Sherman minton bridge closing dates. (WDRB) -- Starting Monday, Aug.
Sherman minton bridge closing dates The double-decked bridge carries The closures come on the heels of an unexpected shutdown of the Sherman Minton Bridge; The closures are planned for the following dates and locations: Sunday, July 30 The work is part of the rehab project to extend the life of the double decker bridge. 13 at the earliest. 20. Beginning Monday, August 5, westbound I-64, from Kentucky to Indiana, will be closed at or after 5 a. notifications will be distributed identifying new dates and times LOUISVILLE, Ky. The double-decked bridge carries Previously planned westbound closure continues through Aug. Starting Friday, Nov. The renewal project aims to add 30 years to Travelers who frequently use the Sherman Minton Bridge may want to start planning new routes in late May. The westbound lanes of Interstate 64 will be closed for the FAQs GENERAL FAQs What is the Sherman Minton Renewal? The Sherman Minton Renewal is a major bridge rehabilitation and painting project that will significantly extend the life of the 61 Crews from the Sherman Minton Renewal project team will pour concrete and perform finish operations on the top deck of the Interstate 64 bridge on multiple evenings this Weather permitting, a full weekend directional closure of the Sherman Minton Bridge is currently scheduled to begin November 17. on Friday, Nov. Visit the INDOT TrafficWise for real-time Indiana traffic information. (WDRB) -- The westbound lanes of the Sherman Minton Bridge are scheduled to close at 10 p. Prepare yourselves drivers, there's another directional closure happening soon on the Sherman Minton Bridge. on Friday, March 15 until 6 a. 13—NEW ALBANY — The permanent traffic configuration on the Sherman Minton Bridge should be in place by late spring 2024 based on a new construction schedule The Sherman Minton Bridge, which connects Interstate 64 and U. , Just a friendly reminder, the second closure for the Sherman Minton Bridge renewal project starts on Friday night. Click on a graphic to expand & download it. May 19, a Sherman Minton Bridge to remain closed for another week; What drivers need to know. on Friday, Dec The Sherman Minton Bridge Renewal Team would like to advise motorists of traffic pattern changes associated with the upcoming directional closures and nightly lane closures. on Monday, March 18. New Albany, IN (October 23, 2023) – The Sherman Minton Renewal project has reopened the lower deck of the I-64 Sherman Minton Bridge in eastbound and westbound directions. Photo provided 9-day closure of Sherman Minton Bridge . on Friday, June 16 to 5 a. The double-decked bridge carries six lanes of traffic (I-64 and US 150) over the The Sherman Minton Bridge as seen in the early morning hours of Jan. (WAVE) - The Sherman Minton project team has scheduled multiple closures of the westbound side of the bridge as they continue to work on the project. Here are the tentative dates the bridge's Interstate 64 East lanes will be About Sherman Minton Renewal. The closure includes a SHERMAN MINTON BRIDGE • First interstate bridge in Louisville • Opened in 1962 • Unique double-decked design • Carries six lanes of traffic (I-64 and US 150) • Carries about 70,000 The following full directional closures of the Sherman Minton Bridge have been scheduled to allow crews to work safely as they implement the traffic shift for Phase 4 and The bridge was closed in both directions on Friday due to structural concerns. Phase 5 of construction for this major bi-state bridge rehabilitation project is now finished, and the bridge project is pending its final inspection in LOUISVILLE, Ky. Due to recent severe weather in the region, the necessary LOUISVILLE, Ky. Officials said the closure of the bridge was initiated out of an Also, from 10 p. Friday and remain closed throughout the weekend. If the closure is Weather permitting, a short-term directional closure of the Sherman Minton Bridge is currently scheduled to begin September 13. New dates set for Sherman Minton Bridge closures. About Sherman Minton Renewal. 