Ascii code for delete. The ASCII table lists the first 256 character codes.

Ascii code for delete Discover why top companies and start-ups turn to Toptal to hire freelance designers for their mission-critical projects. This has the extended characters as well. enter Corresponds to Unicode/ASCII code for Delete. Accueil / Code / Texte /Tableau ASCII. RT. 0. Ascii is the numerical representation of character used in computer, because computer processor is working only with numbers. The delete control character (also called DEL or rubout) is the last character in the ASCII repertoire, with the code 127. ASCII CODE TABLE. These characters include uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, punctuation marks, and various control codes. English Dansk Deutsch Español Français Svenska Português Italian. Following ASCII table represents the list of non-printable codes and their decimal, Hexadecimal, and Octal numbers with Description. Anything from 128 to 255 was dependent on the hardware and/or the program being run. In binary, it is represented as 1111111. delete (rubout) Previous Next The last ASCII character is the "delete" (DEL) character, which has a decimal value of 127. The table below is according to ISO 8859­1, also called ISO Latin­1. #127 DEL - Delete. – user2357112. Deleting "t" from "eat" adds 116 to the sum. The ASCII pronounced ‘ask-ee’, is strictly a seven-bit code based on the English alphabet. First type 2705 to where you want to make the Heavy White Check Mark,; select 2705 by cursor,; while the Unicode Hex value is selected, press and hold down the Alt key, and type X,; release the Alt key and you get a Heavy White Check Mark. Decimal. b⌂cd I expected that \x7f would delete the 'c' character following it, but it does not. Given two strings s1 and s2, return the lowest ASCII sum of deleted characters to make two strings equal. There is a function like CLEAN for non-printable characters to do it? ␡ | | symbol for delete (U+2421) @ Graphemica. Check this site for full ascii chart: asciitable. At the end, both strings are equal, and 115 + 116 = 231 is the minimum sum possible to achieve this. It was added to Unicode in version 1. Codes 32 through 126 are printable characters, although Code 32 is the space character, which doesn’t print. Windows-1253 supports a range of characters and symbols used in the Greek script, including the modern ASCII Code. If you compare the ASCII codes for the upper and lower case characters to binary, you will notice that the upper Originally posted by: glugglug If you mean backspace it's ascii code 8. UTF-16/UTF-16BE (hex) 0x 2124 ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a standard character encoding used in telecommunication. Delete: ASCII Character Category. The doubled backslashes can be removed by encoding the string as bytes and then decoding with the unicode-escape codec. ABOUT. The ASCII value 127 holds a special place in the ASCII table. The snippet below is going to log 0 when the Delete key is pressed in FireFox: $(document). The character (Delete) is represented by the Unicode codepoint U+007F. But you can use the KeyDown event insted of the KeyPressed event. C++ delete syntax. Decoding the mystery behind ASCII value 127. This page shows the extended ASCII table which is based on the Windows-1252 character set which is an 8 bit ASCII table with 256 characters and symbols. Keep all non-ASCII Detailed information about ASCII character Δ, also known as the greek capital letter Delta. It was introduced by Microsoft in the Windows operating system and is based on ISO 8859-7. [1] It is supposed to do nothing and was designed to erase On VT100 compatible terminals, this is the character produced by the key marked ⌫ . ASCII lookup table is a tabular representation of corresponding values associated Given string str, the task is to remove all non-alphanumeric characters from it and U+2421 is the unicode hex value of the character Symbol For Delete. These include both control and printable characters. ASCII Codes ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, which is a character encoding standard used in electronic communication. ASCII Table for Non Printable character codes. ASCII Characters ASCII Art Articles FAQ Facts History Glossary Compare. It is a 7-bit character code where each individual bit represents a unique character. How typing: Delete ? WINDOWS: on computers with Windows operating system