Redash dashboard parameters. For issue #2, I responded to your PM on this subject.

Redash dashboard parameters If a query uses a Text type parameter, it cannot be embedded because Text parameters are not safe from SQL injection. of views of the dashboard per user; No. If I remove global multi-filter - global parameters work just fine, If I remove global parameters - global multi-filter also work just fine, If I combine them together - global multi-filter stop To create a dashboard with filter capabilities in Redash, follow these steps: Enable Dashboard Filters: Go to dashboard settings and check 'Use Dashboard Level Filters'. ; Consider Query Performance: Ensure the target query does not return an excessive number of records to With Redash V8, dashboards can include parameters, but be aware that any user can modify them. queries` and `redash. Redash WHERE Clause Usage Guide - October 2024 Explore the efficient use of WHERE clause in Redash queries to filter data and gain insights. Customizing the URL of your Redash dashboard is straightforward and can be beneficial for organization and accessibility Personally I think we should implement option #1 regardless. 3 KB Login or sign up disabled while the site is in read only mode I created a dashboard, which has dashboard filter of ‘client::filter’. (`redash. All other types of query parameters can be safely embedded in visualizations. Utilizing the Redash API: Integrate the Redash API to programmatically manage dashboards and widgets, enabling dynamic configurations and automation. Screen Shot 2020-10-08 at 3. Hello, I created a Dashboard with a global Dashboard Date Range parameter for several Queries. I have to click Refresh to reflect the parameter change. The dashboard should be filtered to display information about that specific Customer. I work for an environmental NGO and I use Redash to create dashboards related to When adding a visualization which uses parameters to a dashboard there are 3 options for where the parameter value will come from: From a dashboard level parameter: rendered at the top of the dashboard and Redash query filters offer a dynamic way to manipulate data sets on dashboards and visualizations. Here's a comprehensive guide to using these parameters After naming your dashboard, you can add widgets from existing query visualizations or by writing commentary with a text box. The attached image shows me using a single query with a single parameter and several We provide a light wrapper around the Redash API called redash-toolbelt. In the modal, generate a secret link. Make sure to use the same Dashboard 預設的 Parameter 會以最左上 (由左至下的順序)出現的 Visualization 在原先的 Query 使用到的 Parameter 為主。 也就是 Dashboard 的 Parameter 操作並不 Default Value is what Redash will use if no other value is specified. created_at >= CASE WHEN '{{parameter}}' = 'Last Day' THEN current_date - interval '24 hours' WHEN '{{parameter}}' = 'Last 7 Days' THEN current_date - interval '7 days' ELSE current_date + interval '1 year' END /* Just a future date, because in theory Following @ariarijp pull request on changing the way we find query IDs in Query Results queries to later support queries with parameters, I wanted to start a discussion on how this might work and to share some thoughts I had:. Edit these by adding widgets or through the Edit Explore the use of select parameters in Redash to enhance data visualization and dashboard interactivity. Dynamic Query Parameters in Redash allow users to interact with their data queries in real-time, providing a powerful tool for data exploration and analysis. This feature is particularly useful for smaller data sets or when query executions are resource-intensive. dashboards`) and applied Let’s have a dropdown list as a dashboard parameter. e: *SELECT * x,y,z *FROM * table *WHERE Prior to Redash version 7, the parameter settings pane in the Query Editor included a Global tickbox, New dashboard parameter: Dashboard parameters allow you to set a parameter value in one place on your dashboard and map it to multiple visualizations. Supported types are Text, Number, Date, See more Dashboard-level parameters in Redash offer a powerful way to control and unify the data displayed across multiple widgets. I already have a nice textbox widget that acts as a navigation bar and includes the company’s logo. When you create a dashboard, Redash automatically assigns it an id number and a URL slug. Note that beginning with Redash V8, embedded dashboards with parameters are editable by any user. For issue #3, there’s not enough information to help you yet. Here's how to effectively use this feature: Linking Parameters: Map a single dashboard-level parameter to multiple widgets, enabling a unified filter across different visualizations. To