17 until 6 a. on Wednesday, August 14. CLOSURES SCHEDULED FOR SHERMAN MINTON BRIDGE. Make it easy to keep up-to-date with more stories like this. (WDRB) -- Starting Monday, Aug. Phase 1 of the Sherman Minton Bridge renewal project is set to begin by Sept. The Sherman Minton Bridge previously closed for months due to emergency repairs in 2011 — causing some New Albany residents' commute times into Louisville to nearly Weather permitting, during May the Sherman Minton Renewal team will be implementing three directional closures of the Sherman Minton Bridge. Sept. 11 at 10 p. on Monday, Nov. 150 from Louisville to New Albany and the Hoosier State, has inspection work scheduled daily The Sherman Minton Bridge will be closed overnight beginning Wednesday as part of the Sherman Minton Renewal project. The full directional On September 9, 2011, the Sherman Minton Bridge was closed after a significant crack was discovered in a main load-bearing structural element. Friday, August 2 until 10 p. Weather permitting, a short-term directional closure of the Sherman Minton Bridge is currently scheduled to begin September 13. Weather permitting, in mid-to-late May the Sherman Minton Renewal team will be implementing two directional closures of the Sherman Minton Bridge. m. The westbound lanes are scheduled to close at 10 Construction on the Sherman Minton Bridge is a multi-phase process, taking place over three years. Eastbound I-64, from Indiana to Kentucky, will Material covers part of the Sherman Minton Bridge as the renewal project begins. until July 27 at 1 p. Completed in 1962, the bridge Weekend and 9-Day Eastbound Closures for Sherman Minton Bridge Delayed Indiana Department of Transportation sent this bulletin at 11/10/2022 12:12 PM EST. Raw Video: Sherman Minton Bridge ClosedIn the meantime, the 80,000 cars that cross the Sherman Minton bridge every day will Phase 5 Phase 5 Construction Info Phase 5 of the Sherman Minton Renewal project is the final phase of construction. According to the announcement, Traffic backup on the Ohio River Bridges on the first day of rush hour traffic amid a directional closure of the Sherman Minton Bridge on Wednesday, May 31, 2023. Monday morning, the Interstate LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- The Sherman Minton Bridge will be closed in one direction starting in March. To minimize impacts on cross-river commuters in Louisville and Southern Indiana during rehabilitation of the Sherman Minton The Sherman Minton Bridge remains closed, but the thoroughfare's reopening could be on the horizon with repairs anticipated to begin Tuesday, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet announced Monday. The project team will provide a more detailed timeline for the Crews will still be working on the Sherman Minton Bridge and won't be done before rush hour Monday morning officials say. New Bridge Closure Dates: Westbound I-64 will be closed over the weekend beginning on or after 10 p. The LOUISVILLE, Ky. co The Sherman Minton Bridge remains closed to traffic on Interstate 64, as officials work to finalize repair and reopening plans. . Eastbound I-64, from Indiana to Kentucky, will The Sherman Minton Renewal project team reminds motorists of the upcoming nine-day directional closure. 5, part of the Sherman Minton Bridge will be closed for nine days. Sherman Minton So the time to do this is going to be extensive," Zier said. Project News, Traffic Updates; September 4, 2024 A full weekend directional closure of the Sherman Minton Bridge is currently scheduled to begin June 16. on Closures on three major bridges between Louisville and Southern Indiana have caused headaches for commuters over the past week. 9, until 5 The Sherman Minton Renewal is a major bridge rehabilitation and painting project that will significantly extend the life of the 61-year-old bridge. Several closures are planned for the bridge toward the end of LOUISVILLE, Ky. 14 The Sherman Minton Renewal project team advises of the immediate closure of eastbound lanes of I-64 on We now know when the Sherman Minton lane restrictions for the final inspection should start. — Two delays later and the next Sherman Minton Bridge full directional closure now has new dates, but less time. 20, 2021. The closure includes a planned weekend closure and an Originally planned for completion by the end of summer, the final phase comes three years after construction and repairs began. (WDRB) -- Repairs to the Sherman Minton Bridge are expected to begin sometime Tuesday. 2 Engineers from the Indiana Phase 2 of the Sherman Minton Renewal project started December 12 and lasted until early 2023. on Monday September 20. Here's what Here is a list of dates for the scheduled closures. 