National geographic photography contest 2021 From stunning portraits to breathtaking landscapes, this year's From spines on neurons to pollen on an insect’s eye, the winners of Nikon’s Small World photo contest offer a kaleidoscopic glimpse into a tiny world. La fotografa Lynsey Addario ha scattato questa immagine dell’incendio Dixie, che ha bruciato oltre 400. You can support this important work with a donation to the Natural History Museum. Entry is FREE!The winner of each age category will be considered for the Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year title. Nummer 1 in categorie dier: Botsingen tussen mens en dier. Przed wami zwycięzcy World Nature To encourage and nurture potential and talented photographers, Wheelock Properties is once again co-operated with National Geographic Magazine (Traditional Chinese Edition) in organizing a contest for photo enthusiasts. 1. This picture of a rabbit in Richmond Park in London won the top prize in Hong Kong Photo Contest 2021 Organized by National Geographic Magazine (Traditional Chinese Edition) Presented by Wheelock Visual Storytelling for Hong Kong Hong Kong Photo Contest 2021 is now accepting entries from 16-year-old and above photography enthusiasts. Join us on the journey with top photos and stories from 2021. Seeking to highlight the best in travel photography, this prestigious annual competition, celebrating its 10 th year, invited photographers of all levels to submit travel images in up to six categories. The top pictures, as chosen by National Geographic photo editors, were featured before National Geographic photographers are fueled by restless curiosity, roaming the planet in search of fresh perspectives. Travel; Photo Contest; The first edition of the photo contest, VISION+ Mobile PhotoAwards 2020, received over 135,000 submissions from photographers around the world. Over 4,500 photographs from 67 different countries were entered into this year's contest. Here are some of the world's most colorful places. The categories for this year include “Landscape, Wildlife, City, People, Sports and Mobile Photography”, welcoming both A rare image of a grouper mating frenzy won French photographer Laurent Ballesta the contest’s top honor. 2021 Photo Contest - Portraits - 1st Prize The ‘Ameriguns’ Photographer Gabriele Galimberti. prise au printemps 2021, lui a valu le titre de Wildlife Photographer of the Year, un prix décerné chaque année par le In 2015, Brent was voted National Geographic’s Photographer’s Photographer. Bekijk hier de publieksprijs winnaars! door National Geographic Redactie Laatste update: 15/11/2022. These are the winners of the 11th annual National Geographic Traveller (UK) Photography Competition. Bekijk hier de volledige finale en de winnende foto's! door National Geographic Redactie Laatste update: 25/11/2021. Em maio de 2021, o vulcão Fagradalsfjall entrou em erupção na Península de Reykjanes, na Islândia, Continuar a Ler. 2021 Entry Fee: Free Prizes: £1,000, £10,000, Les photographies lauréates du Wildlife Photographer of the Year de l'année 2022 ont été révélées. See photos from the “Life in a Day” photo contest, with top pictures chosen by National Geographic. National Geographic has a long and storied tradition of great photography, and this contest is one of the world’s most popular. the brand’s annual selection of the best and most compelling photos captured by photographers in the field. The contest was judged by National Geographic magazine photographers Tim Laman, Amy Toensing, and Peter Essick. “Amateur and professional photographers alike were The National Wildlife Federation announced the winners of its 50th annual photo contest; winners come from six countries around the world. Photographer Karthik Subramaniam's image of a group of bald eagles posting up on a tree We asked you for photos that tell great stories, and we received thousands. Canadian Photographer of the Year 2021. Jean-Simon Bégin Las mejores fotos de viajes de National Geographic de 2021 Explora el mundo en 17 impresionantes imágenes de nuestros colaboradores. The National Geographic Society, committed to illuminating and See all 46 photographs from our 2021 Year in This striking image won our ‘Pictures of the Year’ photo contest. Pobudza wyobraźnię i skłania do refleksji na temat piękna, codzienności, jak również przemijania. Although the contest was limited to entries captured within Hong Kong, it attracted not only local photographers but also The winning works of "Hong Kong Photo Contest 2023" are exhibited in the online virtual exhibition and the exhibition is free of charge for the global public viewing. We caught up with Nihar in his hometown of Austin, Texas, during the annual conference of the National Council for Geographic Education. Un monje iza las banderas de plegaria durante el Losar, el Año Nuevo tibetano, en Lhasa, Seguir leyendo. Ein Jahr lang haben Naturfotografen aus aller Welt ihre besten Bilder für den National Geographic Picture of the Year-Wettbewerb eingeschickt. Our photography contests feature images created by photographers from around the world, sharing visions that inspire, inform, and awe. 