change this from the query screen, execute the query with your desired parameter value and click the Dynamic dashboards in Redash allow for interactive and real-time data exploration by utilizing query parameters. If we cannot prevent generation of public URLs, then cannot control who access the data and it becomes a security issue. I’m actually trying to export the dashboard. due to the difference between the format Redash uses and the one MongoDB expects I do not want to put the parameters inside the visualization. This works very well so far and is exactly what I want. Eg: Table A with id, name and date (columns) Data Type for the columns is id - int name - varchar day - varchar I performed a date range parameter but it didn’t work I am trying to get dashboard usage statistics by users. I’ve tried API requesting, (as in my initial problem) using the given script. Prior to Redash version 7, the parameter settings pane in the Query Editor included a Global tickbox, which notified Redash that you intended to use this parameter across multiple widgets in a dashboard. I want to use this to transition from the first dashboard to the second whilst keeping the parameter selection, but cannot get this to work. Feature Requests. Beginning with Redash V8, an embedded dashboard may use parameters. I did think of its value being defined based on each Query, but that would certainly make it confusing. I have, but I don’t believe that prevents having to redefine each variable within the actual query, correct? Hi @rebs, defaults are stored with the queries, not with the dashboards. Redash filter guide and usage - October 2024. It’s a work-in-progress. I’m not sure if this is a bug or a feature request. 0: 203: October 30, 2022 Need help in setting up parameters in Python script Hi @MusicMaker1337, I’m not familiar with PowerBI, but it should be possible to do basically anything with Parameters . 36. feature-request, parameters, visualizations. I have included two screen shots of the dashboard that updates and the public one that is not. When i use the dashboard directly in Redash everything works just fine, but as soon as i switch to my external platform, where i implemented the Dashboard, the Parameter Input fails to work for 1 table. customer group by s. If you want to give it a friendlier name, you can change it here. Data is loaded into couple of BQ tables. arikfr October 28, 2019, 7:39am 3. Share with trusted parties only. Keep it up! 5 Likes. 0 beta on a AWS EC2 I have a TextBox global parameter on a Dashboard and it seems I can’t modify the content of it (even if it is the only widget on the page). My goal is to set the customer id as a link, so the audience can click and drill into another dashboard to view individual customer information. What i want is that every time i select a single value, that value can be part of a text in a text box, it’s like a title. ; Refreshing the dashboard with the Refresh button will re-run all the queries with their current param values. Once that’s possible, we will start updating the permissions model and relevant APIs, which eventually will make it possible to implement refresh for public dashboards. Click the 'Share' icon on the dashboard. . ; If your dashboard parameters, visualizations, feature-request. The slug is based on the name of the dashboard. I’m trying to add a count visualization to my dashboard from a query with parameters. There is the con of having the parameter in the page, but I believe the usability can be improved by using something not so random as the id (in case you are afraid of people changing that and This parameter is inserted in the query to WHERE expression in the following manner: where {{Update_param}} <> -1, which always evaluates to True, regardless of the parameter value. So long as your filters have the same string literal name then they will be linked together. In Redash V8 and later, any user can modify embedded dashboard parameters, which could lead to unauthorized data access. segment Now I want to include a dashboard prompts or filters for Segment and Customer fields. The benefit of using redash/preview over redash/redash:preview is Parameter Handling: Be cautious with dashboards that use parameters. ; Query Based Dropdown: For dynamic lists, select 'Query Based Dropdown List' and specify the query to source values from. Click the gear icon beside each parameter widget to edit its settings: 1. i. So you can have definitions for parameters in one place, which you can reuse in queries. I am trying to add in query parameters for dashboard level on a MongoDB connection. Permissions and Sharing. Search existing queries or pick a recent one from the pre Beginning with Redash V8, an embedded dashboard may use parameters. This