House phylund waterdeep Their noble blood might allow for some sense of shared respect but the houses are in no way united and each have their own agendas, influence and wealth. All three of Urtos II's children were mysteriously declared unfit to rule by the Lords of Waterdeep, and Aridarye finally got her wish -- her son, Urtos III would be heir of House Phylund. Although your player could come Houses of Waterdeep For those that are interested, this received a major overhaul. 8. [1][2][4] It was built by the noble Phylund family in the mid–14th century DR and was used as a base of operations for the family's Maps and details for the estate house, dock warehouse, pet store, and market stalls in Waterdeep; the watchspider breeding caves under Waterdeep (which Holdings: Waterdeep, Ardeep Forest (Phylund Hunting Lodge) History. Yalah stays abreast of events in the city Contained within you'll find a listing for many of the major noble houses of Waterdeep, what their interests are, where they are situated, and quest ideas for DMs running noble oriented games. If you are a scion of the House, you have pleased the patriarch Organization []. [6]Activities []. Maps and details for the estate house and smithy Cragsmere has some really interesting history as well. I arbitrarily included House Phylund in a Broadsheet so I'd love to delve into that piece. The family owned a villa in the Sea Ward, on the south side of Wrightstone Street between Diamond Street and Mendever Street. Despite that, I think it would be fun to play one that's going out into Faer û n to collect magic Arms of House Phylund - Escutcheon displaying the heraldic coat of arms of house Phylund. The last time it happened (when the Griffon flew from Ahghairon’s Tower to the top of Mount Waterdeep), was barely over ten years ago in 1479, when Vajra was fighting Ten Rings for the Blackstaff. His consort and wife, Miri, stepped down during this time and heir was passed to Challas' second son, Regnet. I've added significant details about House Amcathra to my previous House Phylund publication. Once banished from Waterdeep for smuggling, slavery, and other In the Year of the Bloodbird (1346 DR), Lord Urtos Phylund I built a stone hunting lodge in the western depths of Ardeep Forest. They had a son, Tarnos, and two others, but the official heir recognized by the Lords of Waterdeep was Phylund Villa was the family estate of the Waterdhavian noble house Phylund. Archived from the original on 2016-11-01. House Rosznar . The Rosznars were wealthy landowners, known in part for their vineyards in the countryside of Amn. GUILDS OF WATER DEEP Bakers' Guild Carpenters', Roofers', and Plaisterers' Guild Here's my own attempt at a guide to the five main factions of Faerûn, whether you're in Waterdeep or anywhere else in Toril. It includes details on all of the 44 trade guilds Also, on a more serious note — there are plenty of people alive in Waterdeep who have seen the statues move with their own eyes. You are a favored member of the House. [9]Tactics []. House Phylund Personages Patriarch: Urtos Phylund I Consort: None Heir: Urtos Phylund II Membership (Nobles): 14 Predominant Faith: Helm Faction Details Common Descriptors: xxx Primary Classes: xxx Alignments: LN, NG, NE Faction Ranks • Favored: Rank 1. House Phylund is mentioned to capture and sell monsters. [2]As of House Phylund has an estate on Copper Street, west of the High Road between Julthoon Street and Trader's Way in the North Ward. [5] The tieflings were usually sent to a Gralhund estate in Yartar. Mirt the Here's some additional exchange rates designed to replace the chart in chapter 5 of the PHB, and the sources used. Retrieved on 2009-10-07. This villa, originally owned by House Phylund, is the De'spri villa in Waterdeep now. Three Factions of Waterdeep expands and integrates those faction rules and benefits into one Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a member of one of Waterdeep's grand noble families. ; House Tchazzam — Among the most prolific of the city's archers and fletchers. Some of the noble houses that A list of the noble houses of Waterdeep. 1 1. House Phylund A house of exoticists, with interests in the training, procuring, and breeding of fearsome monsters. . In the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR, the head of the family was Urtos Phylund II and his consort Lythis. Nice resource, though I found it Base of Operations []. [3] The Field of Triumph was located at the southern end of the Street of the Singing Dolphin, across Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Meant to be a downtime activity with minimal DM interaction, Trade Guilds of Waterdeep hopefully gives players some more flavor and character development opportunities. Web Enhancement for City of Splendors: Waterdeep. Guide to the Five Factions attempts to consolidate and build off of the official fifth-edition faction Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me ↑ 1. I took a bit of a different strategy on this one. Alas, in the fight, they did a good bit of fire damage to the inn, causing a loss of all the inn's profits to cover repairs. [7] In addition to a fine ruby wine, [8] they also produced a variety of poisons. This is a look at the wines they bring to the table. [1][2][3][4] Urtos II was a strong-willed individual, born and raised as a I had the wererats living in the house next door, so the swept the place clean. Fortunately, there are others in the House capable of overseeing the familial business. I'm a big fan of the Acquisitions Inc adventure, but a hate the corporation concept. Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me The Field of Triumph was a large outdoor stadium located in the Sea Ward of Waterdeep. This pub is an attempt to solve that problem. You could also read up on the Dusk Circle druids just up the road from Waterdeep in the Kryptgarden forest. House Amcathra breeds horses and cattle, and having someone around who can speak with animals is always an asset. Their small Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me 2 Cities: Skullport, Waterdeep; 5 Governing Bodies: Lords of Waterdeep, Waterdeep City Guard, Waterdeep City Watch, Waterdeep Griffon Cavalry, Waterdeep Navy; Barovia (including as a bonus): 2 Factions: . Its now one consolidated pdf to remove some of the redundant pages, and there's a separate phone pdf for each House to email to players for easy reference. Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage Tools In case you find House Phylund interesting (what monster-hunter wouldn't), here's a resource that attempts to put all the legacy info (along with a bit of homebrew to fill in the blanks) Wines of Waterdeep: The five vintner Houses of Waterdeep have a rivalry as fierce as any over their vintages. It was In mourning over the recent death of his wife, Urtos has largely withdrawn from social life. He will only see his friend, Prendergast Brokengulf. x Members of the Family. There's a good amount of lore on each. Having Mold Earth as a cantrip would make you invaluable Lord Urtos Phylund II was the patriarch of the noble Phylund family of Waterdeep, from the Year of the Sword, 1365 DR, until at least the 1370s DR. The Thann family owned large plots of land to both the north and south of Waterdeep, [1] [4] including a villa, the Fair Winds, that they rented out. Unless a canon source contradicts this assertion, this wiki will use Noble Houses of Waterdeep (Zipped PDF). In 1366 DR (The Year of the Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Phylund, Rosznar. It wouldn’t be too far out of the way to imagine they sell other exotic animals as well. The soon to be lady of House Gralhund is no fool. Two months before he assumed the mantle of patriarch, he was infected with lycanthropy and became a werewolf, but managed to keep this a secret for a few years. ; House Tarm — Some of Waterdeep's finest caravaneers and horse-breeders. Forgotten Realms (Arabic) Faerûnpedia (German) Wiki Reinos Olvidados (Spanish) Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Phylund Villa: House Phylund villa; Harte Villa: House Harte villa (formerly Brossfeather*) Kothornt Villa: One of the finest spirits shops in Waterdeep, specializing in having the widest offerings from around Faerûn. Hello, this is an advertisement btwI've added a 3rd house (Rosznar) to the pub at the bottomeach has been a pretty unique rabbit hole for me and a fun Holdings: Waterdeep, Ardeep Forest (Phylund Hunting Lodge) History. Delzimmer House: Private Dwarven residence often used by members of the dwarven Delzimmer family of Citadel Adbar. [10] [11]Base of Operations [] A subreddit for DMs running the D&D 5th Edition module Waterdeep: Dragon Heist I think its suppose to be House Phylund (as noted in WDDH)? I too love the sewers. but then they tell you next to nothing about those families. Silversickle House: The impressive building for which the villa compound as a whole is named. The Rosznars were not above tossing a political rival, enemy, or other "problem" into Lhestyn's Court and keeping them there until dead. ; House Thann — The preeminent Important facts about House Phylund (mostly from Forgotten Realms Wiki -- but quite a bit from the "Scourge of the Sword Coast" Phylund Lodge mission): He returned to Waterdeep less than a tenday after his father's funeral -- and contrived to spend full moons in secrecy at the Phylund Lodge in the Ardeep Forest. In preparation for running Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, I've been reading about the noble houses of Waterdeep, and have found some possibly-conflicting information about Houses Gundwynd, Brokengulf, and the possibly-extant House Gundgulf It's pretty well established that Gundwynd and Brokengulf existed. Quests undertaken by agents of House Phylund might include the House Phylund captures and trades exotic animals and monsters. It'd be cool to see the outline for Xanathar's hideout and the cellar Are there any pet shops in waterdeep? I've checked dragon heist, city of splendors, and I've even checked a wiki that claims to list the businesses of waterdeep. Urtos II There's roughly 60 pages of content and numerous images (primarily maps of properties in/around/under Waterdeep), along with Jalanvaloss, some historical magic items, spells, and monstersall brought to 5e. Mirt's Mansion: The most famous landmark around Castle Ward's docks, this stronghold is home to one of Waterdeep's richest ex-adventurers, recently returned to Waterdeep after long being thought dead. Corroborating this, Dragon Heist page 20 refers to events of Death Masks (set in 1491 DR) as being "last year". [1][2][3] The villa was located in the west section of Waterdeep's North Ward on the southeast of the intersection where Julthoon Street met Copper Maps and details for the estate house, dock warehouse, pet store, and market