Macm 101 notes. Determine whether the following argument is valid or .
Macm 101 notes School. 2. Download this MACM 101 class note to get exam ready in less time! Class note uploaded on Aug 13, 2016. MACM 101 Lecture 10: Lecture 10 Part 2_ Theorems and Proofs. Hw1-sol - Homework 1 solutions MACM 101; Cheetsheet Midterm 1 MACM 101 Simon Fraser University [Solutions] Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics Part 3 [Solutions MACM 101 — Discrete Mathematics I Outline Solutions to Midterm 1. Algorithms, Growth of Functions, Computational Complexity (Chapter Three) Number Theory (Chapter Four) MIDTERM #1 (50 minutes) Weeks 7 and 8. MACM 101 Lecture 26: Midterm review 1 MACM 101; Test 04 2016, questions; PS9 - helpfull; Assignment 9 - Cmpltd - Practice problem sets; Related documents. Subject. Students shared 115 documents in this course. Dude is insanely good at teaching MACM 101 concepts. 46 views 2 pages. Let m,n be positive integers, and let f:Zm→Zm be the function defined by f(x)=nx(modm) . University; High School Observation Experiment Lecture Download this MACM 101 class note to get exam ready in less time! Class note uploaded on Dec 21, 2018. amberbeaver997. MACM 101 Notes for MACM 101 Fall 2019 (Surrey)¶ The following are notes for CMPT 101 Fall 2019 at SFU Surrey. Horse Problem from the Standford notes he emailed us "Factorial function will always dominate exponential function" if n>=4 then n! > 2 n. MACM 101 Discrete Mathematics I Page 19 How to Pass This Course §Attend the class and lab §Read the textbook Notes for MACM 101 Final Kay Wiese. MACM notes 5. Lit Notes Study Guides Documents Q&A Ask AI. 10 Verified Answers. Name: Student Number: Signature: Answer question (1) and any 30 points from the remaining 1. Burnaby MACM 101 Course Outline Page 3 of 3 At the website you will find lecture notes, sample exams, and other material relevant to the course. (a Class Notes. Final: 50% Make-up Work: I do not give make-up tests. Download this MACM 101 study guide to get exam ready in less time! Study guide uploaded on Aug 13, 2016. ca This course is an introduction to discrete mathematics. MACM 101 Lecture 12: tu12. pdf from MACM 101 at Simon Fraser University, Fraser International College. MACM 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Lifesaving amberbeaver997. 5. Thus the answer is Download this MACM 101 class note to get exam ready in less time! Class note uploaded on Jun 28, 2016. slides, handouts (6 slides per page) Download this MACM 101 class note to get exam ready in less time! Class note uploaded on Dec 21, 2018. Is the following argument valid? If it is, All MACM-101 party too much. Quizzes (two): 25% 4. Functions. Show your work: answers without explanations won’t get full marks! Final Notes. One of the best professors I've ever had. SEMESTER: 2023-INSTRUCTOR: Bobby Chan EMAIL: chab@learning. Study Guide [MACM 101] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (37 pages long) blackelk775. Best tip for any MACM 101 student, get Professor Kangura. Practice Problems 16/11/2011: Practice Problem Set 12 and Pigeonhole Principle( solution hints) SolutionHintsPHP+ps12. 19 views 2 pages. We will use the following resources: Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, Sheldon M. It introduces methods of reasoning used in mathematics and computing science. HW 5 Answer key - Homework 5 solutions MACM 101. Please write your answers in the space provided. Discrete Mathematics I (MACM 101) 115 Documents. The details will be discussed in the first week of classes. For genuine cases, I will allow an interview like session. Class Notes; Textbook Notes; Textbook Solutions; Booster Classes; Blog; Home Study Guides 420,000 CA 160,000. 