is to show to the user the selected values on multiple parts in the dashboard like: “Selected value + {{id}}” and be able to add some style with markdown Redash expects every parameter will have a default value, but you haven’t saved a default for this parameter. of filter changes in the dashboard; I found 1) in the events table in the Redash RDS with the following query: select * from events where object_type='dashboard' and action='view' order by created Iframe Embedding: Use the Full Screen view URL for embedding dashboards in iframes. Explore the use of dashboard-level parameters in Redash for dynamic data visualization and analysis. Following @ariarijp pull request on changing the way we find query IDs in Query Results queries to later support queries with parameters, I wanted to start a discussion on how this might work and to share some thoughts I had:. There are two use cases for querying from queries with parameters: 1. Or you can code the This isn’t possible from the UI, but you can hack it with the API. If you need it embedded then you should first enable passing parameters in URL with adding this key in your /opt/redash/. ; Column Usage: If the query returns multiple columns, Redash uses the first one When using this combination of queries to create multi-select parameters in Redash that default to ALL I get the following sql error: SELECT ‘ALL’ AS value UNION ALL (SELECT DISTINCT set_value FROM table I feel like building Redash into our project is strapping us to a rocket engine. Special Data Types. It’s mostly valuable for unsafe dashboard parameters, in which it is harder to correlate between a failing For issue #1 can you verify that you have definitely changed the useridnum parameter to a number type parameter?. When viewing the dashboard internally (not using the shared external URL) the data is show correctly, per the static parameter assigned. Thanks for the feedback @dncpax and @ProkhorovAlexander. Add Filterable Widgets: Ensure your queries have filter clauses using parameters. Alternatively, you can append a refresh query string parameter to your dashboard URL with one of the allowed intervals in seconds: 60, 300, 600, 1800, 3600, By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your Redash dashboards remain a reliable source of timely information. I have a few questions about how to pass the parameters: Yes, you can do this using the Link data type for certain columns. This along with the global/dashboard parameters, keep leading me to the idea of having a dedicated place in Redash to define parameters. I wanted to add a specific chart to two different dashboards: one in which the chart has the values on ‘All’ everywhere, another where certain parameters are static values. I want to transport my data to a different platform. Now that we check the parameter values for their type we have a new issue: User has an existing dashboard with 13 parameters across 33 queries (some queries use all of them). The same way you can use {{ @ }} to represent the value of the current column you can use the names of other columns instead of @. I have a dashboard with a dashboard level query drop down parameter. Eslam October 30, 2022, 11:25pm 1. Hello Everyone, I am using the v5. The expected behavior: Changing a parameter value will re-run the queries linked to that parameter once you hit Apply All. description LIKE ‘%’ '{{Search}} i want when search have any keyword then it will show result according to that keyword if i let search parameter empty it will show all result so can anyone please help me how i can use OR or something else to perform empty parameter if no keyword is searched The setup script installs the latest stable version, which does not include this feature yet. Parameter Caution: With Redash V8, embedded dashboards can use parameters, but be cautious as they can be modified by any user. Hello! Quick question about this as it seems I don’t grasp how it works. Also, is this process applied to the URL/dashboard ID + parameters or is the whole dashboard seralised and then hashed or encrypted (in the former case, we wouldn’t need to regenerate the public URLs if we change a graph on the dashboard for example). ; Static Values: Set a static value for a widget's parameter to maintain consistency in specific The proposal here is to have a way to set query parameters in the dashboards ui and have multiple queries use the same query parameters. 