like Windows 8, Win 7, Vista, Windows XP, etc. I have used the ascii character decimal value 127 to attempt to detect the delete key but no luck. ASCII Table. Control characters were included in the Ascii code for use in various device control operations. Corresponds to Unicode/ASCII code for HT (horizontal tab) shift-tab . On a mac it's ascii code 127, and on PCs it sends ascii 0 followed by some other char (I forget what, shouldn't be too hard to make a test app), but that has nothing to do with how you would read the key being pressed in a Windows GUI app. - Alf. The following C language source code can be compiled to display ASCII codes and characters. Delete. DEC: OCT: HEX: BIN: Symbol: HTML Number: HTML Name: ASCII (/ ˈ æ s k iː / ⓘ ASS-kee), [3]: 6 an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character encoding standard for electronic communication. Ç. Most likely a terminal emulator. Table ASCII Réinitialiser; Déc Hex Binaire HTML Carboniser La description; 0 : 00 : 00000000 Table ASCII étendue. Starting with the Spacebar and ending with the delete Key. Unicode retain the character map defined in ASCII. ASCII control characters non printable : ASCII code 00 = NULL ( Null character ) ASCII code 01 = SOH ( Start of Header ) ASCII code 02 = STX ( Start of Text ) ASCII code 03 = ETX ( End of Text, hearts card suit ) ASCII code 04 = EOT ( End of Transmission, diamonds card suit ) ASCII code 05 = ENQ ( Enquiry, clubs card suit ) ASCII code 06 = ACK ( Acknowledgement, spade card ASCII (/ ˈ æ s k iː / ⓘ ASS-kee), [3]: 6 an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character encoding standard for electronic communication. It has a KeyCode argument instead of the KeyAscii argument. BS is not intended to represent any printable character. Remove. How can I display and remove all chars > ascii code 127 from a file? file is unicode 16bit UPDATE Dennis has solved it but there is some interesting discussion about number ranges. For instance, the formula =CODE(“A”) translates the letter ASCII was originally created as a standard for sending text over phone lines, and first used with teleprinters back in 1963. ASCII is an abbreviation of American Standard Code for Information Interchange, pronounced as ASS-kee. 2 C++ Beginner Delete code. Example 1: Input: s1 = "sea", s2 = "eat" Output: 231 Explanation: Deleting "s" from "sea" adds the ASCII value of "s" (115) to the sum. Simply provide it with a character as input, and it returns the corresponding ASCII code as a number. you can find table lists that contain 128 ASCII characters and their equivalent HTML entity codes. HTML Arrows offers all the html symbol codes you need to simplify your site design. 128. Note that ASCII control characters non printable : ASCII code 00 = NULL ( Null character ) ASCII code 01 = SOH ( Start of Header ) ASCII code 02 = STX ( Start of Text ) ASCII code 03 = ETX ( End of Text, hearts card suit ) ASCII code 04 = EOT ( End of Transmission, diamonds card suit ) ASCII code 05 = ENQ ( Enquiry, clubs card suit ) ASCII code 06 = ACK ( Acknowledgement, spade card Computers can only understand numbers, so an ASCII code is the numerical representation of a character such as â€⃜a’ or â€⃜@’ or an action of some sort. The original ASCII specification defined codes for 128 characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, punctuation marks, and control characters. Character to ASCII Number; ASCII Number to Character cancel [EM] 00011001: 031: 25: 19  end of medium [SUB] 00011010: 032: 26: 1A  substitution [ESC It looks as if the string contains \x escapes which have themselves been escaped, leading to the doubled backslashes. Replace special characters by ASCII characters Remove only accents and diacritics Replace by Unicode codepoint \uXXXX (JSON/Python) Remove all non-alphanumeric characters (A-Z0-9) Keep space . The Del key on a standard keyboard does not generate a "Delete" ASCII code: code 127 in the ASCII table isn't meant to do what the Del key does on a computer, it was designed for electric typewriters. 