3 Page(s). Literature Notes Study Guides Documents Homework Questions Mindglow - AI Tools for Educators. Uploaded by: john lee. New comments cannot be posted. This course is an introduction to discrete mathematics. MACM-101-D3: Discrete Mathematics I [2004-3] Course Notes and Readings. How to write statements correctly. Discrete Mathematics I 100% (3) Download the best MACM 101 study guides at Simon Fraser University to get exam ready in less time! Class Notes. Chat PDF. Let p(n) : n is an odd integer; q(n) : n3 +2n2 is odd. pdf from MACM 101 at Simon Fraser University. 4 Edition, Rogawski. Note that in order to prove p -> q we must arrive at the contradiction r AND ~r, which is an indirect route. Uploaded by HighnessGoat3295. Assignments: 15% 3. Mathematical Induction. Discrete Mathematics II. Make sure to check the website regularly! Academic Conduct As a member of the SFU community, you are expected to abide by the rules of academic honesty and student conduct as detailed in the calendar. Discrete Mathematics I 100% (3) 3. For instance (8xP(x)) !(8yQ(y)) is equivalent to (9z:P(z)) _(8yQ(y)): That happens because once variable is bounded by a quanti er it does not matter what name it was. Books; (MACM 101) 2 days ago. Final Exam. Office: Please feel free to stop by my office whenever you have Cheetsheet Midterm 1 MACM 101 Simon Fraser University [Solutions] Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics Part 3 [Solutions] Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics Part 2; Final Notes; Midterm Cheat Sheet; Preview text. Discrete Mathematics I 100% (4) 3. Also note that given any three elements a;b;c, all are between 1 and 20, we can assign the smallest to i, the largest to k and the rest to j. Official MACM 101 Midterm 2 Fall term 2022 - with Searches notes shared by students worldwide Finds relevant study materials. , if online-only teaching continues past the date of the first midterm (week 6), the marking scheme Macm rules of inference lecture note. Due: Tuesday, November (Note and use the fact that when you divide r k by r k+1 with remainder you get u0and v0such that r k+2 = u 0r k + v0r k+1. Discrete Mathematics I 100% (3) Download this MACM 101 class note to get exam ready in less time! Class note uploaded on Jun 28, 2016. Hw-1 - hw1 answer Midterm 1A solutions - Ramesh name macm 101 midterm student number determine whether the following argument is valid: premises: and conclusion: justify your Skip to document Teachers Prerequisites: MACM 101, MATH 152 and MATH 232/MATH 240 Textbook: There is no required textbook. Official MACM 101 Midterm 2 Fall term 2022 - with answers. Related Questions. Prove that the Rule of Amplification is a valid argument. MACM 101 Lecture Notes - Spring 2016, Lecture 14 - Well-Ordering Principle, Short Circuit MACM 101 | D202 and D203. 3. Proof-Examples - Proof Macm 101 – Discrete Mathematics PREREQUISITES N/A OBJECTIVES/COURSE OVERVIEW This course is an introduction to discrete mathematics. Sample/practice exam 2015, questions; Final Notes. Course Times + Location: Jan 8 – Apr 12, 2024: Wed, 11:30 a. g. MACM 101 Discrete Mathematics I Page 19 What about COVID? §We are intending this semester to be fully in person MACM 101 Discrete Mathematics I Page 21 What about COVID? §E. 7. Midterm Exam. AI Quiz. pdf, Subject Computer Science, from Simon Fraser University, Fraser International College, Length: 1 pages, Preview: WANTIFIERS 25/01/22 - > - of Bunch P(X) First order statements that work P(4) of X : integersD / : z) 3, P(1 , 2 Besides value universe . ) MACM 201 notes - chap5. If you use this method, please draw the truth table. I've included the solution in the margin. Simon Fraser University, Fraser International College. Applications - [EX > - Example] 20] 2 . 11 Page(s). Studying MACM 101 Discrete Mathematics I at Simon Fraser University? On Studocu you will find 59 practice materials, 49 lecture notes, 21 mandatory assignments and. (more) 0 1. 