3. Query Results Data Source (QRDS): Permissions are checked against the data sources used by the original queries. Distribute the link to external stakeholders. Self Hosted Redash Support. When viewing it via the external URL we see the data of a previous run of the dashboard with a different static parameter value. Dashboard-level query filters in Redash allow users to apply filters across multiple widgets on a dashboard, ensuring a consistent view of the data being analyzed. Here it is in action. Self hosted redash alert parameters problem. As before, while in Redash, the new local To create a static dropdown list in Redash, follow these steps: Define Allowed Values: In the parameter settings panel, enter the allowed values separated by a new line. ; Choose Target Query: Search for the query you want to use to populate the dropdown values. Account Security: Use strong, unique passwords for your Redash accounts and do not share login credentials. Currently I’m leaning towards the toggle idea (I guess it’s option #2). 0. This way you need to define if a parameter is global only once, or edit the enum only once. And for dashboards with parameters you can trigger a refresh by changing a 在 Redash 版本 7 之前,查询编辑器中的参数设置面板包含一个 全局 复选框,该复选框会通知 Redash 您打算在仪表板的多个小部件中使用此参数。 自版本 6 以来, 全局 复选框已被下面描述的新 仪表板上的参数映射 功能所取代。 The parameters work correctly when I use them within Redash. This is a limitation of Redash at the moment: query parameters will not work on public dashboards for security reasons. created_date < ‘{{ To date }}’ and invoices. I’d like to pass a parameter from one dashboard (1) to another (2), but with a catch. The data changes regularly, so the query has a refresh schedule. PhilipQ October 30, 2016, 9:17pm 6. First, create data sources for your Dev, QA, and Production servers. it IS possible to run “view only” permission with parameters; all parameters has to be type “number” (or “list” I suppose) then the users can change the parameter & execute the query, but cant change the query / do the nasty stuff (redash v7. redash_example e where s. The examples folder in that repo includes useful demos, such as: Poll for Fresh Query Results Our Sales Team would like to have a direct (custom) link from Salesforce Accounts straight to a dashboard in Redash. How to use the same query with a parameter, and make the dashboard’s widget title reflect this? jesse March 28, 2020, 5:47pm 2. Is it possible to publish the dashboards, so that others can’t change the parameters on the dashboard? I need a dashboard with several similar reports based on the same query, which differ only in (static) parameters. When adding widgets that depend on parameters, you can map them to existing dashboard parameters or create new ones. Redash supports JSON documents, images, and HTML links within query results, enhancing the data representation. Dashboard Settings: Explore the various settings available for dashboards, such as setting refresh intervals, managing permissions, and configuring dashboard-level filters. 2. The simple use case: you just want to use a query with parameters Hello, I have a table with three columns for example. Title: by default the parameter title will be the same as the keyword in the query text. Then use the API to swap the data_source_id for queries that power your dashboard. Found a few support articles on how to write the JSON queries for date filtering, but nothing for writing query parameters for other field types, e. If you want to quickly toggle your dashboards between known date intervals, WHERE events. ranbena: When there’s an unsafe parameter in a widget of a limited access public dashboard. From the docs: Can I use parameters in embedded visualizations? Yes, with one exception. Only share dashboards with trusted stakeholders. Managing Permissions. Have you tried this? jdw818 October 23, 2019, 5:53pm 3. Like on the ReDash dashboard page I set my parameter to a certain value and it works properly as usual, and then on the public dashboard I put the exact same parameter, the viz still loads forever Is there a way to hide the dashboard filters thru a URL query parameter? For Example: Apache Superset provides &show_filters=0/1 as query parameter to show/hide filters on the dashboard. To change this from the query screen, execute the query with your desired parameter value and click the Save button. Not all of the queries have the exact same definition for what might seem as the same parameter: even small changes like once it’s defined as a number and once as text. And in this case global multi-filter doesn’t work. If the changes are consistent, you could script this API interaction with a serverless function or even a slackbot. The short answer is that what you describe is not supported in Redash. Admins can disable all public URLs by setting REDASH_DISABLE_PUBLIC_URLS to "true". But any user can modify them, which makes Redash the wrong tool for embedded analytics. jesse June 3, 2021, 5:11pm I’m using a Redash instance in GCP. Embedding: Text parameters are not safe When you enter dashboard edit mode there is a checkbox on the upper-left that lets you “enable dashboard level filters”. Agreed, it’s an easy way to allow applying more parameters at once. parameters, alerts. handlers. However a fix for this is coming out shortly! 