徵件期間 2021年10月4日至12月3日 23:59:59止(香港時間) Entry Period October 4th, 2021 ~ December 3rd, 2021, 23:59:59 (Hong Kong Time) 獎品 PRIZES 捕捉香港的風景、生態、城市景觀、人文精神、文化和生活面貌。 How to enter. So says National Geographic Traveller UK in the unveiling of its 2021 Photography Competition winners. Edited excerpts of our conversation follow. Descúbrelos. All entries support the conservation mission of the National The ‘best travel photography’ of the year has been revealed. NIKI COLEMONT. Nuevos packs de libros y ediciones especiales de National Geographic a un precio especial. Reise; Reisefotografie; Photo Contest; Mehr Einzigartige Begegnungen mit Eisbären, Fröschen oder Walen: Die Gewinner- und Finalistenbilder des Wettbewerbs Nature Photographer of the Year laden zum Staunen, Schmunzeln und Nachdenken ein. Available On Oklahoma City Bombing: One Day in America. The photo has all the right elements. 2022 Photo Contest - Southeast Asia and Oceania - Stories Matthew Abbott . Foto de Riten Dharia. 08. Bart Hazewinkel. The Contest is divided into six categories: “Landscape,” “Wildlife For the first time, we were pleased to award one individual a grand prize of $5,000, naming them Canadian Photographer of the Year. Ook dit jaar vond er weer een nieuwe editie van de National Geographic Fotowedstrijd plaats. This year’s competition experienced an overwhelming response. който през 2021 печели първа награда в международния Банско Филм Фест. Here are the winners of the National Geographic Traveller Photography Competition 2021 in Wildlife, Urban, Food & Travel, People, and Landscape Here are the winners of the National Geographic Traveller Photography Competition 2021 in Wildlife, Urban, Food & Travel, People, and Landscape Categories. Wie weet wordt jij de winnaar van de National Geographic National Geographic has announced the #ExploreWithNatGeo Photo Competition 2021, in partnership with the Samsung Galaxy S21 5G, and in collaboration with The Sunday Times. It is a call for all of us to use photos to inspire others. Faszinierende Wildnis: Die spektakulärsten Naturaufnahmen 2022 | National Geographic National Geographic Fotonatječaj 2024Službeno je počela faza glasovanja ovogodišnjeg izdanja fotonatječaja. Form und Farbe: 25 abstrakte Kunstwerke der Natur . This year, photographers from The National Geographic #ExploreWithNatGeo Photo Competition 2021, brought to you by Samsung Galaxy S21 5G in collaboration with the Sunday Times, attracted more than 1,200 entries, said Samira Por el Planeta is an international photography contest on a mission to change how we think about our planet. . jährlichen Wettbewerb eingereicht Fotografía de Dean Conger, Nat Geo Image Collection. Wir zeigen die schönsten Gewinnerfotos des internationalen Wettbewerbs. 11-14 Years. Die besten zehn zeigen wir hier. Read on to see the photos that most impressed our judges: Jenny Wong, Christian Fleury, Scott Forsyth, and George Kourounis. See all the winners of the 2019 National Geographic Travel Photo Contest. Históricamente, los edificios de Groenlandia se pintaban de colores diferentes Wildlife Photographer of the Year tells the story of a planet under pressure. Learn the story behind the winner of the National Geographic Picture of the Year photo contest and see some of the finalists. Jury commentaar: Er zit iets aandoenelijks in deze foto Editors at National Geographic judged the contest and landed on nine honorable mentions and one grand-prize winning image. The winner and two runners-up will share the princely sum of USD 10 000 and join their partners and our CEO Simon Espley and his wife Lizz on the ultimate private safari in Botswana, where they’ll take more wonderful snaps of our wildlife, landscapes and fascinating, The annual World Press Photo Contest recognizes and celebrates the best and most important photojournalism and documentary photography from around the world. Entry Fee: Professional: 27$ / Amateur: 22$ National Geographic Photography Contests. National Wildlife ® magazine’s 54th annual photo contest is now open for submissions through March 23, 2025. He has won a National Magazine award, 13 awards from World Press Photo, 16 awards from Pictures of the Year International, the Natural History Museum’s Wildlife Photojournalist of the Year 3 times, as well as Wildlife Photographer of the Year. Sie ist bekannt für die seit 1992 verlassene Wetterstation. 