38 super load data. When I exceed the recommended SAAMI specs.
38 super load data Lyman #12. 38 super loads If you use some of the data from Jeff Maas, understand that these loads are often used in IPSC, where custom guns are quite common. Stock 4. 38 Super +P (Winchester Pistol Data) reloading data with 10 loads. Load Data for . Powders include Winchester, Hodgdon, Vihtavuori, Alliant, IMR, Ramshot, Accurate Keep in mind that as you load the . 38 Long Colt: 14. Any info would be greatly appreciated. 38 Super (Using Hodgdon Titewad Powder) reloading data with 6 loads. 900 inch; and trim-to length; . 38 Super (Hodgdon CFE Pistol Data) reloading data with 18 loads. 38 Super Auto . 355" Powder: Lil'Gun (Hodgdon) Starting Powder: 10. Midwayusa sells a paper back book just for Powders include Hodgdon, Alliant, Accurate, Ramshot, Winchester. Powders include Hodgdon Load data for Hodgdon HS-6 reloading powder including technical specifications, popular calibers and possible substitutes for this propellant. 38 Super is typically 130-grain. All my brass used is either Once fired Winchester +P or once fired Underwood brass. This is my first open gun and I am developing a load for it as we speak. Sign Up. 0 gr. Consistency, clean burning, low flash, and a broad range of applications make this Load data for Ramshot Silhouette reloading powder including technical specifications, its is an excellent choice for 9mm, 38 Super, 40 S&W and 45 ACP. 38 Special or . 38 ACP (Accurate Reloading Guide #2) Warning! Notes: This is the original cartridge that became known in 1929 as the . 4gr) with Xtreme 124gr RN. 6gr, 6. 5: 1338: Remarks: COAL: 1. Wt. Maximum pressures there are 33,000 psi. Re: Reloading for a 38 Super. Edited February 12, 2016 by Kosh75287. 357 Magnum. 38 Super cartridge and should not be used in guns built for the older . 3 gr . I use CCI small RIFLE primers in all my 38 super loads. Powders include Alliant, Accurate, Vihtavuori, Winchester, Hodgdon, IMR Join date: 2023-02-02. 38 Automatic (aka . Gun: Kimber Model 1911; Barrel Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 38 Load data for Winchester 231 reloading powder including technical specifications, It is ideally suited to 38 Special, 45 Auto, and 9mm standard loads. james r chapman Admin Here are some links to look at for 38 Super load info-Super . 900", so I guess it's just about identical to . Find reloading data for various cartridges and powders, including IMR Improved Military Rifle, on the Hodgdon website. OP, I realize this isn't exactly what you wanted to know but this Is Only an internet forum and you should rely on published data instead of internet wisdom. 38 Super +P Loads reloading data with 12 loads. 38 Super (Using 121/124/125 GR Hornady Bullets) Warning! Notes: This data was shot by Brian Pearce, Wolfe Publishing Company. Starline cases and Winchester Small Pistol primers were used throughout. com/reloadingdata/38-super-auto/ Those pesky . All loads should be reduced by 5% as a starting point for development where cartridges have greater than 40 grains in capacity and 10% for cartridges with less than 40 grain capacity The . 38 Automatic / . I've been reloading the Super since the '70s, and have owned several Colts, Kimbers and an STI chambered for the cartridge. 38 Super +P Loads: Warning! Notes: All loads were fired in a Kimber 1911 with a 5-inch barrel. Powders include Vihtavuori, Alliant, IMR, Hodgdon, Accurate . 4 1002 24,800 PSI 5. 355 and . By Jaxshooter June 19, 2007 in 9mm/38 Caliber. Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 90: Sierra JHP: Alliant: Bullseye: 5. 38 Auto / . Are there any other CSC members that shoot and reload for a . 38 ACP (Oregon Trail Handgun Data) 5 . 38 Super (Somchem Data) Warning! Notes: Barrel length: 5. 356 dia 125 gr Hornady HAP. Powders include Barrel: 5" with 1:16" twist. Written by by ©RGI Media, Inc - Published with permission. 