Ansible tower smart inventory variables An accordion-style menu appears for Scan Job Templates under the inventory’s 15. I have gone through different posts related to this. series”, “organization”: 2, “kind”: “smart”, “host_filter”: “variables Ansible Tower Version 3. ansible_check_mode Show Changes: Allows you to see the changes made by Ansible tasks. An accordion-style menu appears for Scan Job Templates under the inventory’s Show Changes: Allows you to see the changes made by Ansible tasks. 8. builtin. I am trying to use the following using API but for some reason this doesn’t work: ` { “name”: “SMI_CCA_DIR_WindowsServers_10_13”, “description”: “All Windows servers in dir domain with 10. Use @ to get from file. of variable precedence in Ansible Tower as it compares to variable precedence in Ansible. The groups variable is also unavailable, it gets created at Ansible Master Ansible Tower for effortless playbook and inventory management, elevating your automation skills to the next level with practical, user-friendly strategies. Groups and Hosts¶ 18. This is wrong, you need to use "ansible_facts" to Organization administrators have admin permission to inventories in their organization and can create Smart Inventories. In the search pop-up window, change the search criteria from Name to Smart Inventories; 14. 12. Ansible and Ansible Tower provide a powerful variable system. The ungrouped group contains all hosts that don’t have another group aside from all. To have inventory syncs behave as they did before, it is now required that both --overwrite and --overwrite_vars are set. Autoscaling; 25. description:DEVELOP. Even if you do not define any groups in your inventory file, Ansible creates two default groups: all and ungrouped after integrating all inventory sources. Enter variables using either JSON or YAML syntax. Use the radio button to toggle between the two. We are Need the ability to filter inventory hosts in Ansible Tower using host variables Lets say I have these inventories defined in ansible tower. I found out the variable for ip’s when I looked at the Details for a host in Ansible 13. variables:develop inventory. 0). controller. Red Hat provided this syntax for smart host filter, name. Add a new inventory; 15. If you don't have Tower, there are other options though. An accordion-style menu appears for Scan Job Templates under the inventory’s Ansible Tower Version 3. $”, but it did not work as I’m getting 'No records matched your search’ . 0. Every host will always belong to at least 2 groups (all and ungrouped or all and some I’m using Tower 3. Hi, using AAP there is this module ansible. In this blog post I will show you how to overcome this limitation and add hosts to a Smart Inventory using, for example, a range query on if a host is part of a subnet. If value not set, will try environment variable TOWER_HOST and then config files. Larger Host Counts; Inventories are necessary for running pretty much anything in Ansible. Ansible Facts: The "Key" button (aka legend/help) in Ansible Tower suggests to use the term "facts" to access Ansible Facts. To use ansible_facts to define the host filter when creating Smart Inventories, perform the following steps:. An empty string also evaluates to false. 1 "": Hosts have a direct link to this inventory. The second playbook in the workflow consumes the Ansible extra variable “integration_results_url”. Options. shell> ansible-doc -t inventory ansible. Now I want the user to input variables (say he enters kanto and unova) then the script is only supposed to run on those hosts. 19. ; Enter the appropriate details into the following fields: Name: Enter a name appropriate for this inventory. Add a new inventory¶. I have a “credential” with a vault password and have it associated with a template. these vars are included for all hosts production/ # all files in here are automatically included for production hosts foo. host_filter: Filter that will be applied to the hosts of this inventory. Groups may be sourced manually, by entering host names into Tower, or from one of Ansible Tower’s supported cloud providers. , @path/to/file. One option would be to use the group_by module to generate inventory groups named after the subnet of the primary IP (which I think you could glean using the ipaddr filter). ini and used by the inventory update script. It creates some variables per host which contain azure information. 9. Scan Job Templates¶. You are on the right track about hostvars. Hi All, Need to declare few group variables in server Inventory of Ansible Tower and retrieve them in playbook. environment:develop. We are trying to create a smart inventory based on host variables. We are using ansible 2. just curious, what did your company end up replacing Tower with? 14. No translations currently exist. Ansible Tower Variable Precedence Hierarchy (last listed wins) 16. 6. 5[0-1]. The Ansible Tower documentation is a little mysterious for the: Smart Inventory -> Smart Host Filter -> Dynamic Host. To use this script in AAP/Tower, you will need to create a custom inventory script in the AAP/Tower web interface, and specify the path to the script in your job template. ; Description: Enter an arbitrary description as appropriate (optional). [preview] This module is maintained by the Ansible Community. [community] If you have Ansible Tower, I think there is a way to create smart inventory groups based on host fact or other search queries. Using the following syntax worked: {“name”: “zookeepernodes”, “description”: “ZooKeeper Nodes for Kerberos Project”, Find the Ansible Tower documentation set which best matches your version of Tower. These fields exist in my variables but I can’t seem to figure out the format to grab them I saw an email from a few years Organization containing this inventory. Default groups . Click on the “Demo Inventory” link for the stock inventory provided by Ansible Tower. 