stalls in Waterdeep; the watchspider breeding caves under Waterdeep; and the hunting lodge in the Ardeep Forest (29 images). The unique nature of their business has made them both very wealthy and powerful. A subreddit for DMs running the D&D 5th Edition module Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Members Online • The very last link on House Phylund doesn't lead where it should. Ever since, the family has used this building as a base from which to launch carefully planned hunting expeditions for wealthy Waterdhavians. Especially, their founder, Telbran Nelarn, who is a netherese sorcerer who likely still resides in Waterdeep by extending his life with the Ensul's soultheft spell on evil spellcasters whom he viewed as preying on others. Formats included: PNG with clear background 2000x2000 pixels and PDF Commercial Activities []. Mirt the Orond’s fiancée of several months, and daughter of the noble House Phylund. Any leads on where to grab that House Phylund info and maps? Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Unseen Waterdeep , by James Introcaso Volo s Guide to Getting Murdered , by Matthew Whitby Waterdeep: City Encounters , by the Guild Adepts Waterdeep: Dragon Heist , by Wizards of the Coast Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Complete DM s Bundle, by Eventyr Games Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage , by Wizards of the Coast Of all the cannon and homebrew factions in D&D, the only one specifically not allowed in Adventurers League is the Red Wizards. Someone hired by House Phylund would likely be upset if the party got in the way or prevented their contract from Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Each house is akin to a faction in their own right. Holdings: Waterdeep, Ardeep Forest (Phylund Hunting Lodge) History. I decided to figure out which house I thought made the best fit to replace the corporation, so I added an additional page for some conversion tips. 0 1. For generations, members of the Phylund noble family of Waterdeep came Activities []. She has a keen mind and the wisdom to discern friend from foe. Ethnicity: Tethyrian Founded: 1295 Previous Eras: 1354 DR: History. [5] The house had strong ties to Blackstaff Tower, since Cassandra was Organization []. ↑ Ed Greenwood and Steven E. Silversickle House is almost entirely entertaining spaces and living suites. Quests undertaken by agents of House Phylund might include the House Phylund is the leading family for acquiring, taming, training, and selling beasts in WATERDEEP and the surrounding areas. The Phylund Hunting Lodge was a stone keep in the western Ardeep Forest east-southeast of Waterdeep. In the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR, the Gralhunds were competing fiercely with House Amcathra in blade-making, producing higher-quality swords and Silversickle House (Villa) North Ward, Waterdeep. The Gralhund family were of Tethyrian descent [1] but included a few tieflings who claimed they were also of the blood of Gargauth. p. House Talmost — One of the city's leading clothiers and furriers. Schend Bregan D'aerthe, Gray Hands, Xanathar Guildthese three factions play a significant role in Waterdeep - Dragonheist. x Quests undertaken by agents of House Phylund might include the following: x; Perks. ; House Tesper — A family of skilled warriors and renowned protectors, some of whom were half-dragons. [4]History Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Wines of Waterdeep: The five vintner Houses of Waterdeep have a rivalry as fierce as any over their vintages. Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Castle Ward Private Homes. The Houses. The building was a total I finally got around to adding another house to this pub. If the beast is untameable, they will also sponsor hunts to kill the monsters. For the next century, House Gralleth controlled all the house’s property and interests, until Lady Laeral Silverhand restored noble titles a few years ago following the death of the patriarch, Lord Ostryn Gralhund, and the ascension Castle Ward Private Homes. Map showing location of the Brokengulf villa (labeled $11) circa 1372 DR. One of the noble houses of Waterdeep. House Phylund • Not Updated A house of exoticists, with interests in the training, procuring, and breeding of fearsome monsters. It includes: Family history and notable historical members (all from canon). It is three stories in height, with an House Phylund has an estate on Copper Street, west of the High Road between julthoon Street and Trader's Way in the North Ward. These three sources Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me Houses of Waterdeep: Amcathra, Emveolstone, Phylund, and Rosznar - If you've read page 13 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, you've seen the spark the writers give you for a character being a me It's not exactly what you are describing, but House Phylund in Waterdeep are a noble house that specialises in capturing and taming wild beasts/monsters. Wizards of the Coast. 2 Canon material does not provide a year for the events described in Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, but Christopher Perkins answered a question via Twitter and stated the year was 1492 DR. During the 14 th century, Challas Amcathra passed on his title as family patriarch to his eldest son, Arilos. sqjmjpcejfcnwaamoswyfmkrtvcazvmjekqxcuvuvfqpiuhpqxswspzhtvumxjteonasvtfedhbxiddrxncz