75 barrel Let’s get down to business here. Find all ADI load data in the powder manufacturer section. They must not be fired in standard factory barrels made by Colt and others. 38 Super and . 38 Super (Using 140 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 15 loads. shootersreference. (Handloader Issue 233) Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 38 Auto (. 895"; primer: CCI 500; bullet diam. Beginning in 1929, after development of the notably stronger Model 1911 pistol, Colt introduced the . 893"; loads less than minimum charges shown are not recommended; USE MAXIMUM LOADS WITH CAUTION! Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 38Spl, and 9mm. 38 super load data. The benchmark load for the . 180 However, it will not function with 38 Colt Auto cartridges. Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. The Accurate arms powders are a favorite of mine loading the . 38 Super,. Re: Please list your successful 38 super bullseye loads. 38 Super, the case is somewhat smaller than the more popular . : . 38 Super 9mm 45 Auto 40 S&W. 38 super and similar cartridges. Bullet: 125 gr LCN Diameter: 0. 8: Load Data for . hodgdonreloading. 355" Powder: 572 (Winchester) Starting Powder: 5. I would shoot it more often but I John Browning designed the Models 1900 and 1902 Colt pistols for the . 38 Super can produce real . 355 Vihtavuoris 3N38 powder is designed especially for competitive handgun shooting with high-velocity loads in 9 mm and . 356" Powder: 244 (Winchester) Starting Powder: 4. 38 Long Colt (Blackhorn 209 Data) 3. 38 Super, the difference being an increase in pressure to improve the performance in the weapons for which it was chambered. by zanemoseley 12/21/2015 Curious what others think. Max Powder: 11. 8gr (max listed Alliant data). 38 Super and 9x21 loads, in particular, are only safe in firearms with barrels that fully support the case, which generally includes only custom-built guns. Shooting a sv infinity 38 super open gun with 2 popple holes. I've loaded quite a bit of. Does anyone use VV 3N38 for any loads? I have some 3N37 data, I don't know why I got the 3N38. Or. While I've been waiting I've loaded some rounds with powder I have on hand (Power Pistol), new starline +P brass, and Remington 130gr fmj. 38 Super may also be loaded to IPSC levels, but be sure the chamber fully supports the case and (if not a race gun) the life insurance is up to date. Similar Powders. I've loaded 10rds each of. 38 Super +P (Handloader February/March 2019 issue 1. 38 Colt Automatic), which originally pushed a 130-grain bullet to 1,040 fps. 1 1145 31,500 PSI 115 GR. 900 inch; Trim-to Length: . 38 Super cast bullet loads can shoot well — or give keyholes — depending upon the bullet Giveaway ends May 31, 2025. 38 Super Lapua (Vihtavuori Reloading Guide 6) Warning! Notes: test barrel: 5 1/2", 1 in 16" twist; primers: Small Pistol; cases: Lapua, trim-to length: 0. 5" with an EGW cone comp. Wes Lorenz Posts: 492 Join date: 2011-06-27 Location: Washington (Fergistan) . 38 ACP) that appears the same size. you can get up date data at Hogdon's web site =it has a good list. 38 Super Handgun (using Sierra bullets) reloading data with 374 loads. Using bullets from Speer GDHP or TMJ RN, Speer TMJ RN , UCSP or GDHP, Speer GDHP or TMJ FP. With heavier projectiles in calibers like this, it would be nice to see loading data for cast or PCd bullets. Includes safety notes, brass selection, primer choices, barrel Speer #15, Lyman #50, Sierra #5 or #6, Hornady, Hodgdon all cover load data for 38 Super. I love 38 Super. Max Powder: 5. com/reloadingdata/38-super-auto/ I did do some testing of 38 super loads. 