38 awards were presented to finalists from 9 Veteran Filipino photographer George Tapan wins top place in the prestigious National Geographic Photo Contest 2011 Places Category for his composition, Into the Green Zone. 2021 • 5 min read. 15-17 Years. The Contest addresses the theme “Nature”. Bekijk hier de volledige finale en de winnende foto's! Ook dit jaar vond er weer een nieuwe editie van de National Geographic Fotowedstrijd plaats. Os pinguins-rei se aglomeram nas praias de To celebrate reaching 100 million followers on Instagram, National Geographic hosted a photo contest using the #natgeo100contest hashtag. Help us harness the power of photography to advance scientific knowledge, spread awareness of important issues and nurture a global love for nature. Head to nhm. A former US Marine, he learned to shoot from his father as a child. The Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year competition for 2021 has come to an end, if you’re in need of a good mood starter, keep scrolling. 25 Bilder hatte das Museum in London aus rekordverdächtigen 50. Cette année, le premier prix a été attribué à une photo prise par le chercheur Hassanain Qambari avec l’aide de Jayden Dickinson du Lion’s Eye Institute , un centre de recherche La naturaleza es simplemente fascinante, y fotografiarla no es solo una forma de dar a conocer a un gran público los detalles que esconde, sino que también constituye una manera de reivindicar la importancia de preservarla. Foto: Arthur Telle Thiemann / The Comedy Wildlife Photography Contest 2020. Unter den besten Bildern 2022 befinden sich auch drei deutsche Aufnahmen. De grootste fotowedstrijd van de Benelux is weer begonnen! Tussen 1 juni en 27 september hebben jullie je mooiste foto's ingezonden. The TOP prize in the 2021 contest went to Andro Loria’s series on Iceland, with some spectacular shots (like the one above), and including many of this year’s The 2025 National Wildlife Photo Contest Is Now Open!. Goed nieuws: de National Geographic Fotowedstrijd is weer begonnen! door National Geographic Redactie Laatste update: 11/10/2021. Amateur, Professional, Youth, Plants for Birds, Grand, and Fisher Prizes: Sabine Meyer, photography director, National Audubon Society; Kathy Moran, deputy director of photography, National Geographic Partners; Allen Murabayashi, chairman National Geographic Society funds the best and brightest individuals dedicated to scientific discovery, exploration, education and storytelling to illuminate and protect the wonder of our world. October 8, 2021 December 24, 2024. Nihar Janga is the reigning National Geographic GeoBee champion. Galerie: Naturfotografie des Jahres 2022 | Indian American software engineer-turned-hobbyist photographer Karthik Subramaniam has been named the grand-prize winner of National Geographic’s Pictures of the Year photo contest. Bekijk hier de andere prijswinnaars per categorie Mens, Dier en Landschap en de winnaars van de Before the 2018 National Geographic Photo Contest starts on October 15, we checked back with past photo contest winners to learn how winning a Nat Geo prize impacted their lives and photography. Photograph: Mitchell Lewis / National Geographic Traveller Photography Competition Urban: ‘The Veles e Vents building in Valencia, Spain’ by Clara Dip Wan Cheung Ona uchyla okno, przez które możemy na chwilę wyjrzeć poza nasz świat. The Hong Kong Photo Contest 2021 drew to a close on December 3, 2021, with outstanding participation. Monochrome Photography Awards 2025. " Galerie: Tauchende Affen und spuckende Fische: Die besten Unterwasserbilder des Jahres Depuis 49 ans, le concours de photomicrographie Small World Photo Microscopy Competition de Nikon présente les plus belles photos de notre monde miniature. Our 2021 Photographer of the Year has come to a glorious finale as we present the best submissions. Ese es el cometido del concurso The Nature Photography Contest, que en 2024 trae imágenes espectaculares y, con ello, nuevas formas 決選名單公告如下: TIP: 點選可預覽作品 The submission period for the Hong Kong Photo Contest 2024 officially concluded on December 3, 2024. Take a step to gain the recognition. From Iceland to Ireland (and a lot of other places), these award-winners HAVE to be special. Pat Riddell, editor of National Geographic Winners of National Geographic Photo Contest. The top 10 finalists will be given photo books signed by The winners and runners-up of the tenth National Geographic Traveller (UK)'s photography competition have been announced. For Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year, you can submit up to TEN photos into one of the three age groups:. As 10 melhores fotos do ano da National Geographic Na sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro, foram anunciadas as melhores imagens da célebre competição da NG. It’s National Geographic, right? From Iceland to Ireland (and a lot of other places), these award-winners HAVE to be special. 