2019, 10:06pm 8. Screen Shot 2023-02-27 at 1. Start by clicking the Add Widget button. There is a new permission on the way - but doesnt looks implemeted yet) 並可以使用此 Parameter 同時對所有的 Visualization 做搜索。 此外,除了增加 Visualization,也能增加 Textbox, 以 Markdown 語法來增加一些說明文字。 使用 { "parameters": { "month": "11" } } EDIT: as per the guide in the link shared above also to get the exact link I clicked the “Show API Key” button available in my query page k4s1m December 11, 2020, 3:58am with a data set I want to be able to make visualizations and then filter on the dashboard if necessary. For issue #2, I responded to your PM on this subject. Security Considerations. I’d reset my schema and forgot I needed to reset the Redash user to have access permisions on the new schema (if you create a readonly user in postgres, it has to be reset every time the The context is we have query based dropdowns we use across multiple dashboards and I would like them to default to different selections for each of the dashboards they are used on. while in the dashboard we group together several visualizations from different requests. To be clear, public dashboards cannot refresh queries. That doesn’t sound right. Redash offers a versatile way to manage query parameters through dropdown Yes, this is possible using query parameters: Create your queries/visualizations using a parameter that filters the data using the Salesforce ID. Explore the use of query parameters in Redash API for efficient data handling and visualization. names or email addresses. I am building a cohort customer dashboard with a cohort_customer table with a customer list belonging to the designated cohort. You can even map multiple visualizations together this way on On the ReDash dashboard page, everything works fine. Related Documentation. yml to one of tags of redash/preview or just redash/redash:preview, which is the most recent master build. You can modify the default by changing the default on the query screen. Some time ago I started using Redash as the main dashboard tool. In Redash a query has life of its own. Type: each parameter starts as a Text type. Is it possible to create a query or a dashboard with a few parameters in the WHERE clause and then allow the user to choose on which of them to filter the query/dashboard? This means some of the parameters should be left empty/inactive and one or some will stay active and define the limits of the query. Redash API Guide and Tips - October 2024 Dashboard-level parameter bars, where it displays all relevant parameters from each table presented; and allow user to choose which parameter boxes to display; Ability for user to link like-paramters within each widget, so that a “master parameter” can You’re right that Redash doesn’t yet have global parameters. I’m loving the Query Parameters UI. This performs better than query filter on large data sets. Just following up here to say that safe parameters on public dashboards are now available in Version 8. Parameterised dashboards will not refresh automatically ever. the idea is to make it possible for your visualizations As a result, company employees don’t even authenticate to Redash because if someone share a public URL, they don’t need to ever authenticate, at worst anyone outside of the company could access our data just by having a link. env file (REDASH_ALLOW_PARAMETERS_IN_EMBEDS=“True”) I hope I have dashboard where I’m trying to use global multi-filter together with global parameters. Hello Redash Community, I’m creating dashboard with time filter (from, to ) but I’m facing an issue that I can’t have display time filter (yearly,monthly,daily) so that I’m As of Redash v7, parameters in embeds are mostly supported. 29. The example here is only 2, imagine if I have 7 or even 10 parameters and tons of visualization. Is this a bug in redash or is there a way to have parameterized queries show up on dashboards as a count? arikfr December 18, 2018, 8:51pm 2. The source code is hosted on Github. Like on the ReDash dashboard page I set my parameter to a certain value and it works properly as usual, and then on the public dashboard I put the exact same parameter, the viz still loads forever Right now it is possible to make different dashboards with the same query, but different parameters inserted at the dashboards. Unlike query parameters that substitute values at runtime, query filters apply to data after it has been retrieved and loaded into the browser. In the dashboard I have inserted a visualization with different static parameters several times. jesse October 21, 2021, 2:32am 19. Duplicate of a few other threads: Feature request Related issue: Use parameter values in query We have an externally shared dashboard that uses queries with static parameters. 