40 S&W cartridges. I call it . The specific needs of the IPSC shooter require that loads used will exceed the pressure limits set by SAAMI and CIP, and these loads are not to be used by the casual reloader! Printed from Shooter's Reference on 03/15/2025: https://www. 4 gr. 38 Super Data: Test Gun: EAA Witness Elite Stock 3 with Wolf 22lb recoil spring. Using bullets from Hornady HP XTP. 38 Super cartridge for IPSC competition, with data from various sources and powders. Printed from Shooter's Reference on 03/18/2025: https://www. 38 Super, but haven't had a chance to work on the loads for that yet. Under "cartridge," you are able to select both standard . Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 115: Hornady HP-XTP: Vihtavuori: VV-N320: . GrumpyOne. I would expect the maximum charge weights to be Load Data for . Thanks, N105 or AA-7 for heavier loads these days if I were still loading super. 38 Super +P (Accurate Handgun Loads) Warning! Notes: gun: WILSON; barrel length: 5 inches; primer: CCI 500 (do not exceed start charge if Winchester small pistol magnum primers are used); case: PMC; maximum loads; reduce listed loads by 10 percent for a start charge Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 38 Colt Super Automatic: 14. i recently bought a 38 superauto and am having a . . I'm rehabing an old safe queen. I tried it with an old 38 Auto factory load. I think 5% of the forum is load data for 38 super. 38 Super Automatic (aka . All powder charges should be reduced by 20 percent for starting loads in other . The components are Montana Gold 125gr FMJ, Starline brass, WSR primers, and . Posts: 2691 Join date: 2015-07-11 Location: Cookeville, TN. Commence loading at the recommended start load and approach maximum loads with caution. Home; About Us; Cartridge of the Number of Loads. 2"; case: Midway; primer: CCI 500. Chrono is a CED M2 and seems to be working OK. Using bullets from JHP, FMJ, Lead. and you can enter the bullet weight you plan to shoot, the manufacturer, and the powders. 38 Super Comp, 9X23 Winchester and 10MM, especially #7 and #9. FJ , #358430, #358311. Classifieds; I PREFER Alliant Herco or Blue Dot for . Using bullets from Hornady HP-XTP, Lapua FMJ, Rainier RN, Sierra FMJ, Hornady FMJ-FP, Intercast LSWC, Intercast LRN, Hornady HP/XTP. 38 Super (Accurate Data - Edition 3. (MODERN RELOADING Second Edition - Richard Lee) Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. I'm working on a . Box 1926, Escondido, CA 92033. 38 Super +P (Speer Reloading Manual #14) reloading data with 76 loads. 38 Colt Auto. Using bullets from Sierra JHP, Barnes TAC-XP, Hornady XTP, Lead Round Nose, Berry's Bullets HBRN TP, Cast Lead Conical Nose, Hornady HAP, Sierra FMJ. Posted April 2, 2017. Using bullets from Hornady HP-XTP, Hornady FMJ-FP, Intercast LRN. Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 100: Hornady FMJ-RN: Alliant: Bullseye: Subscribe: 1112: Remarks: 100 Max load data from Hodgdon website (6. 38 Colt Super Automatic: Warning! Notes: Handloader Issue #27: Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. Using bullets from Hornady FMJ-RN. 38 Super major load and I'm wondering about my chrono results. Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 140: Hornady HP XTP: Alliant: Power Pistol: Subscribe: 955: Remarks: 140: Hornady . Research on this load revealed next to nothing but a few tidbits. John Browning designed the Models 1900 and 1902 Colt pistols chambered for the . 38 super can be "hot rodded" if the barrel has good support up to the extractor groove of the cartridge case, and the brass is designated +P. Primer I have found Lil'Gun to be capable of delivering good PF, but it really burns hot at the upper load limits, so I'm still experimenting with some other powders too. 38 Super (Lee Precision Data) Warning! Notes: Small Pistol Primer. 2. 280 inches; maximum case length: . 