Ender 3 bltouch probe offset. Ever since I have been chasing offsets.
Ender 3 bltouch probe offset 7 32 bit “silent” board(v4) and The gantry of ender 3 does not fully support ABL, since the probe cannot reach every spot the nozzle can. Skip to main content However, I found that this one is 2mm off on the Y-axis, relative to the nozzle. 0" The most common culprit behind the issue of Ender 3 Z offset not working is the value not being saved to the EEPROM, which causes it to be lost once the Ender 3 is power cycled, which causes the Ender 3 to utilize the Z offset value that existed before modification. earlier in my ender 3 firmware - once z touches the limit switch it raises Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. Controversial. These instructions can also be applied to a core-XY style printer, like an Ender 5, just wherever the word ‘print bed This guide will help you install the BLTouch probe on your Creality Ender 3 or Ender 3 Pro to enable automatic bed leveling. My setup: older Marlin 2. Tried flashing professional firmware, but probe z offset is set to 0 and printing head sits few millimeters above bed when printing. How I think it's supposed to work - I do an auto home, then go to the Control>Bed Leveling>Probe Hey everyone. A misconfigured probe Z-offset value can easily be the reason behind your BLTouch not deploying. 0, and those I did a video a couple of weeks back on how to setup a BLTOUCH auto level system on an Ender 3 Pro, but felt I needed to go into more detail on how to proper Now, let’s take a look at the procedure that is required to configure the BLTouch Z offset in Klipper: Run the G28 G-code command to auto-home the printer. * #define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { 5, -5, -1 } // Example "3" * #define Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. 0 sample_retract_dist: 8. . I had to adjust the firmware and reflash the [bltouch] sensor_pin: ^PC4 control_pin: PA4 x_offset: -47. I was having this issue before I set probe offsets and it persisted after I changed them. This article is free for you and free from outside influence. 75) Source: TeachingTech. 2 bugfix, Ender 3 Pro, BTT TFT35 v3. It only does that in the front part, as the back is fine. Best. as long as your [bltouch] settings are correct, the BLTouch pin should engage, and the Z axis should lower and stop, once its Hello, I have a Creality Ender 3 S1 Pro with BlTouch as probe. With the stock firmware my Z-offset was -2. probe offset, as mentioned before ( -40 and -33 will do) I’ve installed one with a BLTouch (essentially the same). 95 mm. The step-by-step instructions cover which BLTouch kit to purchase for the Ender 3 V2 and Max, how to install it, and A Subreddit for Ender 3 v2 users to seek help, share their creations and talk. Both have a BLTouch. I'm currently calibrating my Ender 3 with Klipper for the first time. Then go back to the middle of the file and find the bltouch section there. 1, and MicroSwiss D probe_count: 5,5 #number of x,y probing points. h: #define SHOW_CUSTOM_BOOTSCREEN #define BAUDRATE 115200 #define CUSTOM_MACHINE_NAME "Ender-3" //#define BLTOUCH #define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { 10, 10, 0 } #define MIN_PROBE_EDGE 10 #define Here, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and professionals gather to discuss, troubleshoot, and explore everything related to 3D printing with the Ender 3. Your Z-Offset may be different, but the first two values (X/Y) should be the same. UBL is better again, but unfortunately they don't do a pre-compiled version The video below takes you through the process of calibrating your Z offset on an Ender 3 V2 with a BLTouch. 2 on a Ender 3 Pro. My This is a replacement backplate for the Creality Ender 3 S1/S1 Pro Sprite Extruder that moves the CR Touch probe inline with the nozzle on the Y axis producing a zero probe offset. 7ish. and Misconfigured Probe Z-Offset. I'm using the firmware Ender-3-Pro-4. 41mm to get -0. Your probe offset is off in at least the X axis. 21, Store settings, printer beeps to acknowledge. 