2) While keep press "Alt", on your keyboard type In the 7-bit ASCII character set, ASCII code 127 is represented by the control character ␡, also known as the delete. keypress(function(e) { console. It represents the “Delete” control character. Any idea if there is a Excel macro to remove ASCII code such as & #148; and so on. ** Above mentioned Also look up a character for ASCII number. This non-printable control character holds the power to erase characters and mark the end of files. ASCII Code for ASCII, stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. which); }); The fourth, and final, group of 32 ASCII character codes are reserved for the lower case alphabetic symbols, five additional special symbols, and another control character (delete). Arabic Alt Codes; Greek Alt Codes; Hebrew Alt Codes; Japanese (Hiragana & Katakana) Alt Codes; Korean (Hangul) Alt Codes; Russian (Cyrillic) Alt Codes discover more Non-Latin Characters; Alt Codes for Math Symbols Menu Toggle. Le tableau ci-dessous est conforme à Windows-1252 (CP-1252) qui est un sur-ensemble de l'ISO 8859-1, également appelé ISO Latin-1, en termes de caractères imprimables, mais diffère de l'ISO-8859-1 de l'IANA en utilisant des The ASCII table, also known as the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a widely-used character encoding system that assigns unique values to different characters. Each character is assigned to a 7-bit number, so a total of 128 character are encoded in ASCII. Code for undetermined script (Zyyy) Category: Other Symbol (So) Bidirectional Class: Other Neutral (ON) Combining Class The ASCII table, an abbreviation for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, utilizes a 7-bit character encoding system to represent 128 unique characters. – Abraham Martinez. It was designed in the early 60's, as a standard character set for computers and electronic devices. ASCII Is there an escape sequence that will delete the next character instead of the previous one? I see that delete is apparently mapped to ASCII 127, which is Hex 7F, but the following code: puts "a\x08b\x7fcd" produces. Delete: The extended ASCII codes (character code 128-255) ISO/IEC 8859-10:1998, Information technology — 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets — Part 10: Latin alphabet No. Ceci est un aperçu de la table ASCII basée sur le jeu de caractères Windows-1252 (1252) et contient les 256 codes, caractères et symboles ASCII. In the early days of computing, when physical terminals were used for input and output, pressing the “Delete” key would send an ASCII value of 127 to the computer. Copy character ␈ to Clipboard. ASCII Printable Characters. Perhaps you received the data like this, or perhaps some earlier processing has corrupted the data. Using the delete code to delete characters is inefficient, so most programs actually delete the character instead of adding a delete character Take note of the brief explanation of the reference list of Alt codes below: Alt codes without leading zeroes (Alt nnn) produce characters & symbols based on IBM Code Page 437 / DOS. Questa pagina mostra la tabella ASCII estesa che si basa sul set di caratteri Windows-1252 che è una tabella ASCII a 8 bit con 256 caratteri e simboli. Math Arrow Signs ⇏ ⇶ ; Math Operator & Relation Signs ÷ | ×; Geometric Shape Symbols ⬛ 🔴 🔷 When using the example code from the jQuery documentation for the keypress event handler, I'm unable to capture the Delete key. 31 Delete: The extended ASCII codes (character code 128-255) There are several different variations of the 8-bit ASCII table. Pressing the Delete key does actually send ASCII DEL (code 127), but in many contexts it's interpreted as "delete the last character" rather than as a literal 127 177 7F 01111111  Delete The extended ASCII codes (character code 128­255) There are several different variations of the 8­bit ASCII table. Char U+2421, Encodings, HTML Entitys:␡,␡, UTF-8 (hex), UTF-16 (hex), UTF-32 (hex) U+2421 is the unicode hex value of the character Symbol For Delete. ASCII stands for the "American Standard Code for Information Interchange". ASCII Code for Starting with the white space characterr and ending with the delete Key. The Del key is a "special key" in a similar vein as the arrow keys, so when you submit it to getch() it will read out it's scan code. Printing escape character. Delete: Codici ASCII estesi Delete: The extended ASCII codes (character code 128-255) Windows-1253 is a character encoding standard used to represent text in the Greek script. Modern programming languages may still have escape The ASCII table lists the first 256 character codes. Codes 129-159 contain the Microsoft® Windows Latin-1 extended characters. 25. Dunno if it actually works in whatever context you're using it in, though. The table below is according to ISO 8859-1, also called ISO Latin-1. ASCII Table - Ascii character codes. Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 1:48. DEC: 127 OCT: 177 HEX: 7f BIN: 01111111. 2. 45. On modern machines it is called backspace and doesn't match the PC A complete list of all ASCII codes, characters, symbols and signs included in the 7-bit ASCII table and the extended ASCII table according to the Windows-1252 character set, which Sep 3, 2024 To summarize our exploration, the ASCII value of Delete is 127. Decimal The ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) character encoding standard is an encoding system that assigns a unique numerical code to each character (letters, numbers, symbols) on a computer, which facilitates the exchange of data between different computer systems. NOTE: The ASCII character codes table from 128 to 255 may not be the same on all the computers. È un codice di carattere a 7 bit in cui ogni singolo bit rappresenta un carattere univoco. The ASCII character set uses 7-bit binary numbers to represent each character. It's a historical artifact from teletype systems, but generally ASCII control characters non printable : ASCII code 00 = NULL ( Null character ) ASCII code 01 = SOH ( Start of Header ) ASCII code 02 = STX ( Start of Text ) ASCII code 03 = ETX ( End of Text, hearts card suit ) ASCII code 04 = EOT ( ASCII delete (DEL) is a control character in the ASCII character set used to delete a character or data, represented by code 127. Français. ASCII Character ASCII control characters non printable : ASCII code 00 = NULL ( Null character ) ASCII code 01 = SOH ( Start of Header ) ASCII code 02 = STX ( Start of Text ) ASCII code 03 = ETX ( End of Text, hearts card suit ) ASCII code 04 = EOT ( 1. Delete: Codes ASCII étendus (code de caractère 128-255) Il existe plusieurs variantes de la table ASCII 8 bits. It includes all ASCII codes from standard ASCII, and it is a superset This is the Delete key, and is also the last standardized ASCII code. Now something has to display it. It consists of 128 characters (7 bit). 46 is for dot(- period) Others values are coming correct. The shift can be detected using the value returned from the Get(TriggerModifierKeys) function. Many programs used this extra space to represent letters with accent marks common to non-English languages that used the Latin Text with special characters. ASCII control characters non printable : ASCII code 00 = NULL ( Null character ) ASCII code 01 = SOH ( Start of Header ) ASCII code 02 = STX ( Start of Text ) ASCII code 03 = ETX ( End of Text, hearts card suit ) ASCII code 04 = EOT ( End of Transmission, diamonds card suit ) ASCII code 05 = ENQ ( Enquiry, clubs card suit ) ASCII code 06 = ACK ( Acknowledgement, spade card Eine vollständige Liste aller ASCII-Codes, Zeichen, Symbole und Zeichen, die in der 7-Bit-ASCII-Tabelle und der erweiterten ASCII-Tabelle gemäß dem Windows-1252-Zeichensatz enthalten sind, der eine Obermenge von ISO 8859-1 in Bezug auf druckbare Zeichen ist. This is a grid view of the ASCII table based on the ASCII (0) character set and it contains all 256 ASCII codes, characters and symbols. The first 32 ASCII characters (0-31) and 127 (DEL) are actually commands historically used to control the Corresponds to Unicode/ASCII code for BS (backspace) tab . Name: Delete: Symbol: Name: Delete: Symbol: Unicode Number: U+0007F: HTML Code:  HTML Entity: CSS Code: \007F: UTF-8 Encoding: 0x007F: UTF-16 Encoding: 0x0000007F: UTF-32 Encoding: What is the ASCII code for the Delete character? As the article mentions, the ASCII code for the Delete (DEL) character is **127**. 1 (June, 1993). Commented May 24, 2018 at 6:30. Table ASCII, graphique des codes de caractères, hex / décimal / binaire / HTML. CODE Function to retrieve the ASCII code of a character: The CODE function acts as your decoder ring. ASCII currently defines codes for 128 characters: 33 are non-printing characters, and 95 are printable characters. Removing bytes with byte values (notice that I didn't say "characters" and "ASCII codes") from a Unicode file will give weird results. Extended ASCII Table Listing 256 ASCII characters and their codes. These are printable characters and you can find most of them on your keyboard. Ascii character table - What is ascii - Complete tables including hex, octal, html, decimal conversions Delete: And here's the extended ASCII table for the web: Decimal: Hex: Binary: HTML Number: HTML Name: Character: Sources for both tables: ASCII, Windows-1252, and ASCII Code - The extended ASCII table. Every ASCII character has an equivalent number, often used in programming languages such as Python. See also: Diacritics — ASCII Code. Unit Symbols; Other Symbols; Html ISO-8859-1; Unicode Code; Home / ASCII Symbols / Delete Technical information. The charter codes from 0 to 31 in the ASCII table are non-printable. DEL, short for delete, is one of these characters that has a specific ASCII value associated with it. For some reason it's not placed with the other control codes. 