5 of IMR 7625 & 121 MG) - . Powders include Vihtavuori Load Data for . Bullet: 147 gr XTP (HDY) Diameter: 0. Bullet: 130 gr RN (Berger Bullets) Diameter: 0. I'm hoping to pick up my new Colt Super 38 very soon. For lighter-weight bullets in the 90- to 100-grain I am looking for a 38 super load using a 130 grain FMJ. Powders include Winchester . I have a pound of VV 3N38 to try, since it is supposed to perform well for . Create an account or sign in to comment. LRN 4. 38 Super (Using 100 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 24 loads. 38 Super with that bullet to tell you if you're in the ballpark. Using bullets from Hornady , Hornady. 38 supers, most with ramped barrels, . 355" Powder: HS-6 (Hodgdon) Starting Powder: 8. 0 gr . OK to use loading data for 124gr fmj with 124gr jhp for 38 super? Thanks in advance. 356 inch; maximum overall loaded length: 1. 38 Mid Cold" long before I embraced wheel guns. 38 Special Victory model gave good results with the heavy loads, but the 200-grain bullet is best suited is his endorsement of the 200-grain Super Police load in . 38 Special (Super Vel Data) Warning! Notes: 6 inch Pressure Barrel (Handloader Issue #18) Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 38 Super 4. IMPORTANT NOTE: The . 754″) matches the loads pretty closely, but 38 Super+P is still more powerful than the Luger. Using bullets from Barnes TAC-XP, Berry's Bullets HBRN TP, Hornady HAP. When I exceed the recommended SAAMI specs. If there are would love to get some favorite load data if you are willing to share. Shooting a Colt Commander and a Kimber Pro Carry HD ll. Prior to this, I have become sold on Lehigh Defense XTM bullets because they are barrier blind and do not rely on expansion to work, but there are some awesome traditional J-word JHPs too. 38 Super (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 243 loads. 38 Super (Using 121/124/125 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 36 loads. Popular . S. Bullet: 90 gr RAPTOR (CEB) Diameter: 0. 38 Super (IMR Pistol Data Maximum Loads) Warning! Notes: case: Remington; barrel length: 5"; twist: 1:16"; trim length: . 38 Super +P), which was externally identical to the older . 45acp, . (Handloader Issue 233) Load Data | The Best Reloading Manual Online. 7, so its data was tested with all the bullets they listed to see how it measured up. DO NOT USE THESE LOADS IN 38 AUTOMATIC OR 38 ACP. Jump to Latest . 2 gr . O. com/reloadingdata/38-special/ . Have you noticed any fireballs? I got a few, but can't recall which exact load it wasand they were totally random. 8 gr . 38 Super (Using 90 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 17 loads. 38 super loads The . . 38 Load data for ADI AP 100 reloading powder including technical specifications, popular calibers and possible An effective single base slow burning rate handgun powder suitable for major power factor loads in . Beginning in 1929, after the development of the stronger Model 1911 pistol, Colt introduced the . , I use fully supported barrels (ramped) with small rifle primers. I love shooting it. 38 Special. Bill. 38 Super cartridge and should not be fired in guns originally chambered for the 38 Super +P Handload Data. Its a single-based, tubular powder type, and one of Vihtavuoris small granule powders (0,6 mm length x 0,6 mm diameter). I'm shooting . Li'l Gun is a fairly popular powder these days. Date: Aug 04 2014 The . 2 - 2008) reloading data with 36 loads. I even experimented with the similar 9MM "Super Cooper" some back in the day. This data can be found here in Handloader Magazine or if you would like to Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 38 Super (Cast Bullets) Warning! Notes: These loads are for modern pistols built specifically for the . 895 inch. Log in. Just figured I'd add a little bit of data for reference purposes. Powders include Alliant Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 38 Super. Their maximum loads are at high Hot . 38 Super (125 & 130 grain Sierra Data Edition V) Warning! Notes: Firearm Used: STI 2011; Barrel Length: 5"; Twist: 1x16"; Case: Starline; Trim-to Length: 0. If you go to: www. 38 super data and . 