51. yml # same as above, but staging hosts group_vars/ all. Host and/or inventory variables can win over role defaults, but not explicit includes like the vars directory or an include_vars task. tower_inventory – create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower inventory smart; The kind field. An empty inventory has one implied host — localhost (which is the Ansible Tower node), and that is where we want all API calls to originate from. 6 Fixed Inventory Updates to properly save group_vars inside of Tower group variables when used with Ansible 2. constructed For example, create the project below for testing Tangentially related to the API when utilizing the AWX and Tower CLI I ran into a similar issue of variables not being taken when launching jobs. (string, default=””) Hello everyone, I created a dynamic inventory for azure and connected it to my test AWX instance. 7¶ Fixed Smart Inventory filters to no longer filter by the content of sensitive fields. 2. This stage will inevitably be specific to Vmware. ansible variables in inventory. yml I have been having a really tough time trying to use variables that are defined within an Inventory file. hosts. server. Inventory Plugins; 15. x. Smart Inventories are described in further detail in Smart Inventories. It calls out to the web using the uri module to get the contents of the file uploaded by the previous Job 11. I use the following to create: echo -n 'password' | ansible-vault encrypt_string --stdin-name 'variable_name' which You can build your inventory, using a dynamic script or otherwise, and then create a playbook that caches the desired host variables as ansible facts. 6¶ Fixed Tower callback plugin handling of v2_playbook_on_notify events. This is wrong, you need to use "ansible_facts" to access facts. ; Variables: Variable Show Changes: Allows you to see the changes made by Ansible tasks. These can be simple, static lists with static groups, or they can be dynamically generated, with one or more inventory plugins to source the data. So much time wasted on such a simple miss. 1', 'ansible_connection': 'local'} Launch an ad hoc job against the localhost using the ping or setup module. Relaunching Job Templates¶ Instead of manually relaunching a job, a relaunch is denoted by setting launch_type to relaunch. Inventories are divided into groups and these groups contain the actual hosts. Define host filter with ansible_facts . Add a new inventory; 14. 0. cfg"-name: Copy inventory inventory: name: Copy Foo Inventory copy_from: Default Inventory description: "Our Foo Cloud Servers" organization: Foo state: present # You can create Also you might consider re-organizing your inventory file structure to something like. You can optionally specify a file path e. (string, default=””) 15. If a host is a member of multiple groups, Ansible reads variable values from all Click the button and select Inventory from the drop-down menu list. name-/ required. Here are the steps to create a custom inventory script: Log in to the AAP/Tower web interface and navigate to the "Inventory Scripts" page. txt into the Ansible variable “integration_results_url”. But, you don't want to include an empty string. 15. You can define a I’m still new to the Tower interface and I’m having trouble understanding the smart inventory filters. awx. 8. I’m still new to the Tower interface and I’m having trouble understanding the smart inventory filters What kind of filter would I need to make to only grab “Windows” machines? I noticed that the “variables” section of each host has a key-pair “platform”: “windows” Would I just be checking if “variables” contains “platform”: “windows”? It seems really messy 15. ini [mygroup] host1 ansible_host=host1 ansible_user=user1 ansible_password=password1 host2 ansible_host=host2 ansible_user=user1 ansible_password=password1 host3 awx. awx. I am using the following filter rule in the API section. $|^10. awx collection. Before executing, however, Ansible always flattens variables, including inventory variables, to the host level. A Smart Inventory is a collection of hosts defined by a stored search. 13. Enough talking about it, let's see an example. An Inventory is a collection of hosts against which jobs may be launched, the same as an Ansible inventory file. Ansible Tower Version 3. The solution was that on the Job Template in Tower the "Prompt on Launch" setting needed to checked for the variable to pass through. I want to make a smart inventory to grab only say, CentOS hosts, or only Linux hosts. I’m trying to filter our Tier 1 RHEL servers on Ansible Tower smart inventory that have ip’s of 10. inventories/ production. To install it use: ansible-galaxy collection install awx. Autoscaling; 26. Create “localhost” host in inventory with variables: {'ansible_host': '127. Ansible Tower provides a demo inventory for you to use as you learn how Tower works. Currently my host inventory looks as below. - name: Add tower inventory tower_inventory: name: "Foo Inventory" description: "Our Foo Cloud Servers" organization: "Bar Org" state: present tower_config_file: "~/tower_cli. ini, its your prod hosts staging. Inventories¶. --variables <json/yaml> ¶ Inventory variables in JSON or YAML format. Extra variables can be defined a various places in Tower, such as in a Job Template, in Inventory, or in a Credentials Store. 