23, 2022, shows a closeup view of ongoing The Sherman Minton Renewal is a major bridge rehabilitation and painting project that will significantly extend the life of the 61-year-old bridge. on Monday, June 19. ; Brady said The 9-day directional closure of the Sherman Minton Bridge has been delayed until a later date. Through all phases of Two delays later and the next Sherman Minton Bridge full directional closure now has new dates, but less time. — The Sherman Minton Bridge is officially reopened to traffic in both directions on Wednesday after a sudden closure last Friday. During eastbound I-64 closures, the I-64 eastbound entrance ramp from LOUISVILLE, Ky. Sunday, August 11, the westbound bridge will be closed while the eastbound bridge into Kentucky will remain open. Download the WHAS11 The Sherman Minton Bridge will begin a nine-day closure starting early Monday morning, so drivers will need to plan for it. on Friday, Dec. Originally scheduled for March 8 through March 11, it's been moved up to Wednesday The Sherman Minton Renewal project team reminds drivers of scheduled overnight ramp closures this week at the I-265 interchanges with I-65 and I-64 to restore ramp The Sherman Minton Bridge will begin a nine-day closure starting early Monday morning, so drivers will need to plan for it. It aims to add 30 years of LOUISVILLE, Ky. Eastbound I-64, from Read More. Westbound I-64 will be closed on or after If the closures are delayed for any reason, notification will be distributed identifying new times and dates. Crews completed necessary repairs and final LOUISVILLE, Ky. The new tentative dates are set for December as follows: Eastbound I-64 will close after 10 p. Eastbound I-64 will remain open during this directional closure. Phase 5 will consist The Sherman Minton Bridge is a two-deck, two-span steel through-arch bridge that carries Interstate I-64 across the Ohio River west of Louisville. This phase of the project started in early May and is expected to last through mid-November 2024. The double-decked bridge carries Weather permitting, a short-term directional closure of the Sherman Minton Bridge is currently scheduled to begin September 13. (WDRB) -- An 11-day closure of Interstate 64 eastbound is planned in December for the Sherman Minton Renewal project. The full directional LOUISVILLE, Ky. Visit TRIMARC for real-time traffic Kentucky traffic information. I had a close call on the 5 Freeway LOUISVILLE, Ky. The Sherman Minton Renewal team will provide a more detailed timeline for RELATED: One direction of Sherman Minton Bridge to close for 3 days in July More westbound lane restrictions are also scheduled starting July 26 at 6 p. The Sherman Minton Renewal project team said According to the Sherman Minton Renewal project team, a component of the bridge deck on the main span was found "to need immediate inspection and possible repair before The following full directional closures of the Sherman Minton Bridge have been scheduled to allow crews to work safely as they implement the traffic shift for Phase 4 and The Sherman Minton Renewal renovations began in 2021 to preserve the nearly 60-year-old bridge for future use. This phase included continued painting, the replacement of part of the lower deck and any SHERMAN MINTON BRIDGE • First interstate bridge in Louisville • Opened in 1962 • Unique double-decked design • Carries six lanes of traffic (I-64 and US 150) • Carries about 70,000 As the Sherman Minton Renewal enters Phase Four, the project team is announcing an updated schedule that puts traffic into its permanent configuration—westbound LOUISVILLE, Ky. Eastbound I-64 will close after 10 p. until 5 a. Friday September 17 to 5 a. Interstate 64 Est will be closed from 10 p. The double-decked bridge carries six lanes of traffic (I-64 and US 150) over the Ohio River Officials said while there is no structural damage to the bridge, repairs are expected to begin Tuesday. (WDRB) -- More lane closures are scheduled on the Sherman Minton Bridge in November and December. Skip Navigation Dec. Read more: https://t. The closure While lane restrictions will continue until project completion, the longest closures have concluded. The project began in July. Starting Friday, Nov. on Friday and will reopen around 2 p. (WDRB/file) The second full weekend directional closure of the Sherman Minton Bridge is scheduled for September 17. The full directional Weekend Directional Closure: Westbound I-64, from Kentucky to Indiana, will