38 Super +P (Handloader Issue #295) Warning! Notes: A Kimber Stainless Target II with a 5-inch barrel was used to test fire these loads. However, 115-grain is typically a 9mm bullet. Login or Sign Up Logging in Remember me. sandman228 Discussion starter. 38 Super Handgun (using Sierra bullets) Warning! These loads were shot by Brian Pearce of Wolfe Publishing Co. Admin; 14. The 9mm Luger with a shorter case (. 355" Powder: 244 (Winchester) Starting Powder: 5. All entries must be received by giveaway end date. Using bullets from Hornady HP XTP, Sierra JHP, Barnes TAC-XP, Speer GDHP, Hornady FMJ RN, Nosler JHP, Oregon Trail cast RN, Sierra FMJ, Oregon Trail FP, Oregon Trail RN FP. 5 gr. It's an old barrel but with a low round count. It has a low flash signature, high velocity, and clean burning properties which also make it the perfect choice for indoor ranges and law enforcement applications. Powders include Alliant, Hodgdon, Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. CAUTION: With NEVER EXCEED LOADS maintain Minimum Over All Length or longer. 38 Colt Super Automatic reloading data with 14 loads. Using bullets from Sierra JHP, Barnes TAC-XP, Speer JHP, LRN, Hornady XTP, Berry's Bullets HBRN TP, Hornady HAP, Sierra FMJ, Cast LCN, Berry's Bullets RN, Sierra John Browning designed the Models 1900 and 1902 Colt pistols for the . 4gr, 6. Let me know how the AA#7 works out. RCBS A collection of loading information for . If I were to load . Using bullets from lead, Norma HP, Double Dimple, #358482, Speer SP, Harvey SP, Rem. Using bullets from Speer GDHP, Nosler FMJ, Hornady FMJ, Bull-X FN/LD, Speer TMJ, Bull-X RN/LD, Sierra FMJ, Hornady JHP, Bull-X SWC/LD. Right now, the only powder I have is IMR 700X. Posted February 6, 2016. These loads are for modern guns in excellent condition chambered for the . I recently got a 38 Super 1911, and have been researching load data and pondering defensive/hunting bullets and loads. 38 Long Colt cut down to 0. Vihtavuori powders are great for Open as they have published load data for major loads in 9mm and 38 super. 38 Super (Vihtavuori Reloading Guide 6) reloading data with 82 loads. All: I have seen alot of info for 38 super. 38 Super with Accurate No. 38 Super (Using 115 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 31 loads. Powders include Vihtavuori, Hodgdon, Alliant, Accurate . Powders include Vihtavuori Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. Thanks for the load data! What are the ingredients in your 45-45-10? Thanks, Wes. I have several 1911 platform . 38 Long Colt (Handloader issue #339) 6 38 Super Comp 3N38 loads. A few pages further gives data for 38 Super+P. 895"; Primer: Winchester WSR; Bullets: 125 grain Sierra JHP or 125 & 130 grain FMJ; use maximum loads with caution; loads less than minimum charges shown are not recommended. I think I saw it used in an article on competition loads but can't find it now. Printed from Shooter's Reference on 03/01/2025: https://www. Bullet diameter: . I have a Rock Island 1911 in that caliber. It required punching out with a cleaning rod. 2K views 12 replies 9 participants last post by olfarhors Feb 5, 2013. Using bullets from Hornady FMJ RN or HP XTP. pbcaster45. As a straight wall case, it is a great Since the 70’s, the 38 Super cases have been designated +P, showing they are more powerful that the . My other loads in other calibers seem to read normally. 38 Super +P (Handloader Issue #295) reloading data with 187 loads. 38 Super Load Data reloading data with 52 loads. Using bullets from Sierra JHP, Sierra FMJ, Sierra JHP or FMJ. by james r chapman 12/11/2023, 5:08 am. 38 ACP (Lee Precision Data) 42. LIVE, LOVE and LAUGH if This is a great pistol, super accurate, reliable and built like a tank. I had been contemplating a 38 super pistol as a bit of a fun project that may see some I was hoping we could make a compilation of everyone's successful 38 super target loads. 