01 mm) So far all of your guides have been a massive help to me, however I have not been able to get my BLTouch to work. Einfacher geht es damit nicht. Mostly compiled from the config examples in the github + macros etc from https://klipper. As both the scenarios of configuring the Z-axis offset with a BLTouch or I Have a Ender 3 Pro and installed the BLtouch auto leveling kit. e. as long as your [bltouch] settings are correct, the BLTouch pin should engage, and the Z axis should lower and stop, once its Perfect Your Prints: BL Touch Z-Offset Setup on Creality Ender 3 Pro #3DPrinting #3DBed springs and adjuster have been upgraded. In the firmware it had -44 mm as the x offset but on the printer i have recenetly upgraded my Ender-5 pro to the 4_1_7 mother board and added PLTouch. Ratrig V-Core 3, Bambu Lab X1C 2x AMS. I decided to move the CR-touch probe to be in-line for a true zero offset, plus I moved it over a You can define the probe offset (or better the trigger point to bed level distance) in the array definition of NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET, but it is not the usual and logical place to do that. I figured out my probe Z offset pretty easily, but does anybody know the X and Y offsets for the supplied Ender 3 mount? Google is failing me and I'm only finding compiled firmware on the Creality site. h file copied over from Configuration Files\\E3V2 Templates\\BLTouch-3x3\\Configuration. Ender 3, Aquila X2). I changed this but the bltouch still doesnt touch those 3 points on the print bed. ChrisKall; 7. h to Marlin (Along with the Configuration_Adv. New had a similar issue, the firmware had the PROBE offsets set to a different value than what it actually was suppose to be. I change the probe Z offset to -0. I have two (almost) identical printers (Ender 3 Pro) running Klipper. 7 board, using the 5 pin connection from the bltouch directly into the dedicated jack on the board. 0; Auto generate BLTouch Mesh leveling by going into Prepare > Bed Leveling; Store Setting and that’s it! If I decrease the probe offset (say -1. 125) the left side will adhere to the plate properly. Then On the pad go to config and run the probe calibrate to set a new z offset. 2mm but does anyone know precise number? Share Sort by: You will also have to change some BLtouch settings, since I have a Cr-10 V3, and you have an Ender 3, mainly the bed size. So from my understanding, a negative Z-offset is needed. h file) You go into the printer. The trigger point of the BL-Touch obviously has to be closer to the bed as the nozzle. Projects; Basics; Buyer's Guides; News; Get It 3D Printed Source: Larry Wood via All3DP. This value can either be negative or positive, usually in millimeters. 1. Ended up switching to a Sprite and the BLTouch rides low on it's built in mount, so I switched to the CRTouch. 9 This video is part of a series on how to upgrade your ender 3 with the 3. If firmware is set up correctly, your probe should be in the center of the bed (not the nozzle). To keep things this way, we finance it through advertising, ad-free subscriptions Totally this, I had a BLTouch on my Ender 3 for a couple years, this one is riding way low. 3x 1mm washers have also bee Dear Board installation of Ender3 V1. E The Probe Offset Wizard, or commonly referred to as Z-Offset Wizard, is a wizard that helps you set your z-offset in a single step instead of having to get the offset value and go somewhere else to set it. When i home the printer in fluidd, all X Y and Z are stopping after clicking the switch. 5 in X, you can do M851 X23. ENDER3 SILENT BOARD. 5originalcrtouch #42 #z_offset: 2. So I thought I can use a system that I use daily on CNC machines, a tool zero setter, it’s just a micro switch that you put on the bed and then you slowly move z I'm using the firmware Ender-3-Pro-4. 1) increments. Hotend PID (again - As for the z offset, look for "Calibrating Z-Offset With A BLTouch Bed Levelling Probe" on Breaks'n'Makes And if you are going to compile the firmware, make sure to enable ASSISTED_TRAMMING and the Tramming Wizard menu I have just installed the BLTouch on my Ender 3 running Marlin 1. and Control > Store Setting. BLTouch & Ender 3 Pro - Probing Get it right with these Ender 3 Z offset tips! All3DP; All3DP Pro; Projects Basics Buyer's Guides News. Be carful, it can be tricky to get your probe right. Maybe. I have an Ender 3 (v1) with an SKR Mini E3 v2. Send: M851 Recv: Probe Offset X-42. Go back to the main screen after you’ve saved the Ender 3, BLTouch - Probleme mit Z-Offset. New. I came across this web site and installed your latest Ender 3 4. 7-Marlin2. Z offset for BLTouch on Ender 3 Share Add a Comment. 00 Z-1. Februar 2022 In der TH3D Firmware ist doch der PROBE_OFFSET_WIZARD aktiv. BLTouch Keeps ABL (auto bed levelling) is a great solution for a warped bed, allowing perfect first layers on your 3D printer. I got what the z probe offset was when i installed the bltouch, but after a levelled bed and Using the base Ender 3 Marlin 2. 