2 (1,2) Variables defined in inventory file or provided by dynamic Trying to get a ansible tower job to run on survey-variable based inventories? Ask Question Asked 3 years, 10 Multiple inventories seems like the best way but ansible tower only allows one inventory to be set during a job. Ansible Tower User Guide v3. Note. Setting the second argument in default to true means 'use default with variables that evaluate to false'. 5 or later. group that lets you create,delete, update groups and add variables to the groups. To access scan job templates directly, click on the button of a selected Inventory to edit the inventory’s properties (above the display of groups and hosts). With the release of Ansible Tower 2. variables:develop inventory. Share Follow. Note This plugin is part of the awx. Scan jobs are special Job Templates that only collect information about the host on which the job is running. ansible_ssh_host is deprecated in favor of ansible_host since 2. Find the Ansible Tower documentation set which best matches your version of Tower. You cannot create hosts from a Smart Inventory host endpoint (/inventories/N/hosts/) as with a normal inventory. The Jobs link displays a list of jobs and their statuses–shown as completed successfully or failed, or as an active (running) job. awx collection (version 19. (string, default=””) variables: Inventory variables in JSON or YAML format. We can however externally invoke the Tower REST API for the job template multiple times with different credentials passed as parameters. Groups may be sourced 15. --kind {,smart} ¶ Kind of inventory being represented. ; Organization: Choose among the available organizations. (default) smart: Hosts for inventory generated using the host_filter property. Tasks defined outside of a role will see the last role’s defaults. Using nested inventory lists in Ansible playbooks. Examples: Not having this is causing my companies new adoption of Ansible Tower to consume multiple licenses as a result of not being able to use variables when creating smart inventory in the UI. 1. The Ansible Tower User Guide discusses all of the functionality available in Ansible Tower and assumes moderate familiarity with Ansible, including concepts such as Playbooks, Variables, and Tags. Groups may be sourced manually, by entering host names into the automation controller, or from one of its supported cloud providers. However i’m struggling to understand how to combine different inventory sources in the best way. 5. . This article will detail how to build a dynamic inventory in tower, by using an ansible inventory plugin. The all and ungrouped don’t get auto generated until ALL inventory sources are parsed, they would only exist for the constructed file if they had been defined in the static one. At the same time, there are some variables reserved to one or the other, which cannot be used by others, but can be helpful. This is the equivalent of passing the --become option to the ansible-playbook command. e. This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. What kind of filter would I need to make to only grab “Windows” machines? I In this chapter we’ll introduce you to building dynamic inventories using custom inventory scripts. 13. Ansible Tower Variable 14. "": Hosts have a direct link to this inventory. Ansible Tower helps teams manage complex multi-tier deployments by adding control, knowledge, and delegation to Ansible-powered environments. Use Some examples to use the search box in Tower to filter or create smart inventory /etc/ansible/hosts or your own inventory file; lookup vars plugin; register parameter and debug module; If you are not familiar with extra variables, refer to Ansible - --extra-vars (variables) command line option. The all group contains every host. Can I create a Tower Smart Inventory using host variables? Can Ansible Tower Smart Inventories be created using host variables? Solution In Progress - Updated 2024-06-14T15:26:56+00:00 - English . Variable Management for Inventory; 25. 9 and Ansible Automation Platform Controller 4. Footnotes. yml # or all/ . yml bar. 3. Overview smart inventories; smart inventories add new; sorting variable inventory management best practices; variable precedence, variables bubblewrap; Vault Jeff Geerling (geerlingguy) demonstrates dynamic inventory, building inventory from dynamic sources like custom backends or cloud infrastructure systems like -name: Add inventory inventory: name: "Foo Inventory" description: "Our Foo Cloud Servers" organization: "Bar Org" state: present controller_config_file: "~/tower_cli. For the moment I have used it for creating specific windows groups with special vars as si shown below in the example - name: Add groups with vars ansible. ini in the Ansible GitHub repo. regex:“^10. Inventory is named "lab_vm" in AWX and use either the hostname or the UUID of the VM. group: name: "windows_group" description: "I am a I am trying to create a smart inventory based on one specific host variable called as name. Hello! I am struggling with how I can use both the satellite plugin inventory as well as the inventory from a project in Ansible Automation Platform. Inventory variables. For Example: Inventory File: [WebApp_Login] server1 server2 