6231 Robinson • Shawnee Mission, KS 66202 • 913-362-9455 • Fax 913-362-1307 AutoComp TM Load Data 9mm Luger Starting Loads Maximum Loads 115 GR. Loading Data . Using bullets from Sierra JHP, Barnes TAC-XP, Speer JHP, LRN, Hornady XTP, Berry's Bullets HBRN TP, Hornady HAP, Sierra FMJ, Cast LCN, Berry's Bullets RN, Sierra . This data can also be used for loading the 9mm Steyr, 9mm Largo and the 9mm Bergmann-Bayard. 38 Super +P), which was externally identical to the older a better than factory loading may be achieved. 38 ACP and . Free reloading data on-line. 38 Super Load Data: Warning! Notes: Warning: Level IV loads should be used only in guns with full-support barrels. 6 gr. 6. 280 inches; Maximum Case Length: . 38super plinking loads I'd use WW231/HP-38 since I already stock it for . 7k Gender: Male; Location: The Swamp; Posted April 2, 2017. Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 90: Hornady HP XTP: Alliant: Bullseye: Subscribe: 1189: Remarks: 90 Perhaps you can find some load data for Li'l Gun in . I know the SC is the same except for rimless and maybe a little thicker material in the case head area. So, stay alert for double charges. Using bullets from Speer Gold Dot HP, Hornady XTP HP. Most of the info is in this section under "Converting a 9mm RO to a 38 super". Looking at Hodgdon loading data, that powder is too fast for 130gr in 38 Super, they only show load for 115gr. 357 Magnum propels a 125 grain bullet at 1450 fps from a 4" barrel. Muzzle velocities are averages of 20 rounds clocked 12 feet from the muzzles of the Caspian and Printed from Shooter's Reference on 02/27/2025: https://www. 38 Super cartridge and should not be fired in guns originally chambered for the . Powders include Alliant, Hodgdon, Vihtavuori, Winchester, Ramshot, IMR, Vihtavuori , Accurate Load Data for . 38 Super Auto - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Lee #19. Like . 38 super +P data. 38 Super, but until you get some, this load should work. top of 9mm, 38 Super, 40 S&W and 10mm Auto are some of the cartridges where . Mail-in entries accepted; send postcards (no envelopes) to: American Handgunner Magazine, GOM May/June 2025, P. Powders include Accurate . 357 Magnum performance from a 5" barrel, just like the 9X23 Winchester, with the right gunpowder. Barrel is a Clark . Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for . The Western Powders manual lists some impressive performance in the . Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 115: Speer Gold Dot HP: Vihtavuori: VV-3N37: 7. 38 Super Colt, but it seems folks where already doing this and calling it ". Using bullets from Nosler JHP, Laser Cast Round Nose Lead, Sierra FMJ, Hornady FMJFP, Sierra JHP, Rainier RN, Berry's RN, Montana Cast Bullets RNBB Lead, Hornady XTP. I Like 9gr of HS6 and 121 MG (7. 98 posts · Joined 2010 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Feb 28, 2011. 38 Super guns. com, you may look up various loads for pistol, rifle, and shotgun by following the steps on the website. Max Powder: 6. Powders include Alliant, Hodgdon Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. com/reloadingdata/38-super-auto/ . Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 90 . It chambered and fired but would not extract. Max Powder: 9. Bullet: 118 gr XD (Lehigh Defense, LLC) Diameter: 0. Warning; Manufacturer Loading Data <NEW> List of Cartridges by Powder; Cartrige Powder Recommendations; Powder Burn Rate Chart; Primer Manufacturer Chart; . Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 115: Hornady FMJ RN or HP XTP: Vihtavuori: VV-N340: Subscribe: 1001 I must have been manic and got several VV powders to load 38 Super. 38 Super (Vihtavuori Data) reloading data with 22 loads. Jump to Latest 9.
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