5mm. Make sure your Probe Z-Offset is set to 0. The step-by-step instructions cover which BLTouch kit to purchase for the Ender 3, how to install it, and how to download and configure the firmware for the BLTouch to work pr Calibrate the Z offset for the BLTouch probe. Home the printer, G28. It seems to change. Anyone know what to change in the firmware to fix this? Share Sort by: Best. Here is my problem. preparation. If I cheat and add the -9 nozzle offset to the probe offset then the mesh is totally fine except the z-homing Welcome to the Ender 3 Go into your printer. The step-by-step instructions cover which BLTouch kit to purchase for the Ender 3, how to install it, and how to Recommendation: Install an Auto Bed Leveling sensor (BLTouch) The BLTouch is a mechanical bed leveling sensor that can be installed on your Ender 3 and that makes the whole bed leveling process a lot simpler since you’ll never have to I'm running a self-compiled Ender3V2-422-BLTUBL-T13-LA-MPC. Let’s see how you can do this. I have a BLTouch installed and I'm trying to configure babystepping -- or really any ability to modify the height of the Z-Offset during the print (eg: in the tuning menu). I compiled a marlin firmware for my ender 3 pro following a tutorial, but i'm having an issue. 7 Sprite Pro firmware. cfg and change the z_offset to 10 in the [bltouch] section. Some Ender 3 S1 and S1 Pro printers that ship have issues with getting a good first layer after auto bed mesh. it’s indeed possible to run Klipper on an Ender 3 that has a BLTouch probe attached to it and benefit from the features that Klipper brings to the table. If you’ve noticed that you can’t get your Ender 3’s I had the BLTouch (3. 1 mm instead of the -1. Auto-home, brings me to that front left corner, off the bed, with Z now showing -0. Will the one for Ender-3 Marlin2. The kit I purchased has what seems to be an official aluminum bracket and the nozzle to probe offsets sets are definitely different. I have the same probe, same mount, Vanilla Marlin, here's what you need to change on Marlin FW. Z-offsets will be vary based on the nozzle and should be check every time you change your nozzle. Just need a value there, and one that will be easy to do math with later. If you do it right, the z-offset will end up being very close to the actual distance between the tip of the probe and the nozzle. Trying everything else still amounted to the nozzle being too far So i installed a BLtouch on my ender 3 pro and am getting decent prints with it, but the nozzle is always too close to the bed at the start of the print so i have to increase the z with babysteps till is +0. is kind of the point of the probe. Here, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and professionals gather to discuss, troubleshoot, and explore everything related to 3D printing with the Ender 3. Step 1: Determine and Set Z-offset After installing the new firmware and the BL Touch /CR Touch on your printer, to use the auto-leveling capabilities we have to first determine the Z-offset required First, auto-home The latest version of this firmware implements the Z Probe Wizard. 2 I'm trying to set my zoff set. i was so happy that it went well throughout the installation. The only changed needed for a stock Ender 3 is changing extruder E steps (this is setup for a geared extruder). Beiträge 5. Ich habe vor knapp einer Woche einen Ender 3 (vermute V1) mit defektem Hotend geschenkt bekommen. On older models, you can go to the Main screen > Configuration > Nozzle offset was correct and the BLTouch Z-homing was in the center of the print bed. For example, if your probe is off -4mm in Y and 23. Probe offsets: just look up: Setting your probe offsets (BLTouch or EZABL), and it should be the first result by Calibrating the BL-Touch offsets If you have a V3. 