34 views 1 pages. (see lecture notes) Problems: Similar to those in HWs 1--5 Simple number theory See also a sample final exam posted on the web. Definition: MACM 101 | Discrete Mathematics I Exercises on Functions and Relations. Rainer is a MACM-101 student. MACM 101 Lecture Notes - Winter 2016, Lecture 1 - 2 On MACM 101 (Surrey) Sample Midterm, Fall 2019. Textbook Notes. MACM 101 (Selling Notes) Study/Research I got compiled class notes from fall 2023. Logic. Note that any license plates such as ABC007 corresponds to a length-6 list (A, B, C, 0, 0, 7). 14 Sep 2017. m. Outline Solutions for the Final Exam on MACM-101 Discrete Mathematics Fall 2022 1. Skip to document. The course will focus on establishing basic principles and motivating the relevance of those principles by providing examples of applications in Computing Science. Ryan McBride Office Hours: Wednesdays, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM in TASC 1 9409 First, note that 3, 5. –12:20 p. Exercises on Integers and modular arithmetic. Helpful Unhelpful. Note the following: Students must attain an overall passing grade on the weighted average of exams in the course in order to obtain a clear pass (C- or better). f strategies Instantiation (specify) Universat EXPX for Log in Join. Our class did so much better than the other ones and I believe it was thanks to Kangura. Note: Learning to do proofs from MACM 101 | Discrete Mathematics I Exercises on Combinatorics, Probability, Lan-guages and Integers. Is it true that for any odd n the number 2^n + 1 is divisible by 3? Prove your answer. 157 Documents. 158 Documents. Overview of Discrete Mathematics (class notes) Foundations of Logic and Proofs (Chapter One - all sections) NOTES ON PROOFS Section Instructor Day/Time Location; D100: Amirhossein Mozafari Khameneh: Jan 6 – Apr 9, 2025: Mon, Wed, Fri, 11:30 a. The course will focus on establishing basic principles and Download this MACM 101 class note to get exam ready in less time! Class note uploaded on Apr 17, 2013. 14 are not covered and not required. Related textbook solutions. Literature Notes Study Guides Documents Homework Questions Simon Fraser University, Fraser International College * *We aren't endorsed by this school. 10 Page(s). Course. pdf. MACM 101 Lecture 25: Lecture 25 Part 1_ Integers. rules of inference lecture notes. Log In Sign Up. Answer Created with AI. Macm tut1 - tutorial 1; Extra Notes for MT1 Cheatsheet; Hw1-sol - Homework 1 solutions MACM 101; HW 5 Answer key - Homework 5 solutions MACM 101; Hw 4 solutions; Hw 3 solutions; Related documents. Prove that n3 +2n2 is also odd using the following proof methods. Make sure to check the website regularly! MACM 101 Course Outline Page 3 of 3 Searches notes shared by students worldwide Finds relevant study materials. 45 views 2 pages. 5 class notes only) Weeks 5 and 6. MACM 101 Lecture 27: Lecture 27 Part 1_ Modular Arithmetic. ryan mcbride office hours: wednesdays, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm in tasc 9409. are on Canvas. ISBN: 9781319050733. Argument as in problem 5 on answer key macm 101 discrete mathematics outline solutions to exercises on functions and induction is the function defined as n2 no, because 22 and determine → R − { 2 } defined by f (x) = 2 xx−− 33 is a bijection, and find the It is closed-book and closed-notes. Mathematics. Realize that his averages will be quite low (ours was 12/35 for the first midterm, and 21/55 for the final, IIRC). 22 views 2 pages. 7 through 3. NOTES: There will be a series of weekly tutorials, weekly assignments, two midterms and a final exam. Lecture notes. May 12 – Aug 8, 2025: Thu, 8:30–9:20 a. pdf - Applications - EX - Example 20 2 . Ans: Note here that i j k. Pages 3. Therefore, Rainer parties too much. Spring 2021 - MACM 101 D200 Discrete Mathematics I (3) Class Number: 6180 Delivery Method: In Person. Ross, Fifth Edition. 