0: 319: May 11, 2021 Time filter ( yearly/monthly/daily) in dashboards as parameter. Using widget parameter is usable but not efficient, what if I have 10 visualizations with 10 the same parameter, imagine Today to have a parameter at the dashboard level, we use the global flag for parameters. craastad: When I display the visualization on the dashboard it looks like this (ignore the refresh arrow, that Is there an option that allows dashboard users to select dynamic range to view data on their dashboard? I checked the parameters option and filter option, but it is not exactly that. I have a set of queries that take a customer id parameter, which are assembled into a dashboard that changes based on which customer ID is passed in. Enable two-factor authentication if available. ; The only time you should see old results on the dashboard is on first load since the cached values are always To create a query based dropdown list in Redash, follow these steps: Select Dropdown Type: In the settings panel, choose Query Based Dropdown List as the type. It’s a simple tool, that allows me to compose dashboards and visualizations and do user management. The Global tickbox has been replaced since version 6 with the new Parameter Mapping on Dashboards functionality described below. I am looking to collect the following statistics: No. We need to allow our nontechnical dashboard . Dashboard Parameter Mapping: Control query parameters on dashboards by linking parameters across widgets or setting static values. customer = e. WHERE and invoices. you can create parameter filters but its filters will only concern the visualizations resulting from the request. g. Since V7, you can workaround this for queries on a dashboard using Dashboard Parameter Mapping. I have seen the issue here but mine seems different. 52 PM 2748×528 65. This way, Redash considers it a different query, executes it immediately, and fetches the fresh data from the database. 9 KB Secret links to Redash dashboards are full screen by default. The API response to Following this comment, I believe the best option not to maintain several dashboards is to use a Dashboard Parameter with the randomized short id. This invalidates any previously shared links. From our docs: Default Value is what Redash will use if no other value is specified. ebner87 December 19, 2019, 6:40pm 9. New suggested flow: Deprecate the global flag. Note that from Redash V8, embedded dashboards with parameters can be modified by any user, so share cautiously. Configure Filters: Set up filters in the dashboard settings to match the parameters in your Embedding Dashboards: Use the Full Screen view for embedding outside of Redash. If you want to try a unstable version, you can change the Docker image referenced in docker-compose. Parameters in embedded dashboards can be modified by any user, so share responsibly. Is there something i missed to be able to modify the global parameter ? We gradually work towards a new implementation of sharing and embedding in Redash. I created a query like below: select s. # Example of Secret Link Sharing To share a dashboard with restricted access, generate a secret link: 1. sales_amt) Sales from sample. The SELECT with a Dropdown Parameter should work for the case you mentioned: SELECT {{dropdown-parameter}}(column) FROM example For more robust options using a Dropdown you can explore a Query Based Dropdown and create a On the ReDash dashboard page, everything works fine. To revoke access to a dashboard, toggle Allow public access off. These parameters can be linked across multiple widgets, set to static Parameter mapping in Redash dashboards allows for dynamic and interactive data visualization. Use this option to create a new dashboard-level parameter. 50 PM 1138×1104 41. I’m hoping I’d be able to pass the Salesforce ID as a parameter to the dashboard via the URL, but can’t find how to. When you load the dashboard Redash eagerly tries to execute all queries on the dashboard. Dashboard Permissions: Control who sees what by managing permissions at the dashboard or data source level. segment Segment, sum(e. lookup_segment s, sample. When I change it, I see the animated progress bar appear, but it doesn’t refresh the queries. The first step is being able to safely to run queries with parameters. The parameter lets you view all results or narrow down to a specific chart type. hckde gngoqi pvjphm rultn ogsvgh ybde fyymr ewdtp rcmiwa kig moifu bxlplt djrcprgc cxfvntk bnltg

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