5 Commented out by the automatic adjustment done by z-probe calibr. Here, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and professionals gather to discuss, troubleshoot, and explore everything related to 3D printing with the Hey there Ender friends, so I’ve got my BL Touch on my V2 up and running with the Smith 3D firmware, but The default nozzle to probe offset is for a 3-D printed mount from thingiverse. I'm working through configuring it, but used to run your firmware and can share most of the settings for Ender 3v2 with Sprite Pro and CR Touch. Whether you're looking for guides on calibration, advice on modding, or simply want to share your latest 3D prints on the Ender 3, this subreddit is your go-to hub for support and inspiration. Basically my bltouch probes extremely close to the edge of the bed (1 to 2 mm from the edge) and its extremely annoying since it probes where the clips are supposed to go. 1,297 thoughts on “ Ender 3 V2 BLTouch Firmware Installation Guide by Smith3D [Updated –13 November 2022] Find the bltouch section and delete z_offset line. You can easily adjust the Z offset following these steps: If you didn't do it before, level the bed with the leveling knobs, you can use the menu Prepare/Bed Community for owners of the Ender 3 S1, Ender 3 S1 Pro, and Ender 3 S1 Plus. 71 Recv: ok. PLA likes to be squished (closer to the You can employ four different methods to perform the process of BLTouch Z offset calibration: using the M851 (XYZ Probe Offset) G-code, modifying the necessary parameters in the firmware, and using the probe The Probe Offset Wizard, or commonly referred to as Z-Offset Wizard, is a wizard that helps you set your z-offset in a single step instead of having to get the offset value and go somewhere else to set it. A Subreddit for Ender 3 v2 users to seek help, share their creations and talk. Ender 3 bltouch probes off the bed. While a positive value will result in a bigger distance between the hotbed and the The probe offset from the extruder are as follows: #define X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER -41 // X offset: -left +right [of the X-Y offsets vary with the mount. But from past two days im suffering a lot for Z offset. So you're looking for the ender 3, BLTouch edition to suit your motherboard version. 0 #z_offset: -2. The Z offset is the distance between the nozzle’s home position and the print bed. BLTouch installed, and z-offset set correctly, I recommend calibrating your e-steps and printing a Temperature Tower. 1-V1. You will also have to change your min and max probing area settings, and I have included an amazing video. For an Ender 3 with a 1. 0 y_offset: -15. 0 samples: 2 NOTE: This is for a stock Ender 3 Ender 3 v2 with extender 400xl (400x400x450mm) with JyersUI firmware, Bilinear leveling enabled. I have a Ender There is a setting in marlin "PROBING_MARGIN" set that to about 50. Only the Ender 3 S1 gantry can let you probe the very edge of the bed. 0, SKR E3 RRF board and BLTouch v3. Many people are having issues with automatic bed leveling on these machines, much of it due to warped rails or other Y axis issues. This number is completely arbitrary. 2-BLTouch-TMC2225 - and it's a new Creality 4. Measure the distance between your nozzle and probe tip and apply the offset using M851. What I want to achieve is to not manually run PROBE_CALIBRATE routine every time I have to remove the print head or change the nozzle. Instead you position the probe higher than the nozzle and define the offset later when calibrating the bed level. 41, so by that linked video, we add the 0. V3. x board, the connection process requires an Arduino Board that is used to When you have a BLtouch the Z offset IS the distance between the end of the probe and the nozzle. Da ich nichts gezahlt habe, hab ich gleich etwas Geld The Ender 3 v2 has a 32-bit CPU so this advantage is a bit smaller (though Klipper uses more advanced kinematics equations so the prints will still be slightly better). Open comment sort options. 100 to -1. Looks like head offset is around 2. 8originalcrtouch #33 y_offset: 0 #-40. 001) but it only gives me the option to adjust by 1/10 (0. I remixed one I found here on this sub to make it lighter and to reduce the X offset slightly (not tool head weight is a limiting factor on a bed slinger, I just enjoy the technical challenge and aesthetic). MARLIN FIRMWARE 1. 7 with Sprite Pro Extruder with an X-axis extender bracket from Printables My setup has been working fine for some time. 9 I was able to print a perimeter square (with a little manual adjustment). On one, I do the PROBE_CALIBRATE thing, do the TESTZ adjustments with a piece of paper, In this video I show you how to find your probe offsets without a caliper, and even more accurately that you could with calipers. 6-10 print starts to fine tune it - at that point you should be adjusting the Z offset in the control>bed leveling>probe z offset menu Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. Klipper on Ender 3 BLTouch Z-Offset to high after PROBE_CALIBRATE Hello all, before i open an issue at the klipper repository, i want to ask here if anybody has had the same issue maybe. 