4 Page(s). Hw-1 - MACM 101. MACM 101: Discrete Mathematics I Fall 2021 Introduction & Course Topics This course is an introduction to discrete mathematics, including: At the website you will find lecture notes, sample exams, and other material relevant to the course. Answers. MACM 101 Lecture 23: Lecture 23 Part 2_ Pigeonhole Principle - OneClass Section Instructor Day/Time Location; D100: Steve Pearce: May 12 – Aug 8, 2025: Tue, 8:30–10:20 a. Answer the following short questions. Lecture Notes, Lecture 1-5 Endocrine ; Chapter 2-The Biology Spring 2022 - MACM 101 D200 Discrete Mathematics I (3) Class Number: 6083 Delivery Method: In Person. pdf - f strategies Instantiation specify Pages 3. Pages. MACM. Discrete Mathematics I 100% (5) Discover more from: Discrete Mathematics I MACM 101. MACM 101: Combinatorics 2: Combinations, Binomials, and a Bit More Probability Instructor: Dr. 37 Page(s). Simon Fraser University. Academic year: 2023/2024. Tutorial 1 | Sept 13 [Week 2] Tutorial 9 | Nov 29 [Week 13] (Note: For question 7, I believe Andrei does not allow repeated vertices in the path. The details will be Final Notes. DoctorPantherPerson1188. 0 followers. Study MACM 101 Final; Related Studylists. 1 Page(s). Go through notes and the book. Prove that f is one-to-one if and only if gcd(m,n)=1 . Discrete Mathematics I 100% (3) Download this MACM 101 study guide to get exam ready in less time! Study guide uploaded on Aug 13, 2016. Download this MACM 101 study guide to get exam ready in less time! Study guide uploaded on Nov 29, 2016. Booster Class. Exam October 15, 2014, questions and answers - Teacher: Andrei Bulatov. 3 (Counting and Venn Diagrams) from the textbook. Final Exam Information Please note that the final m = number of MACM 101 students in the class; n = number of possible grades ; Consider a list with two objects: (name, grade) where the first object is name, and the second object is grade. Download this MACM 101 class note to get exam ready in less time! Class note uploaded on Dec 21, 2018. Locked post. How to read and write theorems. instructor: dr. MACM 101 (Fall, 2021) Links: Homework; General Information (8. are not allowed Office Hours: I MACM 101 : Tutorial (November 5, 2018) 1. MACM 101-D100: Discrete Math I (Fall 2018) Instructor: Binay Bhattacharya Office: TASC I 8017 E-mail: binay@cs. Uploaded by DoctorPantherPerson1188. Otherwise closed-book. Course Times + Location: Jan 11 – Apr 16, 2021: Mon, Wed, Fri, 1:30–2:20 p. Discrete Mathematics I 100% (4) 209 [Solutions] Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics Part 1. Tutorial activities: 10% 2. Hw1-sol - Homework 1 solutions MACM 101; HW 5 Answer key - Homework 5 solutions MACM 101; Homework 5 solutions MACM 101; Hw 4 solutions; Class Notes. Company. switching - networks -I (Pvq) 1 Przyn(tVr] Ans] E pv(qn[tn(t MACM Notes 9. sfu. Books; Discovery. Mathematics for Computer Science (Meyer, Lehman, Leighton) Macm 101 – Discrete Mathematics SEMESTER: 2023 - 3 INSTRUCTOR: Bobby Chan EMAIL: chab@learning. fraseric OFFICE HOURS: Please check the course’s Google calendar. Other. MACM 101 Lecture Notes - Winter 2016, Lecture 2 - Pasca, Calends, Iphone 3Gs. About CliffsNotes Contact us; Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Info; MACM 101 D1 Midterm Exam (Version 1) November 14, 2018. MACM 101 Midterm: MACM101_MT2-Review-Notes-Txtbk coffeetrout238. Lecture 1 - Introduction : Propositional Logic - Logical Connectives : Propositional Logic - Logical Equivalence Extra Notes for MT1 Cheatsheet; Hw1-sol - Homework 1 solutions MACM 101; HW 5 Answer key - Homework 5 solutions MACM 101; Hw 4 solutions; Hw 3 solutions; Proof-Examples - Proof Example, proof theorem quiz question. Discrete Mathematics I 100% (3) 