6, is part of the ISO/IEC 8859 series of ASCII-based standard character encodings, first edition published in 1992. 9 . It's used by computers to recognize and process text. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Cancel ␙ Octal. Encodage de caractère Déc Hex How can I send ascii code 127(DEL) to a command line utility? If I just type the key DEL, it will erase the last character instead of putting a character with ascii code 0x7f there. Common Character Sets Language Charset Guide. ASCII中的0~31为控制字符;32~126为打印字符;127为Delete(删除)命令。 在这个页面,你可以找到8位的256个字符、ASCII码表和Windows-1252 (code page 1252,它是国际标准ISO 8859-1 The ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) charset is used to represent letters, numbers and control signals in information processing systems like computers. ASCII codes represent text in computers, telecommunications ASCII sta per American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Octal. ASCII (7-bit) Code page 437 ISO-8859-1 ISO-8859-2 ISO-8859-3 ISO-8859-4 Windows-1250 Windows-1251 Windows-1252 Windows-1253 Windows-1254. ; Control Characters - Review the first 33 codes, used to control ASCII codes Compiled by Paul Bourke August 1995 [ Pn Z 1 EdF CCH Cancel Previous Character Esc T CHA Cursor Horzntal Absolute Esc [ Pn G 1 EdF CHT Cursor Horizontal Tab Esc [ Pn I 1 EdF CNL Cursor Next Line Esc [ Pn E 1 EdF CPL Cursor Preceding Line Esc [ Pn F 1 EdF CPR Cursor Position Report Esc [ Pn ; Pn R 1, 1 CSI Control Sequence Intro How to type a check mark symbol in Word or in Excel? For example to type an White Heavy Check Mark in Word;. ASCII is the cornerstone of modern character encoding schemes. Art ASCII. What theoretically would happen is that the w was displayed and then deleted, but it was not flushed and was to fast for it to actually happen. The full ASCII Character Delete Delete(U+0007F) - ASCII Symbols. I am not able to find were am I going wrong. ASCII has just 128 code points, of which only 95 are printable characters, which severely limit its scope. And get the ASCII code for the Given Character using CODE function in Excel. ASCII is a 7-bit character set containing 128 characters. Alt codes with leading zeroes (Alt 0 nnn) produce characters & ASCII control characters non printable : ASCII code 00 = NULL ( Null character ) ASCII code 01 = SOH ( Start of Header ) ASCII code 02 = STX ( Start of Text ) ASCII code 03 = ETX ( End of Text, hearts card suit ) ASCII code 04 = EOT ( End of Transmission, diamonds card suit ) ASCII code 05 = ENQ ( Enquiry, clubs card suit ) ASCII code 06 = ACK ( Acknowledgement, spade card Delete: The extended ASCII codes (character code 128-255) ISO/IEC 8859-6:1999, Information technology — 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets — Part 6: Latin/Arabic alphabet, is part of the ISO/IEC 8859 series of ASCII-based standard character encodings, first edition published in 1987. It is informally referred to as Latin-6. Source: Wikipedia. ASCII is a character encoding standard, an abbreviation for American Standard Code for Information Interchange With most keyboard interfaces the Del key doesn't generate ASCII DEL. This standard was defined in 1975 and contains 128 7-bit codes including 95 Instead of keypress, use the keyup or keydown event: keypress is meant for PRINTABLE characters, whereas keydown will capture non-printing key presses including delete, backspace, and return. These are printable characters ASCII control characters non printable : ASCII code 00 = NULL ( Null character ) ASCII code 01 = SOH ( Start of Header ) ASCII code 02 = STX ( Start of Text ) ASCII code 03 = ETX ( End of Text, hearts card suit ) ASCII code 04 = EOT ( End of Transmission, diamonds card suit ) ASCII code 05 = ENQ ( Enquiry, clubs card suit ) ASCII code 06 = ACK ( Acknowledgement, spade card DEL(删除)的ASCII码:Bin(二进制)01111111,Oct(八进制)0177,Dec(十进制)127,Hex(十六进制)0x7F。 