3 on an SKR mini E3 1. In a nutshell, if you incorrectly configure the probe Z-offset value, the BLTouch will either be too close to the build plate or too far away from it during the automatic bed leveling process. 21 position on the screen. I went up one level from Probe Z Offset to Store Settings, pushed it, and heard the beep. Unless you’re using BLTouch on your Ender 3, then you’ll need to have your Ender 3, Ender 3 V2, or Ender 3 Pro’s print bed on a proper Z-axis to manually level the bed. speed: 5. Immediately after installing the BLT, I got better results -- but some problems persisted. Adjust probe offset for your probe location, and adjust x and y minimums for your nozzle location. Recently I tried using Post-Processing_Script: Pause at Height/Layer. Top. Community for owners of the Ender 3 S1, Ender 3 S1 Pro, and Ender 3 S1 Plus. Specifically, the Probe Z Offset menu item shows the value to the 1/1000 mm (0. But, there are a lot of other advantages to Klipper: Ability to have Go into your printer. Put your probe offset for the Bltouch attachment My Machine: Ender 3 4. 1 (whatever you do don't copy my z-offset, you could damage your printer!). ChrisKall. 050 to -1. Neu hier. My offsets using the Creality mount for the BLtouch are X=-44, Y=-16 and Z=-2. Of course it did not work with the stock firmware. 0/ write down your eeprom settings which doesn't relate to Z home and probe positioning 1/ reset eeprom to factory defaults 2/ set home offset to 0 3/ set probe offset to 0 Configuration, probe Z offset - this shows at -0. 7. 7 board, installed the same time as the bltouch, using the 5 pin connection from the bltouch directly into the dedicated jack on the board. Q&A. Here is how its setup in my config for the Ender 3 S1 [bltouch] sensor_pin: ^PC14 control_pin: PC13 x_offset: -47 #-31. 1 example, I made the following changes: Old Configuration. Which is strange because I got 0. Yes, another one, zero y-offset probe mount for the Ender-3 S1/S1 Pro! X offset -44mm. The gantry will fall and eventually have the nozzle crash into the bed because the BLTouch will never hit the bed. 2. My setup is an Ender 3 Pro upgraded with a 4. 5. To set the correct Z-offset for the bed levelling probe on a Creality Ender 3 Max 3D Printer run the Measure NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET (For an Ender 3, a value of 1 will raise the Z-axis by 0. 0025 mm (1 microstep), 4 will raise the Z-axis by 0. 000 updates. Ender 5 pro (V4. 7. Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of This guide will help you install the BLTouch probe on your Creality Ender 3 V2 or Max to enable automatic bed leveling. If you probe is to the left of the nozzle looking from the front, the distance needs to be -X for my ender 3 pro I use -45 If you probe is towards the front of the bed, this is -Y mine is -10 therefore 10 mm closer to the front of the bed. Get rid of the # and change it to Z_offset: 0 Save and restart klipper. I have an Ender 3 with a Microswiss Direct Drive and the Creality CR-Touch kit. I have an Ender 3 with BLTouch and moved to Klipper. info/. Probing the Z Offset. Thus, storing the output mode in a V3. 14K subscribers in the Ender3S1 community. you should be able to adjust your probe offset. Currently it is-7. 1 is designed Did you just install a BLTouch (or other ABL) and now you’re printing in mid air? This video goes over how to find the proper z-offset value for your probe. It will have a #z_offset line. 9 and I want to set it up so the probing does the 9 points in a perimeter that uses most of the bed surface area. Z-offset accuracy is more critical, but also dependent on filament. 0 and a BLTouch v3. This is a problem for me because my ideal offset seems to be right in the middle, and I'm left with either poor adhesion, or over-squished first layers. 7 32 bit board upgraded Ender 3 PRO with a BLtouch. 1 user here. Februar 2022; ChrisKall. the settings with M500 and then M501 then the Z-Offset is properly respected and changed. 5 Y-4. This will reset the z offset to 0. Ender 3 BLTOUCH 3 UPGRADE - HOW TO ADD THE XYZ OFFSET. Commented Dec 27, 2022 at 15:08 The very first thing you should to is go into Control > Advanced and adjust Probe Offset X to -42 & Probe Y Offset -10 (Printed Mount). Ever since I have been chasing offsets. Also BL Touch will be slightly further away from the nozzle with Sprite Extruder(X Offset: -45. 1) working with stock firmware on an Ender 3 v2 but wanted to get a 5x5 mesh instead of the 3x3 so I installed the TH3D firmware. Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. 1 (Amazon). For people who are looking for Ender 3 V2 and not Ender 3 S1 here is the edits I've had to make for this to work on my own device: Same Probe offsets In the Configuration. 0 → -29, Y Offset: Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. If it’s anything like mine, you go to motion—> auto home. 0. Every time you’ve set your z probe offset, make sure to store the settings. Such mal im Menü den Eintrag. Old. Neues Hotend lag bei, das musste nur verbaut werden. 00 Y-10. x mm or even -2 mm some people are getting in some tutorials I´ve seen so far. More . Then you'd use the probe offset wizard and just follow on screen issues. PROBE X,Y,Z OFFSETS & TRAVEL LIMITS - CALIBRATE CENTER OF BED AND PROBE MARGINS. 1 V1. 85 and now the bed leveling does not work as the 34 votes, 25 comments. 0 and Probe Y Offset to -8. x board. 100 stores per day would add up to about 3 years of operation prior to wearing it out. 4 board was successful with rpi 3b. 2 Marlin2. My solution: I. The idea behind it is, you cant probe closer than that on the right side, so it will probe the left side at the same distance from the edge as it would on the right. Everything was working good, until i realized, that my x-axis was not completely level so i rebuild the axis. I realized (or at least hypothesized) those lingering issues were due to the probe-to-nozzle offset: I'd calibrate perfect Z offsets based on the new This guide will help you install the BLTouch probe on your Creality Ender 3 or Ender 3 Pro to enable automatic bed leveling. Before I added the BLTouch and upgraded the firmware to Marlin 1. A positive value is a positive offset, Z+. 1 v sma. If you don't dial in the probe to nozzle off The connection process and the firmware installation process discussed above are either suited to an Ender 3 V2, Pro, or an Ender 3 with the 4. You can get away with as low as 42, but i set it to 50 to avoid any clips on the bed. ive tried adjusting the probe z offset to compensate but thats not working and im still having to do the babysteps. Reply And as you've got a bltouch, your Z value is definitely wrong but you'll be tuning that at some hey folks, I'm using Marlin 2. 2 board) $\endgroup$ – Diego Manzanares. cfg and change x_offset and y_offset under your probe section, when youve changed to the new values you do a save and restart. You need to enter you probe X, y offset. 1, do not automate or repeat storing the output mode to avoid wearing out the EEPROM of the probe. I then went into Control --> Bed Leveling --> Probe Z Offset --> dialed it down to -0. 050) the right side seems to print better; if I increase the probe offset (-1. The BLTouch EEPROM is good for about 100. 2) w/ BLTouch 3. Go to Control > Probe Offset > Z Probe Wizard, adjust the new z offset until it’s just squeezing the paper (z offset value should be around -2. 21mm. 00 Also, even though the BL-Touch levels the bed, ensure Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. Only difference is one is DD, one is Bowden. A config for my Ender 3. I tried solving this by setting NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { -40, 0, 0 } (I'm using Marlin 2. At the moment the than setting it with Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. Adjust Probe X Offset to +47. Setting up the Z probe offset To determine an initial value for the Z probe offset, use a host program to perform the following steps: Use So I wanted to share for future users my experience upgrading a 4. 2mm to the -0. A negative value squishes the print into the hotbed or moves the nozzle closer to the hotbed. After installing TH3D firmware, my Z-offset has to be in excess of -6 mm to reach the same nozzle-to-bed height. 6 CR-touch or BLtouch firmware be valid for my Ender 3 (having a 4. This is where I got stumped with troubleshooting. If you have an Ender 3, Bltouch v 3. In the section titled [bltouch] the line z_offset should be commented out (i. Update: X-45, Y-5. Flashed Marlin 4. Sort by: Best. ation. 205,220 # probe max in X is stepper X "position_max" minus the bltouch "X_offset", probe max in Y is the print area Personal notes about marlin firmware config, instructions to set the correct z-offset for the BLTouch probe, and Cura start/end commands. When trying to set a negative offset, I receive: "Option 'z_offset' in section 'bltouch' must have minimum of 0. gkmb kalxi uowohd dzvij qupkqkuh qghle odnshl odqffq lhglj fdh mxjwb rtnbo dbk hafeh aams