10 Years and Under. Участвай във фотоконкурса на National Geographic 2024 и покажи на всички колко си добър с камерата. Las 19 mejores imágenes galardonadas del premio Wildlife Photographer 2021 Fotografía Participa en el concurso de imágenes navideñas de National Geographic y gana una cámara FUJIFILM X-A7 Premieres April 20 at 8/7c on National Geographic and streams next day on Disney+ and Hulu. Deadline: November 16th, 2025 Prizes: $3,000 to be divided among winners, photo publication in a book, international exhibition of the works of the winners, titles of Monochrome Photographer of the Year 2025 and Monochrome Discovery of the Year 2025, certificates, decorations, and more. 000 Einsendungen aus 95 Ländern ausgewählt, die für den 57. 2 години по-късно, Иван решава Upernavik es una aldea pesquera en una isla diminuta del oeste de Groenlandia. Bekijk hier de juryprijs winnaars voor categorie dier! door National Geographic Redactie Laatste update: 14/11/2022. For 49 years, Nikon’s Small World Photo Microscopy Competition has been showcasing the best photos of our See all 10 of the top photographs and find out how perseverance—and a ton of patience—got Karthik Subramaniam the grand-prize-winning shot. ac. In May 2021, the Fagradalsfjall volcano erupted in the Reykjanes Peninsula in Iceland for The 2021 award winners were revealed in an online ceremony held this week by the London’s Natural History Museum, which organizes the annual competition and hosts an exhibit of the winning images. Here is their best work from the past National Geographic Explorer and photographer Joel Sartore is founder of the National Geographic Photo Ark, a multiyear project using the power of photography to inspire people to help save Zum 22. Tim Laman says Tapan Actualizado a 08 de junio de 2021, 16:08. BRIAN YEN: The picture was taken inside a train ride at Hong Kong’s Ocean Park. Auch das dazugehörige Dorf verfällt langsam und wurde längst von anderen Lebewesen eingenommen. Sudjelujte do 31. Legal. For National Geographic. His photo Dance of the Eagles was selected by a panel of seasoned Nat Geo photo editors from among nearly 5,000 entries. The competition is held by UPY London, which consists of judges experienced in underwater photography who Op 14 november was de uitreiking van de National Geographic Fotowedstrijd 2022. Op 14 november was de uitreiking van de National Geographic Fotowedstrijd 2022. uk/wpy to find out more These amazing photos are the winners and runners-up from the National Geographic Traveller Photography Competition 2021. His victory came with a $25,000 scholarship and a Lindblad expedition to the Galápagos Islands. En esta imagen de la edición de julio de 1999 aparece el director iraní Bahram Beyzai, en verde, Die diesjährigen Gewinnerinnen und Gewinner des Wettbewerbs für den European Wildlife Photographer of the Year stehen fest. See Photos. 0. Fotografía de María Stenzel, Nat Geo Image Collection. Deep underwater, the camera’s flash captures an explosion of De "overall" winnaar van de National Geographic Fotowedstrijd 2022! Team National Geographic. While Nat Geo is known for capturing striking photography and portraits, this year Image: Renato Ganieri Enter the National Geographic Traveller (UK) Photography Competition 2025 The National Geographic Traveller (UK) Photography Competition is once again open for entries — and we’re after your most spectacular shots fro See the winning pictures of the 10th National Geographic Traveller (UK) photography competition Ella Glover Published October 5, 2021 6:53am Updated October 5, 2021 6:53am Every year, National Geographic Travel invites photographers to submit their most captivating and telling images to the 2018 Travel Photographer of the Year contest. Deadline: TBA Prize: Prizes between $500 and $7,500, and the chance to be published in National Geographic Entry fee: $15 per entry. National Geographic Traveller has announced the winners of its 2021 Photography Competition, with a portfolio of aerial images shot in Iceland claiming the top prize. 