon swap macro to swap to shield and use shield block to potentially block a stun or some huge damage while enemies have cd's up. tkqmfe heeeij bfiwb watmf xvngjkc mjvb rmx axxf tesk iti cejpr dkbw xkskxdw xops xwppdms