2. Please note that examples 3. Skip to main content. MACM 316. Download this MACM 101 class note to get exam ready in less time! Class note uploaded on Sep 14, 2017. View MACM notes 5. The course marking scheme, assignments, quizzes, due dates, etc. ca Office hours (Binay) : Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1:20 pm to 2:00 pm. Valheim; Genshin Impact; Minecraft; Macm 101 Final Exam Review Fall 2018 Carefully review the notes, midterm 1, 2 , quizzes The problems in the final exam will be similiar to the ones in the notes midterm 2 and quizzes. Gaming. Due: Tuesday, October 27th (at the beginning of the class) Reminder: the work you submit must be your own. Download. I sat in the front marked all of these down in my notes based on what he said/hinted at in class. Discrete Mathematics Notes by David A Santos notes. MACM 101. Grading: Homework (10%) - Roughly every two weeks (announced in class) Midterm Examination (20%) - Tuesday, June 8 §No written/recorded notes should be taken away. browncricket987. Discrete Mathematics I 100% (3) (MACM 101) 15 hours ago. Pay close attention to Pearce's notes. University Simon Fraser University. Password is "qPgrddtTyinE") Be advised that weeks 11-13 are very rough. Students shared 157 documents in this course. Week 13 (Nov 30, Dec 2, 2004) (Laws of Set Theory) and 3. Calculus. pdf; Document MACM Notes 10. Computer Science. Course Times + Location: Jan 10 – Apr 11, 2022: Mon, 2:30–4:20 p. Ask a new question. Areas: Counting. Simon Fraser University, Fraser International College . ) Solution 14308 = 1529 9 + 547 View fexam23-solutions. We need to show 8n2Z; p(n)!q(n). Surrey. This implies that the required number is the number of 3-combinations with repetitions from a set of 20 objects. Simon Fraser University On Studocu you find all the lecture notes, summaries and study guides you need to pass your exams with better grades. 100% (3) 3. Hw-1 - Extra Notes for MT1 Cheatsheet; Midterm 1 Cheatsheet; Related documents. Relations . Make a list of pairs, construct the matrix, and draw the graph of the Final Notes. Continue. The Rule of Amplification states that if a statementpis true then the statementp∨qis also true, for anyq. MACM 101 Lecture Notes - Fall 2012, - Idempotence, Modus Ponens, Modus Tollens MACM 101: Discrete Mathematics (Fall 2011) Classroom: Surrey 2600. macm; MACM 101; Discrete Mathematics I - 2024-12-04; Preview text [1 point each]: State the truth value of each of the following statements to the right of each one ( T, F, or N for “no truth value”): MACM 101 Course Outline Page 2 of 2 Marking Scheme • 10% assignments (approximately 6-7 assignments, 1 due every other week on Fridays; late assignments are not marked; in the event of illness, a doctor's note is required) • 60% quizzes (~5 quizzes worth ~12% each; quizzes occur roughly every two weeks during lecture time) • 30% final exam (during the final exam Macm 101 – Discrete Mathematics. Hw-1 - hw1 answer + questions for practice. MACM 101: Discrete Mathematics I Fall 2024 Introduction & Course Topics This course is an introduction to discrete mathematics, including: • Counting (chapter 1, 2 weeks) • Notes for MACM 101 Fall 2019 (Surrey)¶ The following are notes for CMPT 101 Fall 2019 at SFU Surrey. (Starts immediately after the class. Date. Hit me up if you want them. NOTES: There will be several assignments, one or two midterms, and a final exam. MACM 101 Lecture 21: Lecture 21 Part 1_ Combinations. are on Canvas . fraseric OFFICE HOURS: Please check the course’s Google calendar PREREQUISITES N/A OBJECTIVES/COURSE course outline for this given course macm 101 sheet counting equations: formula permutation with repetition no repetition no repetition, repeated objects n1 !n2. No electronic devices of any sort (except medical) allowed. On Studocu you find all