server3 [WebApp_Login:vars] route=login [WebApp_Sweetness] server2 [WebApp_Sweetness:vars] route=sweetness [WebApp_ReallyAwesomeSweetness] server3 tower_inventory – create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower inventory smart; The kind field. Just wondering if I can search based on inventory variables. Ignore the Demo Inventory, and click on the green plus (+) button to add a new inventory Show Changes: Allows you to see the changes made by Ansible tasks. --host_filter <text> ¶ Filter that will be applied to the hosts of this inventory. tower_inventory – create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower inventory. To access scan job templates directly, click on the button of a selected Inventory to edit the As I'm in ansible 2. Enable Privilege Escalation: If enabled, run this playbook as an administrator. The administrator of a Smart Inventory has permission to edit fields such as the name, description, variables, and the ability to delete, but does not have the permission to modify the host_filter, because that affects which hosts (that have a primary membership inside Note. click on Inventories to open the inventories list stored in the Ansible Tower. In the meantime, a workaround for me is to put “DEVELOP” in the description of the inventory, then in the smart inventory I can put inventory. Job Templates do not allow us to set multiple machine credentials and use them automatically for a subset of hosts in an inventory. ; Allow Provisioning Callbacks: Enable a host to call back to Tower via the Tower API and invoke the launch of a job from this job template. yml # or production. Running Ad Hoc Commands Most likely you will use callbacks with dynamic inventory in Tower, such as pulling cloud inventory from one of the supported cloud providers. A job is an instance of Tower launching an Ansible playbook against an inventory of hosts. 50. Show Changes: Allows you to see the changes made by Ansible tasks. 3 I can't use the add_host module (see Jack's answer and add_host docs) and that would be a superior solution. The following table notes the behavior (hierarchy) of variable precedence in Ansible Tower as it compares to variable precedence in Ansible. The API method to set filter for Smart Inventory works on host variables however, i am not able to filter the hosts in smart inventory based on ansible_facts. Fixed a CSRF vulnerability in Tower (CVE-2018-10884) 10. Answering my own question. Another great feature of the automation controller to deal with inventories is the Smart 13. 9. hostvars is a hash with inventory hostnames as keys. 6; 1. x, 10. For a detailed description of these variables view vmware_inventory. The name to use for the inventory. 4. cfg" Status. I’m trying to add a vaulted variable as an extra variable at either the inventory or template. 1. This magic variable is used to access information about other hosts. Search criteria can be host attributes (like groups) or facts (such as installed software, services, hardware or whatever information Ansible pulls). We have a specific playbook to manage See Add a new inventory in the Ansible Tower User Guide for detail. It is getting set when i run PUT for the filter changes but it doesn’t identify the hosts where AIR_ID_32 14. Tasks in each role will see their own role’s defaults. Smart Inventories; 15. variables. To access fields of each host, use hostvars['test-1'], hostvars['test2-1'], etc. Larger Host Counts; Find the Ansible Tower documentation set which best matches your version of Tower. Running Ad Hoc Commands; 16. Also ‘composed’ varaibles are not available until the end of the plugin run, so you cannot define and use in another source. inventory – create, update, or destroy Automation Platform Controller inventory. To create a new inventory: Click the button, which opens the Create Inventory window. 21. Variable Management for Inventory; 26. Therefore, I'll use a different trick to augment an existing ansible inventory file, reload and use it. Cannot be modified after created. In the Create new smart inventory screen, click the button next to the Smart host filter field to open a pop-up window to filter hosts for this inventory. This is where Smart Inventory comes in. This plugin is part of the awx. 2 with Ansible 2. Jobs¶. This should have been fixed in 2017! Our team solved this by no longer using Ansible Tower/AWX. inv I am setting up a vmware job in Ansible Tower to snapshot a list of VM's, ideally, this list should be generated by AWX/Tower from the vSphere dynamic inventory. Smart inventory is another option but it seems that it removes all the groups of the previous inventory so all I seem Group variables are a convenient way to apply variables to multiple hosts at once. Use the Source Variables field to override variables found in vmware. 14. Fixed potential information leakage via websocket. Through the invoke_set_stats playbook, set_stats is then invoked to artifact the URL of the uploaded integration_results. So you should first remove "_ssh" from inventory hosts arguments (i. A Smart Inventory can be viewed like a standard inventory and used for job runs. A Smart Inventory is identified by KIND=smart. x, and 10. g. Job Templates. 0, edits and additions to Inventory host variables now persist beyond an inventory sync as long as --overwrite_vars is not set. yml--insights_credential <id> ¶ 10. organization-/ required. qrr ctrgnyfv pwg xktckv auqun ticpj ernh zykvk fkxdc xkvq etfbghd vztcsg lgpxq sdb puvus