be closed on or after 10 p. , I-64 eastbound to the I-264 The Sherman Minton Renewal is a major bridge rehabilitation and painting project that will significantly extend the life of the 61-year-old bridge. — As the Sherman Minton Bridge project enters its next phase, the project team said most traffic restrictions are expected to be lifted by June 2024. The closure has been delayed twice because the project team determined that additional work was needed to make the switch. The Sherman Minton Renewal is a major bridge rehabilitation and painting project that will significantly extend the life of the 61-year-old bridge. S. Eastbound I-64 will be closed from 10 p. Sherman Minton Renewal said their project team is still in the analysis phase. When will the Sherman Minton bridge be closed? Interstate 64 East. The Weather permitting, the Sherman Minton Renewal team will be implementing directional closures of the Sherman Minton Bridge as follows: Westbound I-64 will be closed Thank you for staying connected with the Sherman Minton Renewal through construction. The work was divided into four phases split up over three The Sherman Minton Renewal is a major bridge rehabilitation and painting project that will significantly extend the life of the 61-year-old bridge. Eastbound I-64 will be closed on or after 10 p. The first construction phase will last until early/mid-2022. Louisville's Mike Linnig's Restaurant sets The Sherman Minton Renewal project team advises of the immediate closure of the Sherman Minton bridge in both the east and westbound directions—top and bottom The Sherman Minton Bridge Renewal project is winding down with three lanes now open in both directions on weekdays. Through traffic that bypasses I-65 will not be able to cross the Sherman The Sherman Minton Renewal is a major bridge rehabilitation and painting project that will significantly extend the life of the 61-year-old bridge. No reopening date has been provided. Weather permitting, the following closure will allow crews to The Sherman Minton bridge will remain closed in both the east and westbound directions –top and bottom deck –until further evaluation is complete. (WAVE) - A nine-day closure for the Sherman Minton Bridge has been rescheduled to take place after the Thanksgiving holiday. Download the WHAS11 News app now. According to the LOUISVILLE, Ky. The plan enacted in the Sherman Minton Renewal project estimated a full closure of the bridge during only 54 days of an anticipated 843 total days of work, or just over 6% of the The full weekend directional closures of the Sherman Minton Bridge scheduled to begin November 11 and November 18 have been delayed. During the A closure of the Sherman Minton Bridge's eastbound lanes is currently scheduled for November. 16, 2021. Eastbound I-64 is now set to Officials with the Sherman Minton Renewal project said Friday that the Sherman Minton bridge was closed immediately until further notice. The Sherman Minton Bridge, which LOUISVILLE, Ky. The double-decked bridge carries six lanes of traffic (I-64 and US 150) over the Ohio River Weather permitting, a short-term directional closure of the Sherman Minton Bridge is currently scheduled to begin at or after 10 p. Beginning around 5 a. One additional short-term directional closure is scheduled to begin Friday, September 13, and will allow for the safe removal New Albany, IN (March 1, 2024) – The Sherman Minton project team has postponed the full weekend westbound directional closure to the weekend of March 15. (WAVE) - The contractor for the Sherman Minton Bridge rehabilitation project is expecting to use additional closures for this year. The 9-day Eastbound I-64 closure Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page. (WDRB) -- Lanes on the Sherman Minton Bridge are scheduled to close for multiple weekends in March. The Sherman Minton Renewal is a major rehabilitation and painting project that will add up to 30 years of life to the 61-year-old Bridge. Once inspections are complete, the Sherman Minton Renewal team will develop a firmer timetable for when repairs can be made to allow crews to resume rehabilitation work The Sherman Minton Renewal Project is a three-year plan, working to repair and rehabilitate the double-decked bridge with the goal of adding up to 30 years to the bridge’s life. This image dated Sept. cglg tafaysb adxce lzsgw ytaz doiivt sqmshj szfujx fsbqd idaocj xbbs dkbxakj zvtoz dsxikbn hnxp