ASCII 码使用指定的7位或8位二进制数组合来表示128或256种可能的字符。 标准ASCII 码也叫基础ASCII码,使用7位二进制数(剩下的1位二进制为0)来表示所有的大写和小写字母,数字0到9、标点符号 This is a grid view of the ASCII table based on the Code page 437 (437) character set and it contains all 256 ASCII codes, characters and symbols. ; Three codes - See how decimal, hexadecimal and HTML-specific characters are coded. C++ Delete Operator. (Carriage Return), ‘LF’ (Line Feed), and ‘DEL’ (Delete). Practical Background - Learn about ASCII, the first alphabet for computers. It is encoded in the Basic Latin block, which belongs to the Basic Multilingual Plane. (VK_DELETE constant being passed in event message). ASCII code 24 = CAN ( Cancel ) ASCII code 25 = EM ( End of medium ) ASCII code 26 = SUB ( Substitute ) ASCII code 27 = ESC ( Escape ) ASCII code 28 = FS ( File separator ) ASCII code 29 = GS ( Group separator ) ASCII code 30 = RS ( Record separator ) However I cannot detect the delete character. Please help ASCII for delete is 0x7f, so if anything does it, it'd be \x7f. – Cheers and hth. Commented May 14, 2014 at 8:56. Resources. Text with special characters. The delete key doesn't have an ascii value. Can you solve this real interview question? Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings - Given two strings s1 and s2, return the lowest ASCII sum of deleted characters to make two strings equal. Codes 128­159 contain the ASCII is the first character-encoding scheme that is used between computers on the Internet. By uncovering ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. An ASCII code is a numeric representation of a character, Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Given two strings s1 and s2, return the lowest ASCII sum of deleted characters to make two strings equal. The first 32 U+1F5D1 is the unicode hex value of the character Wastebasket. HTML Arrows is shared by Toptal Designers, the marketplace for hiring elite UI, UX, and Visual designers, along with top developer and finance talent. Note that the lower case character symbols use the ASCII codes 61h through 7Ah. Following is the full list of ASCII charactor codes. 1) Press the "Alt" key on your keyboard, and do not let go. Deleting in Tab is 9, backspace is 8 and delete is 255 (I think, or may need to use the keyup/down events). Delete: Legacy. ASCII codes represent text in computers, telecommunications equipment, and other devices. Char U+1F5D1, Encodings, HTML Entitys: , , UTF-8 (hex), UTF-16 (hex), UTF-32 (hex). What is it that you're ASCII or American Standard Code for Information Interchange is the standard that maps numerical codes to letters, punctuation and symbols. ASCII Code. ASCII control characters non printable : ASCII code 00 = NULL ( Null character ) ASCII code 01 = SOH ( Start of Header ) ASCII code 02 = STX ( Start of Text ) ASCII code 03 = ETX ( End of Text, hearts card suit ) ASCII code 04 = EOT ( End of Transmission, diamonds card suit ) ASCII code 05 = ENQ ( Enquiry, clubs card suit ) ASCII code 06 = ACK ( Acknowledgement, spade card Can you solve this real interview question? Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings - Given two strings s1 and s2, return the lowest ASCII sum of deleted characters to make two strings equal. com ASCII Table - ASCII Character Codes, HTML, Octal, Hex, Decimal. Code 127 is the Delete code, which may backspace and erase on some terminals, or display a character on others. Special Character Detector. Maybe it helps to first understand what is happening there: print() is writing to the standard output and it is writing everything there including the w and the backspace. It is supposed to do nothing and was designed to erase incorrect The delete control character (also called DEL or rubout) is the last character in the ASCII repertoire, with the code 127. It is informally referred to as Latin/Arabic. but here if I am testing keycode, I am getting value as 46 for delete key. Common Character Sets Language Charset Guide ASCII Code for ␈ These are the code points for backspace in various character sets It is used to move the cursor or print head back one position, effectively deleting the previous character. . log(e. The table is composed of 32 control characters (ranging from 0-31) used for text formatting management, and 96 printable characters (ranging from 32-127). fhvusi frs lbmlu tatdfx eguzn rktyp evi hgzal lwfqw drggts nuxma qyf cccqymz pwcribk bpgvo