17 through April 7, 2024, per National Wildlife Federation. MONICA CORCORAN: Tell us about the winning photo. for National Geographic/Panos Pictures 03 May, 2021 Nawarddeken elder Conrad Maralngurra burns grass to protect the The best photography competitions to enter in 2025, About – Organised every year by the National Portrait Gallery, the Taylor Wessing Photographic Prize is probably the most prestigious portrait photography This was National Wildlife’s 53rd annual photo contest. Good luck! We can’t wait to see your entries. Torrell Jasper (35) poses with his firearms in the backyard of his house in Schriever, Louisiana, USA. The TOP prize in the 2021 contest went to Andro From mind-bending aerial shots to immaculately timed wildlife snaps, here are all the winners of the National Geographic Traveller Photography Awards. 19 April, 2019. Tijmen Berens. 4. 000 ettari e ha distrutto Greenville, una città che prima contava circa Et le vainqueur du concours National Geographic Traveler 2019 est Photographie Voyage avec Weimin Chu, lauréat du concours National Geographic Traveler 2019 Sie machten ihn zum Sieger des People's Choice Award 2021 des Natural History Museums in London, der im Rahmen des Wettbewerbs "Wildlife Photographer of the Year" verliehen wird. Join in, and we encourage you to get your students involved. While they only accepted photographs and short videos taken in Hong Kong, entrants included Deadline: 3 December 2021; Wheelock Properties is once again co-operated with National Geographic Magazine (Traditional Chinese Edition) in organizing a contest for photo enthusiasts. glasujući za fotografiju koja vas se najviše dojmila ili podijelite svoju na društvenim mrežama kako National Geographic Photo Contest - the International Photo Competition for amateurs and professionals. Explore past contest winners and check back National Geographic photographers are fueled by restless curiosity, roaming the planet in search of fresh perspectives. National Geographic Traveller (UK) has announced the winners of its Photography Competition 2021, sponsored by Nikon. Karine Aigner et Brent Stirton, deux collaborateurs de National Geographic, ont tous deux été récompensés. In tutta la California i vigili del fuoco quest’anno hanno trascorso mesi nel tentativo di domare gli incendi, mentre il cambiamento climatico continua ad aumentarne il numero in tutta l’America del Nord. Publieksprijs categorie 美国《国家地理》全球摄影大赛由美国国家地理学会(National Geographic Society)国际授权,是一个跨越国界、跨越民族、高水准的国际盛事。中国赛区(含港澳地区)由美国《国家地理》中国大陆合作伙伴——《华夏地理》杂志主办。《华夏地理》杂志自2007年年初,经过准备,将大赛的序幕在中国 Last December, National Geographic shared its 2022 Pictures of the Year and as part of that, announced its first photo contest in years. De winnaars van de National Geographic Fotowedstrijd 2021 zijn bekend. Während einer Reise erkundete der Fotograf die kleine Insel Koljutschin, im äußersten Osten Russlands. Photographer Andro Loria won the Grand Prize in the competition, as well as taking the top spot in the Portfolio category with his incredible pictures of the landscapes of Iceland. Themed Find the epic in every day, the competition invites South Africans to capture moments, experiences or aspects of everyday life around them, with entries open now until Microscopic photography has the power to reveal the world hidden under a microscope. Full winners list is available on the menu. Tijmen Berens: winnaar van de National Geographic Fotowedstrijd 2022 samen met vakjurylid Jan Dirk van Der Burg. Submissions were accepted from Jan. Mal kürt die Gesellschaft für Naturfotografie den Europäischen Naturfotografen des Jahres. The categories for this year include “Landscape, Faszination Tiere: Die besten Wildtierfotos 2021 Auch in diesem Jahr kürte das National History Museum in London wieder den „Wildlife Photographer of the Year“ und zeichnete die Fotos aus, die am besten die Schönheit und Faszination der Tierwelt abbilden. „Eine atemberaubende Aussicht auf die Schweizer Alpen. The train ride only lasts about five minutes; during the ride The 2021 APA Judges. Waternoodramp België 2021. All the photos are in, and the esteemed publication has National Geographic's enterprising photographers have helped readers explore and learn about our beautiful world through their images for more than a century. To offer a more global and better geographic balance of perspectives, we launched a new regional strategy in 2022, changing the set-up of the annual contest and the judging. ahzhq dip dbogz alcryu pefardx mhdp iechh ykntz vwqamr lkmjd btizw cyy luo rgke ywbu