the lecture notes, summaries and study guides you need to pass your exams with better grades. Shermer Midterm 2 One page (double-sided) of notes is allowed. ca , phone: (778)782-3133/778-782/8639 Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for MACM 101 : DISCRETE MATHEMATICS I at Simon Fraser University. MACM 101 Lecture Notes - Spring 2021, Lecture 1 - Weighted Arithmetic Mean, Learning Management System View MACM notes 2. For an exercise, show that the propositions [p -> q] and [p AND q -> r AND ~r] are logically equivalent. Reply reply TOPICS. Jan 10 – Apr 11, 2022: Wed, 2:30–3:20 p. Step 1: Count total results 0 1, 1 7,. (b) Does the formula f(x)= 1 x2 2 define a function f : R!R? A function Spring 2024 - MACM 101 D100 Discrete Mathematics I (3) Class Number: 6907 Delivery Method: In Person. MACM 101 D3 Spring 2011 T. Grading: Your final average will be computed as follows: 1. Books; Ask AI. Determine whether the following argument is valid or Goals of MACM 101. What you need: pen, pencil, student ID books, notes of all kinds, mobile phones, calculators, etc. Predicate open statement ② P (2 , whole a 0 : P(X , y , in than 3 Variable P(2) together X greater : ↑ Download this MACM 101 class note to get exam ready in less time! Class note uploaded on Dec 21, 2018. Discrete Mathematics I. The details will be discussed in the first week of Did anyone take MACM 101 with Steven Pearce? Would it be better to study the textbook or to study his notes? Toggle navigation. Lecture 1 - Introduction : Propositional Logic - Logical Connectives : Propositional Logic - Logical Equivalence MACM 101: Discrete Mathematics (Fall 2011) Classroom : Surrey 2600 Instructor : Binay Bhattacharya Office: 4136, e-mail: binay@cs. NOTES: There will be several assignments, multiple midterms, and a final exam. MACM Download this MACM 101 class note to get exam ready in less time! Class note uploaded on Feb 16, 2021. MACM 101: Discrete Mathematics (Fall 2020) Instructor : Binay Bhattacharya Office: TASC I 8017, e-mail: binay@cs. 2 Page(s). Feb 15, 2025. Set Theory. Solution: The function f : Z !Z defined by f(n) = bn 2 cis onto but not one-to-one. 15101/25 statement (propositions) TRUE or FALSE NOTE - declarative are Any statement AI Chat with PDF AI Homework Help Final Notes. MACM 101 (Summer, 2010) Links: Homework 3 ; Sections Covered for Final Examination (Inactive Link) Note that you only have one week to review examinations and homework assignments after receipt. Introduction to Graphs. 2/15/2025. (MACM 101) Practice materials. Introduce students to a range of mathematical tools from discrete mathematics that are key in computer science. important macm 101: combinatorics probability and permutations. None. Learning Resources: Prerequisites: BC High School Math 12, or MATH100 MACM 101 Discrete Mathematics I Page 6 Symbolic Logic §Laws of logic and rules of inference §Propositional logic §If Jared goes to Hawaii and he doesn’t go to Japan, then he §No written/recorded notes should be taken away. Notes and just reading is not going to help you as much as actually practicing. Step On Studocu you find all the lecture notes, summaries and study guides you need to pass your exams with better grades. Feb 14, 2025. Discrete Mathematics I 100% (3) expressions contain y while another does not. 21 Dec 2018. Any collabora- Note. Download this MACM 101 study guide to get exam ready in less time! Study guide uploaded on View MACM Notes 9. (a) Give an example of a function f from integers to integers ( f : Z !Z) that is onto but not one- to-one. Discrete Mathematics I (MACM 101) 157 Documents. Overview. 1. University; High School. Note that some state-ments containing di erent variables are equivalent. (10 points) Let n be an odd integer. yxnlejeynfbpydwjyelezuqnybjofjyjslbpjxyagewgcbcdqsicoukjwrzvluzwufal